My Best Actor Ex-Husband and I Became A Role-Model Couple

Chapter 270 The Expressions of Various Friends 2

There is another melon eater who is as excited as Su Rui, and that is Director Zhao of "Home Guardian".

Director Zhao, who had received an invitation from another variety show, was thinking hard about how to stir up suspense, but was interrupted by various calls, and they all asked if the news on Weibo was true.

What is true or false?

With an inexplicable expression on his face, he went to Weibo to look around. Director Zhao also really wanted to find someone to ask if the news was true.

Regardless of whether the news is true or not, it is true that the "Guardian of Homeland" that has just ended has become the focus of discussion again!

In order to find any clues about Jiang Feng's Yuhuo, netizens re-watched this variety show.

Even Director Zhao himself didn't expect it, secretly rejoicing that this year is indeed a year favored by the God of Variety Shows!

Look at the guests he invited, oh my god, Jiang Anzhi's wife can be invited in a daze! What a blessing!

Just when Director Zhao was overjoyed, the producer's call came.

"Will our show be reported and taken off the shelves?"

"Why do you want to report and take it off the shelves?" Director Zhao looked puzzled.

"Zhang Qianyi's secret marriage was exposed and she lost her endorsement, and Fu Qi's bad deeds were picked up and the video was banned. Our show will not be implicated in Jiang Anzhi's early hidden marriage, right?"

"Go, go, why is An Zhi and Mr. Xiaofeng considered a hidden marriage? The news about An Zhi has been posted on the Internet, it's just that the netizens can't figure it out!"

"That's what I said, but I can't stop the brainless fans from making trouble."

"Let's not mess around, don't think too much." After Director Zhao hung up the phone, he couldn't think for a while, and silently called the leader of Yangshi's father, and gave them a vaccination to explain the situation. We, Anzhi, are a good boy and didn't mean it To deceive the public, one must be aware of the details and not listen to the one-sided words of netizens.

Compared with Director Zhao's plan for a rainy day, Zhuang Nan in the hospital was much calmer.

It's going to rain and the mother is going to get married. Jiang Anzhi and Teacher Xiaofeng are quite a match, but they never thought that they would already be a couple.

Zhuang Nan touched his nose and sent a message in the guarding sweetheart team.

Zhuang Nan: Tsk, Mr. An Zhi Xiaofeng is not mean enough, it is hard for us to hide it from us.

Li Yue: Second.

Feng Lanchu: I bow and apologize, we didn't expect to run into each other in variety shows, and that's it.

Qin Zhuo: Brother An and Teacher Xiaofeng didn't do it on purpose.

Li Yue: Wait, what do you mean by that?

Zhuang Nan: Yo? Seeing these words, will Qin Zhuo know about it or not?

Li Yue and Zhuang Nan sensitively captured the key words, and Qin Zhuo, who kindly came out to persuade him, became the target of public criticism, and everyone beat him hard.

Qin Zhuo: Alas, in the end, I bear everything alone.

Zhuang Nan was chatting in the group when a crisp sound of high heels caught his attention.

He looked up and saw Zhu Mingming walking with the old man.

That hooligan girl is very well-behaved when she follows the old man. The old man has bad legs and feet, so she followed slowly without any sign of impatience.

"Mingming, thank you for taking such good care of Baogai."

In just one day, Zhuang's father changed Dr. Zhu's name to Mingming. Zhuang Nan was quite surprised. After all, the old man was used to being a leader in the army. . The relative old man also can't understand the coquettish girls, and he is rarely so kind to others.

"It should be, you're welcome." Zhu Mingming didn't know Mr. Zhuang's usual style. Hearty, she is good at dealing with everyone, especially dog ​​lovers.

"When will you return to Huaixiang?"

"I have a flight tomorrow morning, and I have an operation in the afternoon."

"That's really hard work. I'll let Zhuang Nan see you off." For the first time, the old man brought out his youngest son, who was not often talked about.

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