Seeing Teacher Xiaofeng's serious face, Jiang Anzhi could only lower his head and kiss her heart, and sighed.

"Feng Lanchu is the most cruel woman in the world."

Hearing him scolding herself by name, Feng Lanchu was not only not angry, but even a little funny.

She rubbed Jiang Anzhi's head: "Hurry up and get dressed, there is business to do."


Hearing Mr. Xiaofeng said that there is business to do, Uncle Jiang was not angry at first, he also wants to do his own business, okay? But... let's focus on Teacher Xiaofeng's business first, get up and get dressed obediently.

As soon as I put on the T-shirt, I saw Teacher Xiaofeng took out his mobile phone and turned on the front camera.

"?" Jiang Anzhi continued to be confused.

Feng Lan came over domineeringly at the beginning, took a headshot with Jiang Anzhi's head, and then lowered her head to press the phone. After a while, Jiang Anzhi's phone heard a "ding".

Jiang Anzhi took out his phone suspiciously, and Feng Lanchu sent a picture.

It was the photo of the two of them.

Although Mr. Xiaofeng didn't turn on the artifact of Asian plastic surgery, she was already pretty enough in the camera. His delicate lips were bitten by him just now. The rosy lips looked better than lipstick. The two heads were slightly touching each other. Mr. Xiaofeng He smiled softly, and there were big question marks in his eyes like a fool.

But...Jiang Anzhi doesn't care about these things, Teacher Xiaofeng is beautiful and other things are not important.

However, what does Teacher Xiaofeng mean by this? Could it be that he was asked to change his avatar to swear sovereignty?

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Anzhi curled his lips in a good mood, ready to change his avatar.

When Feng Lan first saw his posture, she was taken aback for a moment, then leaned over and asked, "What are you doing?"


Jiang Anzhi: "Didn't you ask me to change my profile picture?"

"What avatar?" Feng Lan glanced at him like an idiot for the first time, and agreed that An Zhi's EQ is very high, why is it like two hundred and five, does it mean that if a person loses weight, his IQ also shrinks?

"This is for you to send Weibo."

"?" Jiang Anzhi.

Seeing Jiang Anzhi's bewildered face, Feng Lanchu sighed and told him what happened at the entrance of the crew.

Jiang Anzhi nodded understandingly, his tone inevitably disappointed: "I thought Mr. Xiaofeng was enlightened, and wanted to have a profile picture with me as a couple."

"How could I do such a nasty thing?"

Feng Lan rubbed the goosebumps on her arms incomprehensibly at the beginning, the couple's headshots were too sissy.

"..." Jiang Anzhi.

Speechless is speechless, but Teacher Xiaofeng agreed to others, so he naturally had to cooperate.

Jiang Anzhi sighed: "This one is not suitable, let's change it."

They were both wearing home clothes, they were still on the bed, and the two of them were so close, if they really posted it, fans would definitely make up their minds about what they had. He doesn't want to see little fans dancing colorful jokes to their photos.

Thinking of this, Jiang Anzhi held Feng Lanchu's hand in his palm, and the beautiful ring shone white.

After taking a picture of the two people's intertwined hands, they found the previously saved photo of Feng Lanchu and Jiang Che, edited it a little, and sent the photo out.

Jiang Anzhi: Teacher Xiaofeng and I have met. You don’t need to worry. Work hard and study hard so as not to affect your life.

Simple words but very artistic.

Turning the siege of fans into fans caring and worrying about them, leaving enough face and face for fans.

As soon as these three photos came out, the backstage brother on Weibo almost scared to death.

After all, since the server was crashed by Jiang Yingdi twice in a row, Jiang Yingdi has become the object of his focus.

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