My Best Actor Ex-Husband and I Became A Role-Model Couple

Chapter 63 The Contempt War of the Tibetan Wild Donkey

At six o'clock in the morning, the loud wake-up whistle rang over the training base.

Feng Lanchu practiced a few radio gymnastics in high spirits before the make-up artist came over with a make-up case.

Still wearing a simple light makeup, when Feng Lan first arrived at the restaurant, the boys were already there.

Jiang Anzhi's complexion was still visible to the naked eye, and there was still a trace of black and blue under his eyes, obviously he didn't sleep well last night.

Feng Lan gave him a worried look at the beginning, and finally couldn't help but walk over: "Are you okay?"

Jiang Anzhi didn't seem to expect that Feng Lanchu would take the initiative to come to him, and he was stunned for a while in surprise before slowly nodding his head.

"If you are really uncomfortable, please don't force yourself into Tibet. You'd better rest in Golmud. This is my advice to you as an expert guide."

Feng Lanchu spoke uprightly.

Jiang Anzhi's eyes darkened after hearing this, but he moved his mouth but didn't speak.

Qin Zhuo and Li Yue called for breakfast, and the two of them didn't talk anymore, and they ate their own food.

Before preparing to set off, Feng Lanchu was still worried, and asked the team doctor to check everyone before letting the team set off.

The training base uses domestic off-road vehicles. Although the cost is not high, they are rough and thick, and they are easier to use in plateau areas than many imported high-end vehicles.

Most of the problems with it can be repaired, and those expensive cars are difficult to end if they don’t go to the 4S shop. Taking a step back, even if you need to abandon the car in an emergency, it doesn’t hurt so much.

Generally, two vehicles will be dispatched for mountain patrolling. The driver of the vehicle in front must be an old guide who is familiar with the road conditions, so as to ensure safety.

Because there are no roads in Hoh Xil in summer, and there are swamps everywhere, vehicles can only go along the ruts, but accidents of getting stuck often occur.

The patrol team sat in the front car, the guardians sat in the second car, Zhuang Nan was the driver, Jiang Anzhi was the deputy, and Feng Lanchu and the three big stars sat in the back row.

They drove all the way to the Kunlun Mountain Pass, and the familiar Daxitan and Yerengou passed by, and the air was full of kindness.

"Kekexili, we are back!" Qin Zhuo shouted happily.

This time they walked all the way along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, and the large mountains and rivers accompanied by rivers reflected the most moving picture.

Occasionally, you can see wild yaks grazing on the grassland with their heads down, and antelopes looking around. Everything is so beautiful.

While everyone was lingering for the scenery, suddenly a group of four hoofed animals spread their legs and ran after their car.

Not long after, the animal overtook them arrogantly and overtook the vehicles in the front row. After throwing the convoy far away, it stopped suddenly. It looked back at them arrogantly, and tilted its head. The buttocks ran away, and disappeared directly into the vast grassland after a while.

? ? ? ? ?

Everyone looked at this scene of God in bewilderment.

"What was this animal... doing just now?"

Feng Lanchu let out a laugh and explained:

"This is a wild Tibetan donkey. They regard themselves as scuds in the grassland. They don't see anyone surpassing them. Whenever someone roars past them, they will immediately compete with others."

"Damn it, the traffic police uncle should come and clean it up. It needs education!"

Qin Zhuo's heartfelt words made everyone applaud and laugh, and Li Yue couldn't help but pat his head: "The variety show circle is very suitable for you, don't go back to the idol circle."

"That won't work, my boss will break my legs." Qin Zhuo said and pointed to the disappearing Tibetan wild donkey: "We should learn from it to focus on one thing, and always be alert to others surpassing ourselves."

"Xiao Zhuo's words are reasonable." Zhuang Nan nodded while driving.

At this time, the vehicle in front suddenly turned left and forked into the grassland.

Jiang Anzhi reminded sharply: "They gave up the road and changed lanes."

"it is good."

Zhuang Nan quickly turned the steering wheel to keep up.

Captain Cai said just now that the prairie road is difficult, and the car behind must follow the rut of the car in front, and there must be no carelessness.

Zhuang Nan carefully followed the car in front and moved a little bit.

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