My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 114: Do not believe you see

Chapter 114, Do not believe you see

Liao Shasha lived for 17 years and never saw it. There will be a person like the man in front of him. Faced with hundreds of villains, I have never changed my face until the end, but have been comforting her.

He is like a powerful demon, and the people who block his foot are lying in the blood.

The gangsters who have just screamed and screamed one person and one knife are now panicked one by one. Within ten meters, it is empty and no one dares to approach. Ten meters away, they were the villains, surrounded by a circle of encirclement, staring at Qin Chao with uneasiness.

This man, although sometimes hates to make her teeth itchy, sometimes there is such a color. But he is indeed a person worthy of relying on. He always feels that if he is there, he will not be afraid even if the sky falls.

Relying on the arms of the Qin Dynasty, Liao Shasha did not seem to feel the enemies around him, but felt very warm. She clung to the Qin Dynasty and seemed to want to melt herself in the arms of this man.

Liao Shasha does not like to leave the house because she is afraid. Since the last time the bodyguard called Ali, with blood falling in front of her, her fear is more deeply buried in her heart.

If this man can always be by his side, even if it is hell, she dares to go.

"Bad guy... don't leave me..." Thinking of it, Liao Shasha hugs tighter.

"Don't worry, although your chest is not big, I won't leave you alone." At this time, Qin Chao still smiled easily. "But you don't have to be so tight, otherwise you will not be hacked, I also I am strangled by you."

Liao Shasha’s face burned up immediately, and her strength was loose.

The Qin Dynasty did not know the mind of the little girl in her arms. He stood there and looked at the horrified gangsters around him, with a sneer in his mouth.

"Hey!" He took out a red river cigarette in one hand and licked it in his mouth. Take out the lighter and light it.

Looking at his clothes, he has been cut out by the knife several times. Although his own body has practiced the Diamond Sutra, it is as hard as iron. But the clothes can't be used to cultivate this magical law. A good black windbreaker has become a bit broken.

Seeing the Qin Dynasty leisurely place a cigarette, the surrounding villains were nervous. Who is this guy, even the knife can not cut him. Liao Dongkai, this guy, what kind of bodyguard was found in the end!

So, now a situation like this has been formed. The Qin Dynasty moved a few steps, and the villains followed a few steps to keep the distance from the man.

"If you don't let the people open, you have to die." After a cigarette was exhausted, Qin Chao finally lost the patience with these people. He annihilated the cigarette **** and threw it on the ground, showing an evil to these people. sneer.

The murderousness suddenly filled up in the field, and the villains immediately understood that the man in front of him must have had a human life!

Only killing people will have such murderousness!

Some timid villains, their legs are soft. Even some people couldn't even get the knife, and when they fell to the ground. The heart is like being run by a fierce horse, and the speed of the excitement makes them fear of disgusting.

Finally, someone began to retreat and withdraw from the encircled circle. There is one, naturally there is a second, third. The number of people surrounded by it is getting smaller and smaller. At least there are two or three hundred people. Now it has become one hundred.

"Mom, this coward!" A villain yelled. "Catch this Liao Shasha, let's make it!"

"Catch! It's easy to say, how to catch it!" Someone raised this very deadly problem.

"I don't believe it, he can stop even the bullets!" Finally, a villain couldn't stand it. He stood up and pulled out a May Fourth pistol from his waist.

Unlike the May Fourth pistol seized in the hands of the Qin Dynasty, the other party’s hand was obviously inferior in quality. This is made by Hualong, purely handmade, and the quality is simply not enough. Sometimes it's not good, it's easy to blow up.

But how to say it is also a pistol. That is to say, a pistol, the market price has been tens of thousands of pieces.

Qin Chao looked at the other side and pulled out the gun, his eyes suddenly glimpsed. Although the cultivation of the Diamond Sutra, it also reached Xiaocheng. But he hasn't tried to pick up the bullets. If he can't stand it, the guns hurt him, but he still remembers it.

Therefore, when the man just raised his gun, Qin Chao immediately jumped up and leaped like a wind. He jumped two meters high, and crossed the distance of more than ten meters, then stepped on the top of a forehead.

"Hey!" Where did the villain bear the power of the Qin Dynasty, and he was immediately stepped on the ground and sat down on the ground. The Qin Dynasty, with the help of this foot, and crossed the five or six meters, together with the fall has actually stood outside the encirclement.

"Not good! He is going to run!"

The villain had not had time to shoot, and his sight was blocked by his companions.

"Get out! Let Laozi smash him!" The smell of the prey under the muzzle suddenly fled, making him angry and screaming again and again.

The villains immediately dispersed in a hurry, and Qin Chao used this effort to run to the other side of the street, standing in the middle of the hutongs of the two tall buildings.

"That is a dead end, blocking him!"

The villains immediately dispersed into two rows, blocking the retreat of the Qin Dynasty. The gunman’s villain smiled happily and walked over.

"Run, I see where you can go!"

Qin Chao suddenly laughed and pointed his finger at it. When the eyes of the people looked up with his fingers, Qin Chao suddenly moved.

He bends his knees and jumps up. This jump is more than three meters high. If you participate in the sports meeting, it is estimated that there is absolutely no problem in getting an award.

Qin Chao jumped to the side of a wall, stepped on the wall with his feet, and took a leap again. Across the distance of five meters, it jumped two meters high and fell onto the wall of the other tall building.

Just like a dragonfly, the Qin Dynasty jumped back and forth with the help of these two walls, and even jumped higher and higher, and soon it would jump to the top of the building.

"Hell!" The villain screamed and immediately raised his pistol and aimed at the Qin Dynasty, which was jumping back and forth in the air.

"Then send you to hell!" Qin Chao is faster than him. People are in the air, and they summoned the five or four pistols in the ring and held them in their hands.

His legs bent, just leaping toward the top of the other building. At the same time, he held Liao Shasha in one hand and raised a gun in one hand, aiming at the villains below.

After practicing the immortal method, the body of the Qin Dynasty was also transformed. His senses and balance have reached the limits of humanity. Therefore, although he has never used a gun before, his shooting method is very accurate. Only by feeling, he can know where the gun should go.

"Hey!" But the Qin Dynasty still did not trust, he fired three shots. Three clear yellow bullets screamed and were shot by the fire tongue. The villain had just pulled the trigger. The three bullets had already rushed into his eyebrows.

One blow!

The body of Qin Chao fell steadily on the platform, but the villain squinted and fell unwillingly.

"The kid also has a gun in his hand!"

"Mom! Where did Liao Dongkai find such a master!" These villains felt that they were going crazy, and they had three hundred people, surrounded by two people, but they didn't even hurt a man's hair. Look at his side, lying on the ground, scared to escape, and another three shots.

"He ran upstairs, what to do!"

“A group of people went up and another group of people waited underneath!”

A clever person immediately said, "Mom, don't believe he can't come down!"

"How is it?" The voice of the shouting voice was reduced. Liao Shasha pulled her head out of the arms of Qin Chao and looked around and asked.

"Reassured, temporarily safe."

Qin Chao put away his pistol. Liao Shasha looked around and looked around, almost slipping from the arms of Qin Chao.

Qin Chao quickly extended two hands and held the little buttocks of the little girl.

This time, the posture of both sides was awkward at once. Qin Chao held Liao Shasha's delicate buttocks, and Liao Shasha's legs were pinched on the waist of Qin Chao, sitting there, with his hands on his neck.

This awkward posture made Liao Shasha’s face red again.

In particular, Qin Chao also felt the softness of the little girl's body, and the two legs tightly sandwiched his waist, let him suddenly remember that last night, Yu Lu and him on the sofa, is also so passionate.

The same kind of pleasure, like the current of the numbness, spread throughout the body.

Soon, Liao Shasha felt that there was something hard under her. Her face was very hot, her breathing accelerated slightly, and she whispered.

"You, your phone is coming to me again..."

The Qin Dynasty was also a daring day. At this time, the fire was blocked by the desire-fire, and the export was ridiculed.

"My mobile phone, where is it so big."

Liao Shasha was immediately ashamed and couldn't help but lean over. Zhang mouth bite on Qin Chao's shoulder.

Qin Chao helpless, "I said, can you not always pick a shoulder bite, your brother I have two shoulders!"

"You, you are not just picking me alone to bully!"

Liao Shasha said with a grin, but she could not restrain her body's pleasure, could not help but tremble, kneeling on the chest of Qin Chao.

"I, am I a bad boy?"

"No, little salsa, you are not bad." Qin Chao is also trying to restrain his own desire - hope, Liao Shasha is only 17 years old, this is a bit too evil.

This is not a tune - teach a little loli.

"You are not bad, you are a little bit small."

"I am not small!" When he talked about his pain, Liao Shasha immediately screamed and immediately grabbed one arm of the Qin Dynasty, letting him hold his delicate buttocks with one hand and the other with his own chest. On, "Do not believe, you touch!"

It was like a pink bomb, which exploded on two people. Liao Shasha suddenly realized what she had done, and felt that she was ashamed to drop water.

The Qin Dynasty is also a big cockroach. The soft touch in his hand irritates him, so he doesn't touch it either.

"You, you bully me!" Liao Shasha did not have the strength to push the evil hand again, only to whisper softly.

"It's obviously you let me touch it..."

"Nonsense, you are bullying me! I, I am fighting with you!"

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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