My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 409: Kill the emperor

Chapter 409: Killing the Emperor

Your own ability is an idea. In the city of bliss, how many people who want to rebel against themselves are dying under their own shackles.

This ghost king, called King Aro, is not the strongest among many ghost kings, but his power of imagination is very strong. Many of his opponents, Ghost King, also died under his mind and finally became a tonic for his strength.

This makes King Aro very proud.

Now, through the food he raised, King Aro climbed into the human world and saw the daring man in front of him, and he used his own power of mind.

As long as the man is killed, he will seize his soul and **** into his body, which will strengthen his strength.

The power of the soul is very powerful, especially the soul of the living.

Otherwise, King Aro will not raise human food. While consuming their flesh and blood, he is eroding their soul power.

As soon as he climbed the human world, he immediately sensed that the soul of the man on the opposite wall was so powerful and so tempting. Just like the turkey dinner in front of Thanksgiving, the mouth of King Aro is flowing down.

Therefore, he can't wait to want this man to die!

However, after a smashing, King Aro stunned.

What happened in his imagination did not happen. The human man, still sitting on the wall with a good end, smoked cigarettes leisurely.

King Aro began to speculate, after he climbed into the human world, the ability of his mind would be invalid.

He grabbed a wall next to him. I only heard the sound of "Hey!", and the wall was suddenly crushed by the air.

Strange, still!

Still the powerful ability to think, why did it fail on the man?

Maybe I was thinking about it, my mind is not pure enough.

Thinking of this, King Aro screamed twice, "Hey, human, die!"

Said, facing the Qin Dynasty, it is a glimpse.

As a result, the Qin Dynasty was still safe and sound, sitting on the wall, cocking Erlang's legs, a playful look, spit a smoke circle against King Aro.

"How could this be?" King Aro's eyes widened and he could not believe the facts that occurred in front of him.

His hand was smashed for a while, but it seemed to be ineffective, and he could not show his ability to use his mind.

"Is there a fool in the city of Bliss?"

The faint words of Qin Chao made Aro Wang startled.

"How do you know the city of bliss?"

"Oh, the idiot of the unintentional Rakshasa, is he still okay?" Qin Chao asked again, almost let the ghost king squat on the ground.

Who is the heartless Rakshasa! That is the supreme king of bliss!

In front of this man, the opening is to insult the words of the unintentional Rakshasa!

Is it that he and the unintentional Rakshasa are the same level of existence? How is it possible, how can the human world have such a horrible guy.

"You, who are you?" King Aro tried to make himself look less fearful and asked with courage.

"Who am I? Sorry, you are a small pawn, not qualified to know." Qin Chao said, gently waving his hand.

"Hey!" The huge body of King Aro suddenly flew out, knocking over a wall and pouring it into the brick.

"Ideas! It is such a powerful mindfulness!" King Aro exclaimed, and slowly climbed up with a blood. "How can the human world have such a strong!"

"The news of the bliss city is too backward." King Aro looked up and found that the mighty man was standing in front of him. At the same time, the man's arm, the beast turned into a black paw, five sharp fingers, one stabbed into his head.

"Ah! What is this!"

In the eyes of King Aro, a ball of black pearls is reflected.

"Magic, Magic Dan!" King Aro is completely desperate, this is the demon that devours the soul!

He had not had time to make a scream, the soul had been torn into millions of points in an instant, and then the Qin Dynasty swallowed his body and strengthened his magic.

Soon, the huge body of King Aro began to shrink again, and turned back to the appearance of the ghost ninja.

However, the head of this ghost ninja was tied out of five blood holes, and it could not live.

"Call!" The strength of the body has grown a lot, which makes the Qin Chao cool.

In particular, my own mindfulness has increased a lot. It seems that it is getting closer and closer to the legendary mindwriting.

He waved his hand at a car next to him, and the sturdy Toyota SUV was suddenly squeezed into a group of discus.

Yes, it is really amazing.

It seems that I have to absorb some of these ghost kings.

Qin Chao threw the ghost ninja's body to the side and patted his hands.

"Qin...Mr. Qin, is it okay?" The potatoes on the side are looking silly, this is another level of fighting! No wonder the people in the seventh class are so powerful!

Even the ghost ninja that I think is almost invincible in the world, after being possessed by ghosts, is not an opponent of Mr. Qin’s move!

Terrible, this is really terrible!

Compared with Mr. Qin, those gods and ghosts are a scum!

"It's okay, you can rest assured." Qin Chao said to himself, that is, the spring breeze, said with a smile, "Yes, what mission you are performing today, how can you get into this group of guys?"

"Mr. Qin, my mission was to be absolutely confidential. But since you are a seventh person, then I will say nothing."

The potato said, looking for a corner, leaning there, and giving himself a cigarette.

"Mr. Qin, today I was originally responsible for monitoring the emperor of the island. Because according to the information inside, it seems that the emperor of the island country has a great connection with the god-making plan. So, three days ago, I came to Tokyo and quietly monitored. This Emperor. Today, the Emperor of the Emperor went to visit the Yasukuni Shrine! I was on the top of a nearby building and observed it in secret. As a result, I was discovered by the ghost ninja, and I went all the way."

The potato shrugged his shoulders. "It is Mr. Qin. I didn't think that your speed is so fast. I remember, you should still be in Sapporo now."

"You don't have to think about these things. Just tell me what the mission is doing." These things on the truth, Qin Chao is too lazy to explain to an ordinary person.

"Ah, okay." Potatoes naturally didn't want to provoke Qin Chao's unhappiness. He continued to say, "According to these observations, I found that the Emperor was in his palace and met a mysterious black man frequently. I doubt This black man may be the person of the Black Dragon Club. Because according to the news, the God-making plan is that this black dragon will be going on."

"Black Dragon will..." Qin Chao pondered, and then said, "This way, potatoes, you go back first, tell Liu Chang, this task I will take over. The ghost ninja around the Emperor, you can't deal with it, only I can."

"Okay, then please, Mr. Qin."

Since the people in the seventh section are going to take over, the potato is not allowed to do so. How strong Mr. Qin is, he has already seen it. As long as he is out, this task should not be difficult.

The Qin Dynasty urged the potatoes to go quickly. The potatoes naturally did not hesitate, and the rushed figure gradually disappeared into the night.

When Qin Chao saw that his figure had completely disappeared, he took out his mobile phone from his own arms and dialed a number for Anqing Baiying.

"Is the owner of the family, do you have something to do with someone? If you call this late, are you looking for someone..."

In the voice of An Qingbai Baiying, there was a flattering expression that could not be said.

Qin Chao’s heart swayed, and suddenly remembered that it was not a time of flirting, secretly swearing a little goblin, and quickly asked the theme.

"Hundreds of cherry blossoms, don't make trouble, I ask you something."

"What do you still know about the things of the owner of the house, Baiying?...Where is there any flaws in Baiying, you don’t know everything?"

This Anqing Baiying is definitely a stunner, so that Qin Chao’s lower abdomen rises hot.

"Well, I am angry when I make trouble again." Qin Chao had to calm down and said, "I asked you to investigate the Black Dragon Society. How?"

"The owner of the house asked the Black Dragon Club when he called. It was really ruthless..." Qin Chao seems to be able to feel the phone, the side of the phone, An Qing Bai Ying pouting.

This chick was very afraid of her own at first, but after she had been in contact with herself for a long time, she understood her own personality and talked a little unscrupulously.

"How can I not check the things of the owner? I have been chosen as the vice president by the mysterious Black Dragon Club president. However, I have not seen the man yet. Now it is the agent of the imperial family. People have been handing over to my vice president to do things. But related, I also inquired something."

"Let's say, you have done a good job in this matter. I will reward you when I go back."

"People don't want to reward, people want their homeowners to love them..."

The Qin Dynasty is silent for a This fairy is getting more and more people.

"Well, don't be so cold, people continue to say it." Anqing Baiying seems to be laughing, she said, "This black dragon will, like the president, there is a mysterious elder group. It is said that Everyone in this elder group is a master, and each strength is superior. Moreover, the president himself seems to be restrained by the elders."

"Oh, there will be such interesting things." Qin Chao couldn't help but laugh. "Black Dragon, it seems that I really have to investigate. Baiying, if I kill the Emperor, would you be upset?"

"Don't kill Emperor's Majesty?" Anqing Baiying at the other end of the phone seemed to be a little surprised. But soon, he laughed again. "If you get rid of it, you will kill it. What is the relationship between the old man and the family? After he died, his emperor and grandson went more."

"That's good, then I have to do something big tonight, hehehe..." Qin Chao suddenly got a little excited.

"God, my master, you really want to..." An Qing Bai Ying was shocked and killed the emperor, which is only a crazy thing that the owner can do!

"Master, you have to think twice before you go! The emperor's side, but there are many masters to protect!"

"Reassured, in front of your home, I will have any masters?" Qin Chao smiled indifferently. This is not the mainland of the eight major sects, but the island countries supported by the three major families.

Qin Chao, what fears!

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