My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 613: I won’t marry you.

Chapter 613, I will not marry you.


Su Ji seems to experience any unbearable pain, and she suddenly trembled and screamed.

The power of the nine celestial emperors finally awakened on this girl. A black figure tattoo appeared on her back.

At the same time, the power of the vampire is also awakened together.

Her skin became more white and a little baby white.

"Su Ji?"

The voice of the Qin Dynasty was also a little trembling, and the beloved woman recovered and made himself feel like a rebirth.

I don't know how many times, I almost lost the woman around me.

Be sure to be more careful in the future, and you can't let this happen again.

"Qin, Qin Dynasty?"

Su Ji’s eyelashes moved, and soon she opened her eyes, and the blue pupil was like a spring water. Beautiful, thrilling.

"I, I seem to have had a dream..."

Suji lay in the arms of the Qin Dynasty, twisted his shoulders, found a comfortable posture, lay down, and said, "I dreamed, I seem to have been killed... Hey, it’s a really scary dream. It..."

Qin Chao held Su Ji tightly and said softly in her ear.

"Dear, that's not a dream, that's true..."

"Ah?" Su Ji opened the Qin Dynasty. Now this girl is the strength of the mid-Yang Ying, and the blood of the vampire queen. The strength is amazing, and she almost pushed the Qin Dynasty out of the wall.

"I, I am dead?" The face of the chick is full of incredible. "Is it here? Is it a sinister house? No wonder, it has broken into this way! God, dead Qin Dynasty, are you coming down with me! Catherine, Why are you there? You are not going to hell? I don’t mean that... I mean, you should go to the Western government."

"No, you are not dead."

Qin Chao was teased by this lovely girl. He looked at Su Ji and said, "I am very happy that you are still alive. But in the future, I am afraid that the taste of your meal will change."

“Why do you want to change?” Su Ji blinked. “I like to eat eggs and fry persimmons, and definitely won’t become!”

"You should learn to **** blood, baby." Qin Chao was a bit sore, he was afraid that Su Ji was sad, and said with a smile, "Because, you are now a vampire."

"Ah? I am a vampire?"

Su Ji was shocked and glanced at his hands.

Looking at the hand that became more white, she was silent for a long time.

"If you want to cry, just cry out..."

Qin Chao took advantage of this girl. Become a dark creature, and hit her hard, great.


Who knows, after a long time, this girl is exclaimed.

"I, I have become so white! God, this is how many brand-name skin care products, can not achieve the effect!"

The Qin Dynasty was directly speechless. This girl is an idiot...

"Qin Chao, but people don't want to **** blood..." The little girl took Qin Chao's arm and licked her mouth. She said very cutely, "Vampire, how disgusting... People don't make sanitary napkins..."

"How can you not **** blood?" Qin said very seriously. "Blood is the source of vampire power. You can't breathe without blood. Right? Luo..."

He turned his head and found that the female devil who had helped him a lot, did not know when it had disappeared. Seeing that Su Ji is now alive and alive, Qin Chao’s heart can’t help but feel awkward.

Hey, this time, I have done so much to Luo Wei. He didn't know why at the time, it was an anger, let him do something like this.

Another day, there is a chance, then apologize.

"Qin Chao, how do I feel, my strength has become stronger!"

Su Ji said, in one hand, suddenly grabbed a group of white flames. The flame is constantly beating, symbolizing an irresistible force.

"Right, forgot to say. You are still my konjac now."

The Qin Dynasty held Suji’s little hand, letting Sen’s white flame, attached to his hand and burning together. “You inherit the most powerful nine secluded creatures, the power of the nine secluded emperors. The so-called nine secluded emperors, In fact, it is the soul of the dying predecessors in the nine secluded prisons. The inheritance of the nine secluded emperors is equivalent to inheriting the magic of the Rakshamon. This white flame is the nine smoldering fire."

"Ah?" Suu Kyi blinked. "Then I am not a magician."

"Accurately speaking, it is a double repair of the Buddha and the Devil." Qin Chao scraped her nose, and suddenly caught a punch of Su Ji, hitting his nose.

"The old lady is not a child, she is not allowed to shave my nose. Now I am a cultivator, can the trick be taken together?"

"Hey." Qin Chao snorted his nose and sneered, "I don't tell you this truth in the realm of cultivation. I am the demon of Rakshamen, and you are the comprehension of Lushan. They only recognize this."

"That's it, no matter this. Ah, my strength seems to be in the midst of Yuan Ying!" Some surprises in Su Ji's voice, "It's incredible! If I am practicing normally, with my talent, there is no ten years." Twenty years, it’s hard!”

"Of course, this is the benefit of the konjac." Qin Chao said, "Your strength will only be a lower grade than me. If I enter the golden age, then you are the little master of the end of Yuan Ying."

"So amazing..." Suu Ji slowly closed her eyes and recited konjac in her mouth...

I don't know what was found, this little girl suddenly opened her eyes and glared at the Qin Dynasty. "Qin Chao! Well, the original konjac has such a secret! It must be love, and there are so many!"

She said, grabbed the collar of Qin Chao and screamed angrily. "Give me honestly, you have a few konjac!"

"Just, you are one..."

"No!" Su Ji immediately shouted. "The last time I saved my little white! I know now, she is also a konjac of you! Right? And, she has the space power of the nine spiders. Ha! I said, a beautiful girl, so powerful, why listen to your orders! Good Qin Chao, you do, you, what konjac, I think it is a playboy!"

"Su Ji, you, listen to me explain..."

"I will listen to you P! The old lady will also be konjac, tell you! I will also develop nine konjac! Let them all become the lord's harem! If you dare not obey, the aging mother will use a whip to smoke them!"

"No, no! The konjac can't make konjac!"

"The aging mother will smoke you!"


They were arguing, and from the ceiling that was leaking over it, the snow fell suddenly. Leisurely, it fell to the top of two people's heads.

"Hey, it's snowing?"

Su Ji extended her little white hand and caught a cold snow.

"Yeah..." Qin Chao glanced at the quartz clock hanging on the wall. "It’s already past 12 o'clock... Christmas, baby, Merry Christmas..."

"Well, Merry Christmas." Su Ji nodded, his blue eyes turned and said, "Christmas, you haven't given me a gift yet! If there is no Christmas present, you will die!"

"Hey, I have given you such a strong strength, it is not a Christmas present!"

"Of course not, I want to order something else!"

Su Ji smiled at the Qin Dynasty.

I don't know why, Qin Chao felt a bit cold in the bones. This smile of Su Ji seems to be more terrible than the female devil.

"You, what do you want to say..."

"I want to drink your blood! Bastard!"

Su Ji said, his mouth opened slightly, revealing the little tiger teeth that had become sharp inside.

She took a bite out of Qin Chao’s arm and bit it.

Wife and adults should **** blood, how can they hide?

Qin Chao endured the pain and was bitten by Su Ji.

Originally, Su Ji wanted to bite him to vent his anger.

But who knows, this bite went down and suddenly tasted the sweet blood.

Like an addiction, Su Ji couldn't help but take a sip.

Blood ran down her throat and rolled into her stomach.

I don't know why, it should be a stinky blood, and it becomes so sweet at this time. Is it really because you are already a vampire?

Su Ji grabbed the arm of Qin Chao and sucked two blood. She is like a greedy kitten, not wanting to loose her own grilled fish.

Qin Chao was helpless.

This girl is still addicted. As a self-cultivator, hematopoietic function is very powerful. Is it necessary to become Su Ji’s exclusive blood bank in the future?


But Suu Ji panicked herself. She let go of her mouth, wiped the blood from her mouth, and looked at Qin Chao innocently.

"Does it hurt?"

"No pain."

"Is it really hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, your husband is strong."

"Well, then, then come again..."

Speaking, screaming, and biting it up.

Qin Chao’s heart is gone.

It’s really a **** Christmas.

Catherine, who was on the side, was stunned.

This night, it was fighting again and it was a vampire. My roommate has turned into a vampire... God, she won’t go to her room when she sleeps at night, **** her blood... She, she’s just a weak woman, how to fight The vampire.

And that Kyle, I almost scared my pants.

FUCK, Anna turned into a vampire... It seems that the farther away from her, the better! I don’t want to, I’m being sucked up by adults!

In this room, the only person who is satisfied with Su Ji’s blood-sucking, I am afraid, is only the Qin Dynasty.

"Su Ji, you hit and fight, the blood also drank, promise me something." He looked at Su Ji, who was burying his blood and said.

"Why, if you have something to say."

Su Ji bit the Qin Chao's arm and said vaguely.

"Let's go back to China."

"Is this going to China?" Su Ji stopped eating, raised her head and looked at Qin Chao. "But I still have one year of schooling! If I don't read this time, I can't graduate."

"What is this, your husband can't raise you." Qin Chao patted his chest and said, "Hey, I will return to China, and there are many of our friends on the mainland. They are waiting for us. And, you have been away from home for a long time." I guess your sister should miss you too."

"My sister?"

Su Ji picked her little eyebrows and said, "Our sisters are two, but the video of the night is It is my sister who missed me, or miss you?"

"She wants me to do it!" Qin Chao said quickly. "You don't want to talk about it. This is how she said it is also my little sister. This kind of little nephew is very evil. You talk again, What can I do if I pass it out?"

"You are still afraid to spread out?" Su Ji said disdainfully. "I see that you are looking forward to this evil thing to happen soon!"

"No, I promised my mother, and I will take my daughter-in-law to go back to her old house for the New Year!"

"Ah...but, but people haven't prepared yet! I won't go, don't kill!"

"Ah? Don't you want to marry me..."

"Hey, I want to marry you this embryo! Saying, what does aunt like? Clothes, or jewelry?"


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Some people say that my chapter has no content, let me see my master. Let me say this again, I am a heavy city, my master rebuilds the truth. You said that the content of God, I do not understand, what is the content?暧昧 Flirting is not content?

By the way, there are so many people who have sprayed me recently~ Are you not tired?

What else to say is that I wrote Su Jin as a vampire and abused her? Just kidding, you guys, it reminds me of the story of Luban carving the phoenix.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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