To be honest, when Jiang Ma spread the word to ask others to introduce someone to her family Anzhi, Ning Yun was very pessimistic.

After all, Jiang Anzhi is not an ordinary person. Marriage with his special occupation is a high-risk thing, but Jiang's mother insists on going her own way. Even if Anzhi agrees, the matchmaker knows that Jiang Anzhi is the one, and she must rush to introduce him with various resources. In this way What good girl can you find?

But when he saw Feng Lanchu at the wedding, he silently changed his mind.

Unexpectedly, the matchmaker really had good resources in her hands. Seeing that gentle woman in IKEA IKEA room made even him feel tempted.

It's really rare to see such a beautiful and temperamental woman who doesn't look like an Internet celebrity plastic surgery face.

The gentle university professor is not only highly educated but also has a good personality. After marrying in, the neighbors all praise her.

And she never acts as a monster, never hinders An Zhi, and never rubs against An Zhi's enthusiasm. After Jiang Che was born, he devoted himself to raising the baby and kept the house in order.

In short, everyone is boasting that the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family is well married, and so is Ning Yun.

After cooking the few dishes that Jiang Anzhi ordered, and packing the last peach blossom soup in a food box, Ning Yun handed it to them with a smile.

"Okay, give us Xiaochu's peach blossom soup, don't be fooled."

Jiang Anzhi sneered speechlessly: "Am I this kind of person?"

"Thank you brother Ning, let's go."

Jiang Che also emptied his bowl and got up.

"You're welcome, come to me again if you want to eat something delicious next time."

"Okay!" Jiang Che shook hands with him knowingly.

At that time, all the chefs in the kitchen saw Mr. Jiang coming out with a food box in his hand, and wished he could turn into a green forest hero and go up and grab it.

Jiang Anzhi didn't know what was going on in their hearts, he just thought that everyone was reluctant to let him go, so he coughed: "Everyone, work hard, you've worked hard."

The chefs were crying: Woohoo, what we want is not your encouragement, but the food box in your hand!

Seeing their thoughts, Ning Yun couldn't help shaking his head: "Okay, I'll cook fried eggs and rice for you tonight."

Everyone's eyes lit up and nodded in unison: "Long live Xiao Ning!"

Because of Ning Yun's promise, everyone worked extra hard tonight, and the guests were pleasantly surprised after tasting it: "Oh, it's amazing, the food tonight is very delicious, did something good happen to the chef!"

"???" Store manager: Does the boss come to inspect the work?

Jiang Anzhi didn't know Xiao Jiangshan's follow-up story, so he took the food box and led his son's hand on the way home.

At that time, Feng Lanchu had already returned home, but the house was very quiet, and the father and son had not returned yet.

It was agreed that An Zhi would organize the dinner, so he probably took Jiang Che out to eat, right?

Feng Lanchu looked at the phone suspiciously. Since the contact just now, Uncle Jiang has not bubbled up again.

She... what should she do?

Just as he was thinking about ordering takeaway, the door opened, and Jiang Anzhi and Jiang Che walked in.

"Mom!" Jiang Che ran up to her carefully carrying a food box, "We packed a lot of delicious food for you."

Uncle Jiang ran to pack as expected.

"You... have you let yourself go like this?"

It’s okay to go to the roadside uncle to pack taro cakes before, but this time I dare to walk into a fast food restaurant!

Or is it that the entertainment industry is changing so fast that Jiang Anzhi can travel freely without anyone to stop him?

Jiang Anzhi walked to the dining table with the food box: "I went to Ning Yun to make it."

"Ning Yun?" Feng Lan was stunned at the beginning, he was the heir of the famous cooking family, and it was said that every dish was worth a fortune.

Looking at An Zhi's table full of dishes, Feng Lanchu thought it was like eating gold!

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