My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 989: I want to ask for a drink

When Xia Yuyan was experiencing the indescribable feeling.

Su Jin is very useful, full of fragrance in the small space with breathing, constantly challenging the last touch of reason in his mind.

"Su...Su Jin..." Xia Yuyan called Su Jin's name with a trembling voice.

"Busy!" Su Jin replied.

"Outside the door, there seems to be someone peeking outside..." Xia Yuyan was terrified.

Second Olympics.

I had known that I had just entered without breaking the door, causing the door to open wide. You must know that Young Master Su is about to start. Is it because he was maliciously targeted and wanted to appreciate it?

On horseback!

It is also called for the whole people to build a harmonious and happy life!

Su Jin was very annoyed and rolled out from the blanket. Just as he was about to have an attack, he looked up and saw that Xia Yuyan had already closed her beautiful eyes and had no reaction, and a slender jade finger was pressing on the center of Xia Yuyan's eyebrows.

His eyes widened, the person who appeared before him turned out to be...

Dream girl!

She was dressed in a green gauze dress, and her expression was serious as if she was searching for something.

"Sister Meng, you're immoral, don't let go of my wife!" Su Jin is innocent, who would have thought that Miss Meng came here quietly and stopped Xia Yuyan in a blink of an eye.

Miss Meng didn't pay attention to Su Jin at all. Her face was surprised and confused for a while. It took about two minutes before she gently withdrew her bare hand. She looked at Su Jin lightly and said, "Is it surprising?"

"It's a bit unexpected, when did you come?" Su Jin responded. He was relieved when he saw Xia Yuyan breathing evenly at the moment, there should be no danger.

"Hehe, just outside the window, I have been watching it for a while." Miss Meng did not hide it.

"Ciao, have you been following me since I came in?" Su Jin was very annoyed. He found that he was usually alert enough, but when the power of the dream girl appeared, he still couldn't find it. It was really hurtful. .

"Yes, it's very interesting to play, dry your saliva, let's talk." Meng girl walked to the sofa and sat down with fun.

Su Jin was embarrassed...

Especially he just spoke and didn't do anything! Not to mention taking a step further towards his wife, now he finds that this dream girl is interesting to him? So infatuated with the emperor, now you want to empathize with you?

Is it true that you are so handsome that you can empathize with others?

Fortunately, the official Su had no other talents, and his face was famous and blessed. He smiled, squinted at Meng Meng's slender figure, then rolled his eyes and said, "Sister Meng, if you have something to say, lie down and say Good!"

Miss Meng originally had a careless face. She was playing with a blue and white porcelain cup on the coffee table in front of the sofa. After hearing Su Jin's words, she raised her head and smiled at Su Jin Shiran, "Okay."

Beyond the expectations of the officials!

Sister Meng dare to take this kind of joke seriously?

Su Jin's face was weird, Xuan even got out of bed with a bitter smile, and looked at Miss Meng and said, "Sister Meng, give me a bowl of vinegar. Recently, I have a bad stomach!"

"Be serious, I only sell tea, do you dare to drink it?" Miss Meng asked with her big eyes full of aura. This is also Su Jin. If someone else dared to tease her like this, she would have long been in place.

"I want to ask for a drink." Su Jin sat next to her, staring at Xia Yuyan who was already sleeping, smiling slightly, his face was already serious.

"Do you want your wife to forget you?" Miss Meng pointed out.

"Yes." Su Jin didn't deny it, and then he stretched out his hand to scratch his head, "Let's talk, nothing is going to be the Three Treasures Palace, what's your intention?"

"One is to prevent you from going to the holy realm. There are already many masters gathered there. You have gone to death without life." Meng Mai continued: "Second, I want to verify my doubts."

"Holy realm? I'm going to America, not some holy realm." Su Jin shook his head.

"There are hidden sacred city residences. The location of the sacred sacrifice of the goddess of heaven is very particular. I heard that there will be an archangel coming soon. If you don’t go, they may come to find you. In our territory, they It may not be a benefit." Meng Girl frowned.

"If you don't go, won't you be a tortoise..." Su Jin shook his head, "You don't have to persuade me about this matter, your mind is determined, I will set off tomorrow!"

"You really can't bring back nine cows!" Miss Meng knew there was no hope of persuading her.

"Say what you want to verify, my wife is just an ordinary person, and you are embarrassed to shoot her." Su Jin said lightly.

"Ordinary person? You are crazy..." Meng Girl said in surprise: "Her mother, do you know who it is?"

"Her mother died in a car accident ten years ago." Su Jin answered her with certainty.

"Hehe, you're right." Meng girl sneered, "but after her mother died, she went to **** and became the'Supreme Queen Mother'. That woman was very mean, she went out and wandered ten years ago. Have not returned yet."

"It sounds like a big name, I don't know who her mother is more bullish than Hu Chunzhi, the eighth good man here?" Su Jin's tone was normal, but he was very shocked.

"Who is Hu Chunzhi?" Miss Meng wondered.

Su Jin:...

Well, co-author of Hu Chunzhi, a virtuous man of the eighth world, doesn't fart in the eyes of Miss Meng. You must know that your two masters of the magic stick are riding her wind, and went to **** to do a ghost!

Seeing Su Jin's stupid appearance, Meng Girl smiled, stretched out her hand and started to untie Su Jin's clothes, which frightened the officials!

Which one is this going to cause?

"Hey! Sister Meng...Don't be like this...My wife step on the horse and want to force are paralyzed!"

Su Jin didn't know what Meng Meng had gone crazy, but seeing what Meng Meng did next, he had only one thought in his mind: "I'm done."

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