My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 476: Tearing

Chapter 476

What is the red powder goblin who is dying to kill people... What is the sinister disaster of the country and the people, this is...

Qin Chao thinks that if Luo Wei is put into the ancient times, the gods and horses are sorrowful, the gods are stunned, the gods are stunned, that is not a thing! This girl knows how to seduce a man, and always burns the temper of the human desire-fire, and runs irresponsibly without a trace.

In the end, it is a female demon, born to make people want to stop, a kind of creature that erupts various desires.

"Take out your devil contract." Qin Chao did not want to waste his effort on this troll man, so he went straight to the topic.

"Hmmm?" Luo Wei was a little surprised. In the past, the Qin Dynasty was a dead skin. Even if it was a wish, it was all about using the "gift" situation. If it is not that you are still savvy, I am afraid that a wish can not be achieved now.

This is the first time that Qin Chao actually asked for a wish.

"Do you want to... what wishes?"

"Give me the following little pet!" Qin Chao wants to wipe out all the deadly threats to the people around him.

"Hey, that person can't do it." Luo Wei suddenly spread his hand and then smiled and said, "How to say this is also a mutant demon who is good at physical reorganization. Even if I am a senior demon, I can't do anything about it. ""

"What do you mean... can't help me achieve my wish?"

Qin Chao was a little surprised. There are still things that Luo Wei can't do?

"Of course not awkward." Luo Yan still hangs a provocative smile on his face, then scraped the dagger, soft tongue, gently rubbing the ear and lips of Qin Chao.

This kind of sputum plus flirting little tricks, two people do not know how many times have been done.

Every time, the Qin Dynasty will have a feeling of heart and soul.

How many beautiful women have seen, and I am not a first brother. But this female demon can still provoke his desires again and again.

"I am a female demon... As an excellent **** clerk, how can I not even get this little request from the customer! If you are complained about what to do, people don't want to be deducted bonuses!"

Seeing Luo Jing’s delicate appearance, Qin Chao felt that his bones would be crisp.

Of course, if there is no big and noisy guy below, the atmosphere should be more beautiful.

"Quickly say the way! After we have finished, we have time to be intimate!"

Qin Chao gasped and gasped, and endured the flame in his lower abdomen, staring at the pretty face of Luo Xiao.

"It's very simple! Your magic Dan can't absorb the soul of a small pet now, because your magic power is not strong enough! As long as your magic power goes up, you can easily tear the little pet's soul defense and accept his Soul!"

"Just kidding." Qin Chao said with no anger. "This is still used by you! But Laozi is now the realm of the flames of the Five Regiments. Now this will, let me go where to find the sixth flame!"

"This is not difficult." Luo Xiaojiao smiled, slender fingers, gently stroked between his white gully, and suddenly burned a black flame.

I am relying on it, you are a match!

The Qin Chao glanced at the black inflammation of Luo’s finger and squinted.

"The devil's dark inflammation, I have tried to absorb it before, not at all."

"That is of course, the little handsome guy is so rude, the weak pseudo-devil Liu Ziqiang can't stand you." Luo Wei's words almost let Qin Chao vomit blood. "Fortunately, some people, but people like to be abused, and then rudely received Oh!"

Said, but also lost a wink to the Qin Dynasty.

"What does this have to do with the use of dark inflammation!" Qin Chao glanced at Luo Wei. "It is clearly the result of mutual exclusion of my own flame in my body."

"The other side of the light is darkness. As long as it is done, it can be harmoniously blended." Luo Wei said with a light smile. "In your body, the power of Buddhism and Magic Road does not coexist. What you need to do." It's just a small arrangement. However, with such a slender means, you can't understand it with rudeness. Naturally, people will help you."

"Okay, then hurry up." As long as he can get rid of the monster at Watanabe, Qin Chao has nothing to agree with.

"But, people are a very responsible salesman." Luo Xiao's little hand gently put on his bare waist, big eyes screaming, said, "So, I have to declare in advance, this method, but will There is a little side effect."

“Just a little side effect?”

"Yeah!" Luo Wei nodded very seriously.

"There is nothing to worry about, Lao Tzu is physically strong, and he can't die. Come on, we should work!"

Looking at the roaring roar of the trolls below, listening to the laughter of Watanabe, Qin Chao is already impatient.

"The guy in a hurry, come on..." Luo said, his face was shy and infinitely faint, and then his lips gently licked like the mouth of Qin Chao.

This chick, I haven’t kissed it, and I’ve done too much, and I’m so innocent!

The Qin Dynasty is not like the innocent moment when he made his wish for the first time - male, he was unceremonious, kissed heavily, and greedily allowed Luo Xiao's slippery tongue.

Luo Wei’s kiss is always cool and sweet, like a drug that is addictive, and it makes the Qin Dynasty somewhat unable to stop.

Luo Wei was also surprised to enlarge her beautiful green eyes, and did not seem to think that Qin Chao would take the opportunity to kiss her tongue.

The devil contract, the lips can touch it. But what the two people are doing now is already the standard French wet kiss.

After a while, the female demon's body was a little soft, she quickly pushed open the Qin Dynasty, the red lips gasping, the eyes are silky, delicately said.

"It’s a nasty guy, every time I know that I’m bullying people.” The female devil, a young woman who was stunned by the bad guys, made Qin Chao somewhat impulsive.

"Hey, this time it’s your turn to come!" Luo Wei seemed to be revengeful. He suddenly licked his lips and took the initiative to kiss him.

Moreover, she automatically and consciously sent her slippery and soft tongue.

But before the Qin Dynasty went to the taste, a hot flame, suddenly poured into his mouth from the mouth of Luo Wei.

Although the temperature is very high, a bit hot, but the Qin Chaolian nine yin yin can be swallowed as a tonic, this kind of flame is naturally not afraid.

However, when the pro was passionate, suddenly came a big flame, so that Qin Chao had a feeling to be picked up.

"Hey!" This Qin Chao's body suddenly responded. A strong temperament broke out and gave Luo's body to the earthquake.

"Sure enough, it’s stronger!"

Listening to Luo Wei’s words, Qin Chao felt that he was OOXX and ate a strong-yang drug.

"Hey, the fifth wish is fulfilled, people will not accompany the little handsome guy! If you want someone else, come to **** and find someone to play! You can play anything, whip, candle, everyone has everything..."

Said, Luo Wei gave Qin Chao a kiss, and then the whole person suddenly turned into black smoke, dissipated in the air.

"Every time I run, it’s really fast enough..." After waiting for Qin Chao to complain, his body suddenly became a shock.

Then, the six-piece flame flew out of his body and floated beside him.

Everywhere is fire, **** is smoldering, the fire of Yuanyang, the fire of Sancha, the flame of light, the inflammation of darkness. Six kinds of flames, six kinds of attribute power, all blessed in the Qin Dynasty.

Soon, these six flames merged together and turned into a white and white smoldering fire.


It seems that some of them have to withstand the sudden surge of power. The body of Qin Chao suddenly entered the state of demonization again, and this time it was more thoroughly demonized.

His body is covered with black scales, and the whole person is more like a monster.

At this moment, the power of the Qin Chao body is like the sea water that breaks the levee, and it is filled with the body, and it is still expanding.

In the middle of the Yuan Ying period, the moment was broken, and in a blink of an eye, it reached the realm of the end of Yuan Ying!

At the same time, he is still in the sacred summons, and his strength climbs to the golden body, which is the level of the golden body!

Although it is only a small one, it is the same gap between heaven and earth!

At this moment, the Qin Dynasty had a self-confidence like the invincible world.

The Watanabe below, in his eyes, also became a small ant.

"Da Jingang Bodhi!"

Qin Chao’s mouth sneered and extended his right hand. The soil is the treasure, and it is long when it is in the wind. In the blink of an eye, a huge golden palm like a god, floating in the air, like a chicken, like a hand, took the body of the troll and took it to the air.

"This, what is this?" The power of the troll man is very large But Watanabe struggled twice, and found that it was like being hooped by a hoop, and it was impossible to move. It is full of panic.

"This is a gift to send you to hell." Qin Chao smiled lightly.

"Impossible! I am the true God! The true God will not die!" Watanabe snarled at the Qin Dynasty.

"You will not die, that's right." Qin Chao nodded and seemed to agree with the words of Watanabe. But very quickly, his eyes suddenly suddenly, and his left hand stretched out.

"You will only disappear completely in this world! Let Laozi disappear!"

The left hand turned into a thick black smoke, and turned into an equally horrible and huge claw. Although it is very small compared with the Vajra Boss, its destructive power is several times that of the earth.

"Beat!" This claw clasped on the face of Watanabe. At the same time, the sharp claws easily shattered the resistance of the soul and penetrated deeply into the depths of the soul.

The spirit of the demon inside, suddenly wandering in horror, but no one can escape the capture of the magic.

"Ah! What is this!" Watanabe also wail, and the self-confidence is the arrogance of the true God. It disappears without a trace. "Impossible, impossible! I am the true God, why the true God will die, will Lose to you a pig! I am not willing, I am not willing!"

"Hey!" Qin Chao instantly smashed the huge body, when the flesh and blood flew, the magic Dan also smashed the other's soul.

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