My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 985: Is it the emperor?

Riding a bird?

This guy is really amazing!

In the eyes of Xia Yuyan and Tong Miaoke, Su Jin has now perfectly explained what is called ‘Crazy Cool Hanging’! Now it is said that he is the handle of the pretending world, the dominant figure, the first spokesperson, who dares to object?

The point is, he still takes it seriously, can he be more funny? It's really annoying!

"There are many birds in the brain, and everything is sick..." Tong Miaoke said in a weird tone, blushing, could not help staring at Su Jin.

"I called the doctor! The doctor will be here soon!" Xia Yuyan was also angrily laughed, she was really taking the scorching official Su!

"Sorry." Su Jin sighed and arched his hands: "Pretending to be paralyzed like a knee-jumping reflex, involuntarily. Forgive me!"

Now Su Daguanren’s eyes really didn’t blink. Tong Miaoke took a bath at night, changed to a better pajamas, and combed his hair with a ponytail, feeling much purer, and Xia Yuyan looked like this. , I can only say that she is a thorough village girl, and the clothes she wears are too cheap. This can only be said to be made by him Su Jin.

However, at this moment, Xia Yuyan's dress was very flavorful, and he would give up after taking a closer look.

Before the two girls could speak, Su Jin said again: "Miss Xia, sister Miao Ke, let's go back. By the way, let me talk about how you were brought before."

Hearing Su Jin's words about these three unfamiliar words from Miss Xia, Xia Yuyan felt distressed in her heart, but think about it, at this point, this guy still wants to hide from her, it is hard to say, and she feels better. A lot.

Tong Miaoke looked strangely from the two of them, after all, he could not see why Su Jin called his wife Miss Xia!


At this time, deep underground.

"Are you going to tell me!"

Meng girl sat cross-legged, staring at the "Ksitigarbha King" sitting on the opposite side for a long time, just...she was entangled in every way, after all, she just wanted a result.

There are powerful rumors in the **** that the Ksitigarbha has practiced a mysterious Buddhist technique of'passing the ancient and the modern', but it is only a legend. Nowadays, the possibility of this kind of practice being practiced by the Ksitigarb is increasing. She understands very well. She concealed something from her and didn't want her to know. Because before the Great Emperor fell, he used his avatar to talk secretly with Ksitigarbha for a few days. As for the content, no one knew what they were talking about.

"That girl..." Jizo, who was incarnation of the handsome young man, also had a headache for Meng Girl, so she had to say: "I can only tell you that the girl named Xia Yuyan is a tragedy..."

"Tragedy? It's getting more and more interesting." Miss Meng squinted her beautiful eyes. "After Su Jin left **** that day, I went to the'Palace of Life and Death' to check. According to the information in the book of life and death, Xia Yuyan was his The name of her spouse was mysteriously added more than 20 years ago, including her sister Xia Yunxi. The two daughters’ previous lives were blank."

"Yes." The handsome Jizo King nodded.

"They are not easy." Miss Meng took a deep breath, then got up gently, turned around, and stopped in place before leaving. After thinking for a while, she seemed to think of her sadness, but she did not look back but she dropped two lines of tears. "I beg you, I only ask you one last sentence, Su Jin... is he... the Great Emperor."

Jizo was silent.

Miss Meng waited for a long time without responding, wiping her tears sadly, taking a lotus step, going further and further.

In the end, the voice of the handsome Jizo King appeared in her ears.

"I do not know."


The road leading to Huishan Township no longer rains.

The starry sky is like a world compass, or like a chess piece from heaven and earth, shining on this land.

"That's how things are." Tong Miaoke said in confusion as he walked.

"Cobbler." Su Jin already understood what happened.

Xia Yuyan had just finished speaking for the first time. What she experienced was relatively simple. She just heard someone calling her, she involuntarily went downstairs and followed the old woman. What Tong Miaoke had experienced was not Less details.

It turned out that Tong Miaoke first recognized the identity of the old woman in Huishan Town. The old woman was a shoe repairer in the town for decades. Her life was very difficult. No one in Huishan Town knew her home. Where is it, but it's weird. She would repair her shoes at the same place every day, so they all knew each other and were very familiar.

"No matter, the old woman is dead, and the threat has been relieved." Su Jin no longer struggled, looking at the brightly lit town in front, and said: "Xia Yuyan, there is a restaurant in front of you, go by yourself, I have to take a second But my sister sent it back."

"Huh." Xia Yu's cigarette mouth turned up. It was impossible to say that she didn't taste it. She felt sour in her heart. After Su Jin finished speaking, she quickly walked to a restaurant dozens of meters away. Then he glared at where Su and Jin were, and walked in.

Su Jin hugged Tong Miaoke's shoulders and shocked the little Nizi.

"Go!" Su Jin turned around with Tong Miao.

"Brother Su, why did you call your wife Miss Xia just now!" Tong Miaoke felt a little nervous.

"Broken up."

"It's divided! Why!" Tong Miaoke looked very surprised.

"For you--" Su Jin joked.

"I? How can I be better than Sister Xia, her face is not as beautiful as her, and her family is even more different. It's incomparable." Tong Miao couldn't understand, and hummed again: "I am not as fierce as her. "

"Haha." Su Jin moved her in front of her, staring into her big eyes and said: "You have to be confident, Brother Su will send you a word, you must remember."

"What?" Tong Miaoke asked curiously.

"The little lotus shows its sharp horns and will grow into a big steamed bun in the future!"

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