My Best Actor Ex-Husband and I Became A Role-Model Couple

Chapter 652 Remember to Promise Your Life-Saving Grace

The fans who just affectionately called the two senior brothers only cared about their own Anzhi and Teacher Xiaofeng at critical moments.

As soon as someone reminded them, everyone finally came to their senses and quickly praised Zhu Zhengkui and Cai Jiao.

[Worthy of being Teacher Xiaofeng's personal disciple, he is really flexible and responsive, perfectly cooperating with An Zhi to protect Teacher Xiaofeng! like! 】

Zhu Zhengkui and Cai Jiao in front of the computer were finally forgiven by classmates A, B and C because of their meritorious service in escorting the driver.

"We are not only greedy for pleasure, we will fight with our lives when it is time to fight."

"..." Classmates A, B, and C.

The family of three that everyone was talking about was also watching the program seriously in front of the TV at this time. It was only through the lens that Feng Lanchu saw clearly the whole process of the accident.

If it wasn't for Jiang Anzhi, she would have been blown out of her head by the projector and the shelf.

Jiang Anzhi also had bruises on his hands for a while.

Jiang Che patted his chest with lingering fear: "It's so sad. Fortunately, Dad saved Mom."

"Dad, are you okay?"

Jiang Che threw himself into Jiang Anzhi's arms and looked at him anxiously. Thinking of his resentment towards him before, and even ignorantly wanting to wake up his father with boy urine, he felt so ashamed.

Jiang Anzhi didn't know what Jiang Che was thinking, and rubbed his head with a smile: "It's okay. You forgot that Dad is omnipotent."

"Although this is the case, Dad still has to protect himself."

Jiang Che felt that his heart was about to be broken. After a while, he turned his head to look at Feng Lanchu: "Mom, have you thanked Dad? Remember to promise him with your body."

Jiang Anzhi and Feng Lan were taken aback when they first heard the words, and Jiang Anzhi nodded amusedly after a while: "Jiang Che is right."

"..." Feng Lanchu.

After being disturbed by the father and son, the guilt in her heart was finally not so strong, and Feng Lanchu continued to watch the show with a sigh of relief.

The accident of the collapse of the shelf made everyone more vigilant and no longer took it lightly as before. Finally, when night fell, Qin Zhuo and the others didn't have a camera of Mr. Xiaofeng when they were eating, which made the fans scream again to steal the master tape.

In fact, why didn't you show Feng Lanchu's shot? Because she and An Zhi sat together during the meal.

But the fans don't know it. They humbly searched for Feng Lanchu's shadow in various cracks, but to no avail.

Finally at night, the actors were busy putting on makeup, while Mr. Xiaofeng was watching the host speech.

The village head came over to Teacher Xiaofeng and said, "All the villagers are here, we can start."

"Okay." Feng Lanchu nodded, took a breath and prepared to go on stage.

When everyone was looking forward to it, as soon as the program screen turned, it came to the ending song.

[Fuck! Why did it end so unexpectedly! 】

[I knew the program team was going to do something when I looked at the progress bar on horseback, dare you add more! 】

[Ah, I can't stand it, do I have to wait until next week? 】

[What's the matter with the mood that I can't wait to arrive immediately next week? It's been a long time since I've been so passionate! I'm going crazy. 】

[Sister, stop talking, I'm going to start over. 】

[Yes yes yes, this time I can finally dial the progress bar back and forth! 】

It was a live broadcast just now, and there was no way to turn back, but it is different now.

Netizens rushed back to the room like crazy and started watching the show again.

Tonight is undoubtedly the world of the second season of "Home Guardian", and the top three most searched are all occupied by the show.

The broadcast index even outnumbered other programs by N blocks, and the ratings were far ahead in a fault-like manner.

The commercial value of Jiang Feng Yuhuo and his wife was perfectly reflected on this night.

And the network finally launched the fourth hot search

[Soul torture, Anzhi, when will you resume work! 】

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