My beautiful CEO

Chapter 1520

"No, if you dare tell Qingya, don't look for me again!" Liu Qingmei's words were firm and resolute. 'A novel, WWWWW.' 3TXT.COM

Qin Hai was helpless as Liu Qingmei had a soft personality and was very assertive. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to have sole authority in the Greenwood County.

"Sister Qingmei, I will accompany you more. I will only go back when you fall asleep!" Qin Hai walked up to Liu Qingmei and embraced her as he said.

Liu Qingmei's face immediately turned red as she embarrassedly said: "No, don't think I don't know what you are planning. If I let you stay, then it would be endless." "When you go back, I don't know what time it is. I've already gone to sleep. What's the difference between that and not going back?"

Liu Qingmei's face turned red as she lightly punched Qin Hai, "You only know how to say!"

Qin Hai laughed as he picked up Liu Qingmei and placed her on his lap. He hugged her and said: "Sister Qingmei, did you put on makeup today? It feels so much prettier than before. "

"Are you saying I'm ugly without makeup?"


"How dare you!"

Qin Hai laughed, his hands suddenly extended towards Liu Qingmei's waist and lightly scratched twice. Liu Qingmei could not help but laugh as she trembled uncontrollably in Qin Hai's embrace. In the end, she laughed loudly and said: "Stop scratching, I admit it, is that not enough?"

Liu Qingmei curled up in Qin Hai's embrace and sweetly smiled saying: "Then do you like the way I put on my makeup? I used to wear very little makeup and I didn't understand much about it. "

"What method?"

"I'll take you back to your room first, then I'll tell you!"

After Qin Hai finished speaking, he did not wait for Liu Qingmei to refuse and carried her by the waist all the way to the bedroom upstairs.

After a while, Liu Qingmei's surprised voice rang out from the room, "You cheated and said that you can't do it … …" "Woo woo …"

After an unknown amount of time, with a muffled grunt, Liu Qingmei suddenly kicked Qin Hai off the bed and tightly wrapped him with a blanket. Her face was completely red as she stared at Qin Hai who was sitting on the floor and said: "You should hurry up and go back otherwise it would be too late."

Rubbing his stomach, Qin Hai crawled up from the floor and asked, "Sister Qingmei, are you going to kill your husband?"

Liu Qingmei spat out: "I already said I can't do it, it was you who insisted on coming." Hurry up and go, I'm going to sleep! "

Qin Hai could only bitterly smile and kiss Liu Qingmei on the forehead, "Okay then, rest well. I will go back first."

After helping Liu Qingmei turn off the light and lock the door, Qin Hai left the Pageant Courtyard and drove back to Jade Dragon Island's # 1 building.

It was already around nine in the evening. When Qin Hai entered, Miao Qing was alone in the living room. Seeing that Qin Hai had returned, Miao Qing stood up happily, "Brother Hai, you're back!"

Qin Hai walked over and hugged Miao Qing, chuckling. "Xiao Qing, why aren't you going to rest? Were you waiting for me? "

Qin Hai didn't pay any attention to it. After talking to Miao Qing for a while and finding out that Lin Qingya had already returned to her room, he prepared to go up to see her.

Unexpectedly, Miao Qing suddenly called out to him, "Brother Hai, you'd better take a bath first. Then, you can go to Sister Qingya's room."

"Why?" Qin Hai asked in surprise.

"..." Qin Hai slapped his forehead as he almost forgot about this matter. If he were to head straight to Lin Qingya's room, Lin Qingya would definitely be able to smell the fragrance off Liu Qingmei's body. That would be bad.

Seeing that Qin Hai seemed to have woken up from a dream, Miao Qing couldn't help but burst out laughing.

When Qin Hai turned around and went upstairs, Miao Qing's eyes flashed with puzzlement. The smell of Qin Hai's body was very similar to Liu Qingmei's, and it just so happened that he came back from Liu Qingmei's place.

Could it be that Qin Hai and Liu Qingmei also … Thinking of this, Miao Qing's face revealed a look of surprise. She didn't dare to continue her train of thought.

After Qin Hai finished his bath, he went to Lin Qingya's room. Lin Qingya was lying on the bed reading. When she saw Qin Hai enter, she smiled and asked, "Why did you come back? Sister Qingmei is so lonely living there by herself. You should spend more time with her."

Lin Qingya smiled and leaned against Qin Hai, saying, "Actually, Sister Qingmei is also very pitiful. She's still so young. If she doesn't get married in the future, it would be too lonely to live by herself."

"It's not the same. I didn't understand this before, and it's only when I'm with you that I understand that no matter how successful women are in their careers, no matter how independent and capable they are, they will always be lonely if there's no love, no one to share it with. "It's a pity that Sister Qingmei is so beautiful and her figure is also so good. If she was willing to accept a new love, there would definitely be a lot of people chasing after her." Lin Qingya leaned into Qin Hai's embrace and sighed softly.

Qin Hai laughed, "There's no other way. You know her character, the decision can't be changed easily."

"I wish she could meet someone she likes in the future and have a new love."

"Like you?" Qin Hai lowered his head and asked.

Lin Qingya looked up at Qin Hai and smiled. "That's right. Just like me, find a good partner like you!"

Lin Qingya gazed into Qin Hai's eyes and emotionally said, "Because I know that you are truly being good to me. For my sake, you can give up on everything. This is enough!" I can't leave you any longer. No matter what kind of person you are, even if you are an unforgivable scoundrel, I won't leave you! "

"Wife, you're so stupid!" Qin Hai was deeply moved as he pulled Lin Qingya into his embrace.

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