Jiang Anzhi didn't expect that Feng Lanchu would find out that he had insomnia.

He admitted that since the due date is getting closer, he is indeed very disturbed.

After all, Jiang Che came out early at that time. Whenever he fell asleep, he would dream that Teacher Xiaofeng was about to give birth, and when he dreamed, he would wake up startled and couldn't fall asleep again. Only by staring at Teacher Xiaofeng all the time can he feel at ease.

Feng Lanchu was helpless: "Don't worry, Jiang Che is in a special situation."

Back then, she was scared when she saw Jiang Anzhi on TV. But now, there is nothing that can scare her anymore, unless Jiang Anzhi cheats on her.

But seeing how he was about to grow grass at home, he probably didn't have such a chance.

Moreover, the baby has been very well-behaved since she was pregnant. Apart from some normal pregnancy reactions, the baby did not embarrass her.

Even Dr. Hongzao would praise her baby for being cute and sensible every time she does a prenatal checkup!

Thinking of this, Feng Lanchu proudly held Jiang Anzhi's hand over her stomach.

The outline of the child can be vaguely felt under the thin belly.

Soon he will come out and meet everyone.

Feeling the warmth of Teacher Xiaofeng's stomach, Jiang Anzhi finally relaxed a little.

"Erbao is very good. He will come out when it's time to come out. If you are really worried, you can put your hands on my stomach from tonight onwards, and let us, mother and child, give you a sense of security."

In order to confirm Feng Lanchu's words, the baby in the stomach also moved, as if saying don't worry.

Jiang Anzhi softened his eyebrows and slowly fell asleep.

Feng Lanchu looked at his sleeping face and let out a sigh of relief, and finally put the anxious master to sleep.

"Baby, you have to be good, don't scare Dad."

Otherwise, Uncle Jiang's dad's anxiety may never be cured.

Jiang Anzhi finally had his first good night's sleep in two months, and didn't wake up until the sun was high.

When he opened his eyes, it was already daylight, and the bed was empty and there was no figure of Teacher Xiaofeng, a kind of panic rose in his heart for no reason.

Ji Ling sat up, and was just getting out of bed when he heard a familiar voice from the chaise longue.

"Where are you going in such a panic?"

Only then did Jiang Anzhi see Feng Lanchu who was sitting in the imperial concubine chair reading a book.

The morning sun fell on her body through the white gauze curtain. On the cotton maternity skirt was a swollen belly. Because of her pregnancy, her breasts and thighs were longer than before, and her whole body exuded a feminine charm.

Jiang Anzhi walked beside her with a sigh of relief: "I thought you..."

"Think I secretly went to have a baby?"

Jiang Anzhi pursed his lips and smiled.

"You worry about gain and loss, huh."

Feng Lanchu shook her head helplessly: "Don't worry, Erbao and I are both strong, and it's not easy to have a baby with the advanced medical level now."

Jiang Anzhi's excessive worry was in stark contrast to Feng Lanchu's heartlessness.

Feng Lanchu occasionally complained to Zhu Mingming, but Zhu Mingming didn't take it seriously.

"It's because the film emperor attaches great importance to you, so stop teasing me."

Feng Lan curled her lips at the beginning, she just thought that An Zhi's behavior was abnormal, he was almost sick.

But after thinking about it, this might be Anzhi's real inner world.

Maybe the encounter in childhood has deeply buried the uneasiness in his heart. When he can't grasp a certain unknown one hundred percent, he will have a deep sense of insecurity, and he will stare at it even if he is out of his mind.

Just like a lion and tiger, when it hunts a prey, it will hide the unfinished meat. During this time, in order to prevent other animals from coveting, it will guard the corpse nearby.

And now she is equivalent to the piece of meat in An Zhi's eyes.

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