Jiang Anzhi didn't care what kind of god he was, so he took Feng Lanchu to get breakfast sullenly.

Half an hour later, several people officially went up the mountain.

Pangolins like to live in humid places, because there are more mosquitoes, rats and ants in such places.

It was not the first time for everyone to work in the field, and they were fairly qualified in terms of equipment. They all wore outdoor jackets and high-top boots to avoid being scratched by the vegetation and bushes in the jungle, and to prevent mosquitoes from biting or getting into their clothes.

Stopping and walking along the way, Jiang Anzhi kept following Feng Lanchu not too far away, and the others also wisely tried not to get close to the couple.

But Xu Mu grew up abroad and didn't pay attention to domestic entertainment at all, so he didn't know who these two were. He only saw that they were a couple, but that wasn't important, the important thing was that he wanted to spy on Jiang Hai for the rest of his life.

The kind that compares him.

Along the way, the president kept saying to him, "Don't cause trouble for me."

Xu Mu curled his lips, his left ear went in and his right ear went out.

A group of people walked in the dense forest for a long time, and the surrounding area was desolate with few people. Finally, Feng Lanchu stopped at a small slope. There was a small stream here. Opposite the small stream was a large sandy field of rotting leaves, and there were many loose leaves on the sand. Soil bag'.

"Let's try our luck here." Feng Lanchu said.

Everyone looked around and saw that there was nothing but rotten leaves. There is no shelter at all, and it doesn't look like animals can come. After all, don't animals like to move around places with shelter?

Feng Lanchu smiled and said nothing, pointing to the dirt bumps in front of him, "These are all ant nests. Pangolins feed on termites and ants. Normally, there are so many ant bumps here, so there must be pangolins coming."

"However, there have been a lot of people poaching pangolins in Konglan Mountain in recent years. I don't know how many pangolins are left in the big Konglan Mountain. Can we wait for them?"

"One or two will always be there." Xu Mu replied indifferently with his hands in his pockets.

Feng Lan glanced at him for the first time: "The extent of pangolins being hunted these years may be more serious than you can imagine. According to incomplete statistics, hundreds of thousands of pangolins were illegally hunted and traded last year alone. What do you think? , Can their reproduction speed keep up with the speed of human hunting?"

When the cat heard it, its eyes turned red: "Why do you want to hunt pangolins?"

"Because...the rumors." Feng Lan glanced at the sky at the beginning: "The pangolin has a suit of armor. It is rumored on the Internet that this armor can cure diseases, so its market price is rushing up. Every year, as many as 100 pangolin scales are intercepted by the customs. tons, and the unintercepted estimate is double that."

Everyone was shocked by this number. Feng Lanchu laughed mockingly again: "But in fact, these scales used for medicine are just the cuticles of pangolins. To put it bluntly, the composition of our human nails is the same."

"This is so stupid. Since this is the case, we have to speak out and refute the rumors!" Fenghuo was also very angry.

The other two writers had already picked up their small notebooks and recorded them.

Just as they were talking, everyone saw a strange movement in front of them, and a small, shiny black four-hoofed animal ran over slowly. It had a long and thin nose and a long tail. The scales on its body were neatly arranged, and its limbs were short and small. Who is not a pangolin?

It came to these earthen buns, sniffed together, and then stretched out its long tongue and began to eat.

After a while, another one came rustling from the other side.

Photographers standing at the best observation places raised their cameras to record the scene in front of them.

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