My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 106: Bodyguard PK rich girl

Chapter 106 Chapter Bodyguard PK Rich Girl

"Hey, you guys really hurt it!" Luo Yan rolled his eyes. "You just cultivated the Diamond Sutra. It and the nine secluded laws are all the way to the sun. Last night, when you When King Kong passes through Xiaocheng, your body's yang is already strong enough. If there is no yin to reconcile, you will end up exploding and die."

“Hey?” Qin Chao’s heart was shocked and he rushed to practice the Diamond Sutra. He had such terrible consequences.

"And your yang is strong, it is the most terrible for women. Yin and Yang are attracted to each other. Last night, for women, it is like a deadly poison. No woman can resist your attraction, including my arrogance. ”

"However, fortunately, I am a female demon. I have seen too much to confuse and confuse. This is my compulsory course. So, I barely fled here."

"You know that Yu Lu will come, so you are leaving?" Qin Chao suddenly asked, let Luo Xiao suddenly panic, talking a little stuttered.

"Hey, what are you talking about. How can I know Yu Lu, Yu Lu will come! I am a demon, not a godsman who is not a prophet."

After that, Luo’s expression became a little annoyed. To Qin Chaodao, “You guys, don’t practice the unclear exercises in the future! Hey!”

When the voice fell, the female demon turned into black smoke and left again.

Although Luo Wei left, she told Qin Chao's theory of yin and yang reconciliation, but let Qin Chao's heart put aside points on Su Ji's guilt. It seems that this practice cannot be practiced indiscriminately.

But isn’t it a blessing in disguise this time?

At the door of Liao's house, Liao Shasha looked reluctantly and stood there with a small mouth. She wore a school uniform that was very familiar to Qin Chao. Oh, this is not the uniform of the Tianhua Aristocratic School. It turned out that this little girl, and Wu Xin that cow MM is a classmate.

If it is the normal Qin Dynasty, it will definitely YY the greatness of the cow MM. But at this time he was a little embarrassed, because Yu Lu, the first dew of the beautiful woman, stood next to them, whispering to Liao Shasha to pay attention to what should be paid attention to in school.

"Know, Lulu sister, your ears must be elders!" Liao Shasha was impatient, but looked at her Lulu sister with interest.

"Lvlu sister, I found out that you are a lot more beautiful today! Is it a new skin care product, recommend it to me."

"..." Yu Lu cheeks red, suddenly can not speak.

Standing next to the Qin Chao, he coughed twice and said.

"Little kid, some skin care products can only be used by adults. For your children, the stimulation is too great!"

"Cut!" Liao Shasha said that she did not agree. "You are a stinky man, where do you know what skin care products are!"

Liao Shasha did not understand, but Yu Lu understood. She secretly licked Qin Chao's eyes, how the man said this is so unreasonable, in the face of Missy also opened this joke.

"Qin Chao, don't make a fuss." Yu Lu said, put a walkie-talkie along with the headset into the hands of Qin Chao. "You have to take it with you at all times, so that we can contact you. Remember, you can't leave Missy, you must take good care of it." Her safety."

“Inseparable steps?” Qin Chao’s eyes widened. “Would she go to the bathroom? Or, do I have to go to the bathroom?”

Liao Shasha was very angry and punched and kicked Qin Chao. Qin Chao just stood there with his arms, not moving. He cultivated the Diamond Sutra, and his body was as hard as a meteorite. Liao Shasha hit a few punches, and the hand bone shocked it was a pain.

"If Missy goes to the toilet, you must stay at the door." Yu Lubai glanced at him and continued. "If you go to the bathroom, you must also have a walkie-talkie. What is Missy’s call to you, you must arrive at the first time. ""

"This is no problem." Qin Chao suddenly saw the smugness of Liao Shasha's eyes, and he understood the little girl's mind. He touched his nose and smiled. "But I don't want to hear the story of the wolf coming. Otherwise, hehe..."

This smile of the Qin Dynasty, involuntarily brought a bit of murder. That Liao Shasha, who had just thought of a way to punish the Qin Dynasty, suddenly fell into a cold, and this idea disappeared. Forget it, this method is still not needed. If you are really in danger, Qin Chao does not believe that it is troublesome.

Seeing that the little girl seemed to give up the idea, Qin Chao nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, then you should be late." Yu Lu turned from the table next to pick up a folded black trench coat, shake it away, gently put on the Qin Dynasty.

"Thank you for your clothes, it's cold outside, don't catch cold."

"Look at my Lulu sister is more gentle!" Liao Shasha said to the Qin Dynasty evilly, "I tell you, you bully me, forget it, if I bully my Lulu sister, I will fight with you!"

Qin Chao, ah, my heart, I have already put you Lulu sister, I have been bullied all over!

Yu Lu is also a shame, standing next to the red face can not speak, just with his eyes on the Qin Dynasty.

At this time, the Qin Chao mobile phone also rang, pick it up, it was his boss, but also the big nephew Su Shi.

"Su boss, how do you look for me so early? Do you want to ask me for breakfast?"

"If you can get to the airport within ten minutes, I will ask you to eat." Su Shi’s soft, stinging voice rang on the phone. "I just called to tell you that Liao Dong had signed a contract with me." In the past two months, you have done a good job in Liao Dong, don't lose the face of our Su family."

After that, with a bang, I hang up the phone.

Qin Chao was very impressed. I am indeed here, and Yu Lu is doing well... However, these words can only be swallowed back into the stomach. If you say it, a few women will make him die very badly.

There is a parking lot on the ground floor of Liaofu’s house, which is filled with luxury cars collected by Liao Dongkai. What BMW, Lamborghini, Ferrari, these brands, Qin Chao are seen here.

The collection of the rich people is not the same. It is estimated that if you change to the Qin Dynasty, you will collect some car models at the most. People can be good, collect real cars directly.

"Uncle, can you drive?" Liao Shasha asked her with her bag. At the same time, my heart is dark, dead Qin Chao, stinky Qin Dynasty, even the schoolbag does not help this lady, really not a man.

"Yes, I have been driving Mercedes."

"Well, Ms. Yu Lu said that she should go low-key. Go to the BMW M5. Hurry up, you remind me to go to school. If Miss is late, you will die."

The Qin Dynasty is helpless, and the BMW M5 of two hundred thousand is also a low-key car in your opinion? Rub, can you also let Laozi also low-key one time.

The car keys of these cars are hung on the door, which is convenient. Qin Chao opened the car lock and sat down in the driver's seat.

Oh, this sofa, this steering wheel, this navigator, is not ordinary. No wonder all want to drive a good car. This is the same as having a beautiful wife. It should be the same.

I am refreshed and able to get my hands.

"Hey, you guy! I don't know how to open the door to the beauty!" Liao Shasha was lame in the car.

"I didn't have a long hand, I opened it myself!" Qin Chao, regardless of the protest of the little girl, wiped the igniter and started the car.

"You, you are not a man!"

Liao Shasha received this treatment for the first time, she vomited blood. When I went out, it was not the bodyguards who rushed to drive her.

"Come on, I am not a man, but you can't turn it over." Qin Chaoxin said, this question, you Lulu sister has the most say. "living comfortably without anybody's help."

"Hey!" Liao Shasha was mad. She pulled the door open and threw the bag into the car. She sat up in dismay.

"Sit well, I have to drive." Qin Chao did not care about her young lady's temper, opened the navigator, positioned the coordinates of Tianhua School, and then stepped on the gas pedal, this BMW M5 and a beast like a rush, immediately rushed out parking lot.

"Hey, hello! You lightly!" Liao Shasha was so scared that she hugged the front seat and yelled.

"Lightly?" Qin Chao could not help but be a bit evil.

"No! It's slow! Slow! Do you think you are flying?"

"Don't be kidding!" Qin Chao did not lose speed, and soon rushed out of the house that had opened the iron gate. "The plane can be much faster than this!"

"Qin Chao! I am fighting with you!"

"Come on! The big deal is the same!"

"5555, I am wrong, please slow down, I don't want to be killed!"

"That's how it works. It's not 200 miles yet. It's the performance of BMW!"

"You still have to go on 200 miles? Forgive me, I can't do it wrong."

"Then you call Qin Chao brother to listen."


"OK! Shenzhou VII, start at full speed!"

"5555, you bad guy..."

"I am a bad person? You see that there is no big bend in front. Come, brother will give you a great drift and turn!"

"5555, I am wrong, Qin Chao brother, I call you Qin Chao brother is not okay!"

"Not bad... but you should trust my car skills!"

"Qin Chao ~ ~ you are a bastard, you can't talk!"

"I didn't say that you called me to slow down, stupid!" Qin Chao haha ​​laughed, the manual file played to the extreme, the throttle and the brake left to step on the right, actually let him beautifully smashed out.

"Qin Chao! You are a bastard!"

"Hey, there is an S curve in front!"

"5555, I am wrong, Qin Chao brother, do you drive slowly?"

"Call again?"

"Qin Chao brother, Qin Chao brother, Qin Chao brother!"

"Well, look at your sincere attitude, listen to you." The speed of the BMW M5 finally slowed down, and the fierce beast turned into a gentle lamb.

The chick is already bursting into tears, and the one who is careful about the liver jump is called a quick one.

Qin Chao smiled, hey, little girl, want to fight with me, you are still tender. Hey, Liao Shasha, Liao Shasha, you fell into my hands, see how my brother adjusts - teach you!

If, if Liao Dongkai knew the thoughts of Qin Chao at this time, it would be estimated that he would be killed because he hired Qin Chao as a bodyguard.

"Qin... Qin Chao brother..."

"Hey?" Qin Chaoxin said, the service is soft, afraid, let me know that Qin Chao is so powerful.

"You, you let me drive, I suddenly want to go with you."


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