My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 575: 1 value 0 gold

The 576th chapter

Just as Xu Mei was still immersed in Jiang Dong’s family history, the car had already entered the parking lot of the Anthony Hotel.

Several people walked down and immediately had a parking boy coming over to help stop.

"Thank you." Jiang Dongyu out of 50 pieces of consumption, stuffed into the hands of the younger brother. "Give me a good place."

Xu Mei’s straight hair, I used to watch the tip on TV, and now it’s the first time I saw it.

After giving the tip, the younger brother of the parking car went to Jiang Dong to go to the park with joy. Jiang Dong complained in the ear of the Qin Dynasty. "Grandma's, the price rise is outrageous. Before tipping, ten dollars is enough. Now you give ten dollars, and people are not looking at you."

Qin Chao did not care about this, but looked at Jiang Dong with a squint.

"That said, you have nothing to do for a while, how can I get off the bus?"

"Ah? Haha, no, I just called to inform me that I don't have to go." Jiang Dong laughed twice. "Moreover, such a good opportunity, I will not slaughter you Qin Chao, I am sorry for myself!"

Xu Mei’s heart is sore, this is where the slaughter’s Qin Chao knife is a knive. But in order not to appear to be a small family, Xu Mei refused to speak.

Li Na also took the corner of the Qin Dynasty and secretly said.

"Qin Chao brother, will it be expensive here..."

“Reassured.” Qin Chao patted her little head. “You are only responsible for eating today.”

Li Na believes that Qin Chao’s brother will not hang them, so he will not speak and walk quietly behind.

A group of people entered the Anthony Hotel, watching this luxurious hotel lobby, Xu Mei only felt dizzy eyes.

This door can see a huge crystal wall. Said to be a crystal wall, it is better to say that it is a large fish tank. Inside, there are large and small goldfish, all kinds of different, dazzling.

"This, this goldfish is quite big..."

Xu Mei whispered.

"These goldfish are all high-end goods shipped from the tropics." Jiang Dong explained to Xu Mei that "take out one, it is worth 100,000. This goldfish wall, the value is not to be estimated, is the boss in order to predict that there is more than a year. , it is placed here."

"And this location adds this fish wall, and the feng shui pattern of the whole store is especially beautiful." Qin Chao also praised. "When it was built here, it must have been invited by a famous feng shui master. Seen."

"Yes, this boss is more superstitious."

"What superstition, that is called Feng Shui!" Qin Chao glanced at Jiang Dong.

Next to Xu Mei can't understand the feng shui, she only heard a goldfish 100,000 yuan. Good guy, I’m working hard, giving Xiaona’s tuition, and in the end it’s a goldfish!

The days of rich people are really different from those of them.

I can't enjoy this kind of life myself. I only hope that my daughter can compete for a little, and I will live a life of the best in the future.

Look at the guests who dine, dressed in a decent shape. Several women are still wearing shackles. Oh, there are also flaws in my store, but she can't afford it.

My unfulfilled wish only hopes that my daughter can achieve it.

Xu Mei thought of this and looked at Jiang Dong’s eyes more eagerly.

"A few floors, a few floors to eat hot pot?"

Xu Meishun asked.

"Xu sister really eats hot pot." Jiang Donghe smiled. "Come on Anthony, naturally I want to eat French food. You can rest assured that I am familiar with it here. I know a few hand-made dishes to ensure that you are full of food. ”

When Jiang Dong made a remark, Xu Mei could not help but be shocked and secretly grabbed his wallet.

You are a wealthy family, and you are used to the days of jade food. But we are all small families, this meal, we have to eat a lot of hurt!

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Jiang."

Standing in the hall, the lobby manager immediately smiled and greeted him.

"Mr. Qin has not come for a while."

The lobby manager was more eager for the Qin Dynasty and said hello.

“Well, I haven’t been in Sunan recently.”

"This way! I am going to do it today, please ask Mr. Qin for a meal, count as Mr. Qin to take the wind and wash the dust."

The lobby manager said quickly.

Xu Mei listened to the heart, how did the waiter know Qin Chao? Also invite people to eat in Qin Chao? Is the people in the big hotel like this, so polite? No wonder many people are willing to come here to eat. Most of them are not asking for money.

"I said, Manager Chen, what happened to you today."

Jiang Dong couldn't help but smile. "I have known you for a long time. I have never seen you treat dinner. You are not a famous little gangster."

“Hey, that’s for others.” The lobby manager laughed. “It’s not the same for Mr. Qin.”

This lobby manager is respectful and afraid of the Qin Dynasty.

He came to Anthony twice in total, and every time he made an alarming move.

In the end, from the attitude of the police to the Qin Dynasty, his identity should be extraordinary. Such a character, you will have a boundless benefit to yourself.

"Oh, Manager Chen, you don't have to be so polite. Someone invited today, or take us upstairs."

Qin Chao also had a polite relationship with this manager Chen. In what to say, I will not let a person who has only seen two faces meet for dinner.

It’s not a like-minded person.

"Well, Mr. Qin, Mr. Jiang is coming with me. Is it still an old seat?"

"Yeah." Qin Chao nodded. The location by the window is full of memories.

Xu Mei followed behind, constantly stunned and confused.

It seems that I was wrong before, and the people in the big hotel are not casual. In the end, what is the virtue of the Qin Dynasty? Can a lobby manager take the initiative to invite guests?

This Xiao Qin, is it not a long time unemployed, how can it be known to people like Jiang Dong?

I can’t figure it out, I can’t think of it...

In Xu Mei's cranky thoughts, several people came to the third floor of the hotel. The window was still empty, and the lobby manager was very diligent in bringing several people to the position and volunteering to order them.

“French pigeon pigeon meat, fried goose liver blueberry juice, French snail snail, Hailonghuang soup, American beef tenderloin with prawn wave red wine sauce.”

Jiang Dong skillfully called a few, and every time he made one, Xu Mei was shocked.

"Mr. Qin."

The lobby manager pointed to the Qin Chao and said, "There is still a bottle of authentic 82-year-old Lafite. This is the only 82 left in the city of Sunan. If Mr. Qin wants it, I will replace Mr. Qin. Fetched."

"Oh?" Qin Chao raised his eyebrows, 82 of Lafite, it seems that there is not much left in the market, most of them are fakes.

"There are 82?" Jiang Dong is very happy, "Upper! Shang Niang, I have been drinking a few times, all fakes! Only two years ago, I had a real 82 with Mr. Su. That taste, really can't be forgotten."

"Then come up." Qin Chao nodded, and then handed the lobby manager a business card. "If something happens in the future, call this."

The meaning of the people has been sent, and the Qin Dynasty can not be ignored. Giving him a business card is equivalent to giving him a right to die.

"Thank you Mr. Qin, thank you Mr. Qin..."

Xu Mei did not pay attention to the look of the lobby manager's grateful Dade, but was shocked by the words of Lafite in 82 years.

"Small, Xiao Qin..."

Her voice trembled and asked with a trembling voice. "This, this bottle 8,82, how much money."

"Not much." Qin Chao rubbed the glass for Li Na. "The price of the market is about 80,000 now. However, in many cases, there is no price."

"eight, eighty thousand..."

Xu Mei was obviously stunned and her lips were a little white.

"Small, Xiao Qin... I, I didn't bring so much money today..."

"Hey, Sister Xu, you are saying this."

Jiang Dong quickly waved his hand. "When you eat with Qin Chao, how can you save money? Qin Chao is the chairman of Dafa Group. Today I am going to kill him!"

"When hey!", Xu Mei's fork fell to the plate.

“Da, Chairman of Dafa Group?”

Xu Mei suspected that she had got it wrong.

"Yeah." Jiang Dong said that he did not evade at all. "It is the most famous Dafa Group in the North. If it is not because of this, we can not recognize the Qin Dynasty as a grandfather!" Hey, Qin Chao, I listen. Say, you can cure the father today."

"Where is it." Qin Chao wiped his hand with a napkin. "I also brought Su Ji back, and I had to do it."

"You are doing it now!" Jiang Dong said on the shoulder of Qin Chao. "Who can think that a small security guard can now sit in the position of the chairman of Dafa Group. I heard that you are still an island family. My homeowner, I really don't know how your kid can do it! There are two bodyguards who told me that your white housekeeper, who made two phone calls, directly messed up the Su family. When the father agreed to you, You made a few more calls and gave the Su family a cure! What is the hand for the cloud, the hand for the rain, I know."

"I don't like that either." Qin Chao shrugged his shoulders. "But my father-in-law, you know, I have never looked at me. I don't want to take some medicine, and my life with Su Ji is yellow."

"Understand, understand you." Jiang Dong also said with emotion, "It is difficult to be a man!"

Li Na is okay, she already knew that Qin Chao’s brother would be different. Hearing this, just looking at his Qin Chao brother with a smile, do not speak.

And Xu Mei, the more I listen, the more I am scared.

Just the chairman of Daihatsu Group, she has already stunned her.

Those words in the back are even more like lightning strikes.

Small Is Xiaoqin so arrogant now?

God, how could you not see him at first! Otherwise, my daughter, is not the girlfriend of the chairman of Daihatsu Group soon!

I really have no vision, no vision...

Just as Xu Mei repented, the lobby manager had already brought up the wine and dishes with a few beauty waiters.

"Mr. Qin, this is a written proof of history preservation." The lobby manager handed over the proof of the wine to Qin Chao, and then said, "Now, I opened the seal for Mr. Qin."

In the 82-year-old Lafite, before the Qin Dynasty, he had already played the small card of Lafite. This big Lafite is still the first time to taste.

After the bottle opened, a scent suddenly floated out.

Yes, it is indeed a long time.

I remember listening to a sentence before, saying that drinking 82 Lafite is not a taste, but an identity of drinking.

For such people, Qin Chao only felt funny.

Wine is used to drink; rice is used to eat. If a person lives for the so-called identity, then he will be too tired and too hypocritical in his life.

A person is such a lifetime, why not let yourself be comfortable and relaxed? Even if you work hard, you finally reach a position that others can't look up to. But you can only live for more than 36,000 days. When you die, the dust returns to the dust and the soil returns to the earth.

The Qin Dynasty, who chose to cultivate the truth, has embarked on another unusual path.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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