My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 710: Inherit the pope

Chapter 710, inherit the pope.


Who knows, this knife, in the end, actually squatted in the air.

The huge sea monster Tina finally turned into a splash and disappeared under the knife.

Soon, behind the Qin Dynasty, there was a cold breath.

He quickly turned around and suddenly saw a pair of blue sparkling lights from Tina's two giant snake arms.

The Qin Dynasty subconsciously flicked and hid next to it.

The two blue lights were swept over the teaching building behind him. Suddenly, the six-story school building was covered with thick frost.

Fortunately, this time is still in the summer vacation, a large campus, only the front of the instrument building is used to give classes for the postgraduate counseling classes. Nowhere else, no one else.

Otherwise, this battle is expected to cause many people to be affected.

"Difficult guy."

The Qin Dynasty discovered that Natina could be turned into a liquid, and suddenly it was a big head. But no matter what, you have to kill this guy, so as not to make Su Ji dangerous.

At this time, Tina continued to attack the Qin Dynasty.

With a glimpse of her arms, the water surface immediately raised a row of water snakes, biting towards the Qin Dynasty.

"Golden Palm!"

Qin Chao waved his right palm, and a huge transparent golden palm flew out, killing those water snakes.

"It's useless!"

At this time, Natina sneered. "Who is invisible, everything you do is useless."

After that, the few water snakes that had been smashed were condensed, and the shackles were entangled in the Qin dynasty.

"Pagans, although you are very powerful, they are not the opponents of our seven sinners. The anger of the guy is the weakest of us. You killed him, and it really surprised us. But Scofield said You are still a little human, and among us, one can solve you."

When talking, the water snakes are getting closer and closer, and it seems that the Qin Dynasty is strangled.

"Your Scofield seems to have overestimated himself."

The Qin Dynasty suddenly swept the corner of the clothes, and the sharp knife flew out and tore the water snake. At the same time, he stretched out his arms and the two small hooks on his sleeves disappeared into the air on both sides.

"Let me see, full screen attack, can you escape!"

The Qin Dynasty said that the power in the body was launched, "the prisoner of the soul is locked!"

"Oh la la!"

The sound of the chain continued to sound, and then, around the Qin Dynasty, a black chain flew out of the void, densely interspersed in every gap here.

After a while, it seems to be a chain cage, with chains connected everywhere, with sharp hooks.

Tina does turn into a liquid and wants to escape, but she can only appear in a certain position in the pool.

However, the chains of the Qin Dynasty have sealed every position.

Therefore, when she first came out, she was stabbed in pairs by several chains.

The prisoner's lock is not only the flesh but also the soul.


Even the seven sinful knights gave a painful mourning.

"A wicked pagan, how dare you hurt me!"

"Ugly, I’m dying!"

"Don't dare to call me ugly!"

Tina suddenly picked it up. "I am jealous of you, you have the perfect body created by God! I am your beauty, handsome! I am, oh..."

As she mourned, the white radiance on her body became brighter and brighter.

"Would you like to enter the whole body..."

The Qin Dynasty recalled several states of the furious knight at that time. At first it was a human paladin, and later a humanoid monster. In the end, it is a complete monster.

It seems that Tina is moving towards the final stage.

Perhaps, when you should take advantage of her evolution, let's start with a strong one!

Thinking of this, Qin Chao immediately turned his hand to the Tina under his body.



The black light shone, but Tina's body just shivered, but there was no loss. Instead, the black light was bounced out by a white light and dissipated in the air.

"Can't break the defense?"

The Qin Dynasty frowned. When he was about to call for the Great Yin and Yang evil spirits, the white light suddenly disappeared together.

At this time, the monsters that appeared in the pool were even bigger and scary.

She couldn't see the human appearance at all. At this time, she had become a nine-headed white giant snake, wandering in the water, constantly licking her heads.

"Hey, pagan, this time, let you taste our seven sins for your judgment!"

Said, nine heads open their mouths together, facing the Qin Dynasty, spurting a blue light.

Just like a few laser guns, the blue light is constantly chasing the body of Qin Chao.

"Brushing brush!"

Everything that was swept in was an ice cube.

The Qin Dynasty, the body flashed, and finally turned into black smoke, hovering around the white giant snake, avoiding her blue mansion.

"Go to death!"

Tina sighed.

The surface of the water suddenly exploded, and several water guns rose from the surface of the water, almost flooding the entire pool, and finally hit the body of Qin Chao.

A group of black smoke was suddenly shot and flew out, became a human figure, and stared coldly at the monster below.

The seven sinful knights of the whole body are really difficult!

"Water lock!"

At this time, Tina shouted.

On the water, a few water snakes flew out immediately, and then they became a chain, wrapped around the legs of the Qin Dynasty, so that he could not escape.

"Accept the trial!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nina's nine heads were entangled together, like a big flower, and opened a big mouth.

The nine blue rays are brighter and brighter in her mouth.

It seems that she wanted to release the big move and once killed the Qin Dynasty.

"In this case, try the stunt of my seventh layer possession..."

Qin Chao took a deep breath and his body suddenly picked up, and the black mans continued to flash.

This move is still a trick he learned from Mo Tianya when he was fighting against Mo Tianya on the same day.

"Peaceless killing!"

The voice of the Qin Dynasty was infinitely elongated.

At the same time, his body turned into a huge black knife, cut the chains of the two waters, and flew out in an instant.

The nine blue rays of the Hydra also flew out and gathered together to become a huge beam of light more than five meters thick and rushed to the black knife in the air.


The black knife should be above the blue light, and the ice crystals are cut out.

Soon, Tina’s eighteen eyes showed horror.

The huge beam of light that she gathered together was finally cut from the middle. The terrible black knife passed by everything.


There are two huge snake heads, and in this way, they are cut off, with blood, slowly falling into the water below them.

A Li Wei! Qin Chao turned back and turned into a human figure, watching Tina.

At this point, Tina whispered in her mouth, seeming to sway the remaining seven heads because of the pain.

The two broken ends, the blue liquid spread up, and finally formed two liquid snake heads.

"Dare to hurt me, **** pagan!"

With the anger that opened, the water arrows detached from the water and flew toward the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Chao avoided the water arrow, prepared to make a bang, and then cut the remaining heads to her.

At this time, Su Ji, who stood on the top of the building, suddenly gave a cry.

"who are you!"

The Qin Dynasty's heart was suddenly attracted to the past. He looked up and saw an ugly fat man. At this time, he stood on the top of the building, while stuffing his fries in his mouth, sprinkling with potato chips and shouting.

"Hey, little beauty, it looks like it's pretty delicious. Don't send it to the Pope, let me eat it."

Said, sticking out the greasy fat hand, and grabbed it toward Su Ji.


Su Ji quickly stepped back and at the same time, his right hand shot a Buddha light.

Who knows, the fat man opened his mouth and swallowed the Buddha light that flew past.

"Oh, delicious, good, really delicious."

He chewed a few mouthfuls, like eating food, and swallowed the Buddha light. Then, patted the belly and smiled. "Beauty, come again, come again, I haven't eaten enough."

"Give me something to eat!"

And just at this time, in the void, suddenly a magic array flashed.

Then, a man wearing a black armor jumped out, and a huge fist hit the fat man's face.


The fat body flew out and broke into the concrete platform.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

The great man turned around and was a foreigner.

He was very respectful to Suu Kyi, and he squatted down. "I am John Taurus, I have seen you."

"I, I am not a dark pope!"

Su Ji understood the meaning of the Taurus, and she quickly waved her hand.

"Your Majesty, you should not quit."

John Taurus said, "Now, you have been on the blacklist of the Roman church. Whether you admit it or not Roman church will be dead to you. If you do not promise to be a Diablo Pope, then We can't get our help. Only by inheriting the power of darkness can we stand up against the Roman church!"

"But, but..."

Su Ji still has some hesitation.

"Your Majesty!" The Taurus star was a little anxious. "Don't think about it again, promise it! Otherwise, you are always in danger of death! The seven sinful knights are actually the research plan of our Dark Holy See. But in the end, However, it was used by Argus and the plan was cheated."

"The Roman church will actually do something like this..."

Su Ji couldn't help but sigh.

"The **** dark part of the twelve stars, I want to eat you!"

At this time, the fat man came out of the gravel and glared at the golden bull star John on the ground.

He patted his belly and was coming over.

"Falling stars!"

At this time, there was another figure in the sky, and the long bow was pulled out in the hand. The arrow flew down and landed at the fat man's foot, blocking his pace.

"go to hell!"

Another black-eyed man also flashed out, holding a giant tong in his hand and slashing it on the belly of the fat man, but he was bounced off by the fat belly.

"eat you!"

The fat man snorted and reached for the man.

"Your Majesty, don't hesitate."

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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