My Best Actor Ex-Husband and I Became A Role-Model Couple

Chapter 280 Who is as beautiful as a flower?

Not long after the principal communicated with him, it was time to get off work.

Feng Lanchu left the school smoothly under the cover of Wang Bingbing and Zhu Zhengkui and Cai Jiao.

At that time, the three of them didn't know that this was the last time they saw Teacher Xiaofeng at school, and it would be a long, long time before they could see each other again.

Feng Lanchu was in a particularly good mood after returning home, Jiang Anzhi keenly felt her good mood, and couldn't help being surprised.

"Did anything happy happen to you?"

Feng Lan grinned at the beginning, and suddenly put her arms around Jiang Anzhi's hand, and tiptoed to kiss him on the cheek.

The trouble made Jiang Anzhi suddenly blush, he touched his cheek but a smile was written all over his face: "What's the matter?"

"I'm going back to the Wildlife Research Institute!" Feng Lanchu just wanted to look up to the sky and smile, thanks to Anzhi's fans and unscrupulous media, it was a blessing in disguise.


Jiang Anzhi was full of doubts, Wildlife Research Institute? It's an area he doesn't understand.

Feng Lanchu told Jiang Anzhi about her previous work experience, but this time Jiang Anzhi was unhappy.

Does returning to the Institute of Zoology mean that she will go on business trips to various places again? Then does he have to live with Jiang Che at home?

Feng Lanchu seemed to see Jiang Anzhi's emotions, and patted him on the shoulder with his claws: "I am in charge of making money to support the family, and you are in charge of being beautiful."

Feng Lan was originally teasing, but who knows that the film king suddenly put his arms around her waist and said aggressively: "Who is as beautiful as a flower?"

Jiang Anzhi is born beautiful, and there are indeed many fans who will make him a CP, such as him and Li Yue. Fans love Xiao and think how charming and charming he is.

Jiang Anzhi always disliked these remarks, and Brother Chen would never dare to mention these words in front of him.

No matter how stupid Feng Lanchu was, she still knew that she had stepped on the actor Nilin, so she hurriedly said, "I am as beautiful as a flower, and it is I who is as beautiful as a flower."

Jiang Anzhi suddenly smiled, and bit her lips: "Thank you my wife for complimenting me."

This man...was played by him again.

At the beginning of Fenglan's depression, he died.

Jiang Che, who was squatting by the sofa, shook his head silently. What is loneliness? Just look at him.


Feng Lanchu officially returned to the Wildlife Research Institute.

There are many projects to be done in the courtyard during this time, and he was worried about how to transfer Feng Lanchu back, but Huaida sent him to the door automatically.

The dean is so happy, he waited in Feng Lanchu's department early in the morning, looking forward to her appearance.

Feng Lanchu never expected that after three years of absence, her office would remain intact.

There are 3 people in her group, all of whom are well-known doctors. Everyone is waiting for her to come back today.

"Uncles and uncles, I'm back." Feng Lanchu had tears in her eyes.

These big doctors average 50+ per year, and they always come from the uncles and uncles who lived in Fenglanchu. Hearing this familiar address, everyone was very emotional: "Xiao Chu, you are finally back."

When you come back, I don't have to go on a business trip.

The research institute has been inactive for three years, and a few young people who came here couldn't bear the hardships. They ran away just after they were trained to be almost usable.

It's a pity that these old bones still have to stick to the front line.

In the last two weeks, the person next door was in charge of surveying and research, and had to find someone from Huai University to get enough staff. Damn, now they are really not as good as each year.

When they retire, there will only be Feng Lanchu, the only commanding officer left.

At this time, Feng Lanchu didn't know that she had become the future heir of the poorest scientific research team, and she was still chatting with everyone foolishly.

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