My Best Wife

Chapter 2002: Self-blame Liu Yan

"Minister Chen, based on the various data you provided before and the situation you reported on the phone, it doesn't seem to sound so bad!"

Zhang Zhenguo was also a little confused. He had contacted Chen Qinghe several times before, and every time he heard Chen Qinghe's tone, it was not like what it is today.

Chen Qinghe slowly raised his head after hearing this, glanced at Zhang Zhenguo, and said again: "Indeed, I was thinking too idealistically at the time. I thought that as long as I solve a large part and speak with facts, that small part will naturally It's easy to solve, but I didn't expect them to surprise us all in the end!"

"What surprise?!" Zhang Zhenguo frowned and asked.

He is very concerned about the affairs of the group. He needs to know for the first time if there is any disturbance. Now that he hears Chen Qinghe's solemn tone, he naturally becomes nervous.

"President Chen, in fact, I tell you again tomorrow." Chen Qinghe looked at the expressions on the faces of the people around him, and he couldn't say anything. He didn't want to make everyone unhappy when he came back.

"Say!" Zhang Zhenguo raised the volume, and at this moment he has realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Okay..." Chen Qinghe was helpless, "Minister Liu remembers clearly that when she went to Zhongyuan Company for the first time, after debugging by our technicians, our products did not have any problems, but when we were about to end all During the after-sales work, Centaline suddenly issued a statement saying that our products have hidden security risks. They stole their company’s confidential files and uploaded them to the cloud. This is their original statement file."

While talking, Chen Qinghe took out his mobile phone, looked through the statement, and handed it to Zhang Zhenguo. After Zhang Zhenguo finished reading it, the expression on his face suddenly became more solemn, and Bi Luochun on the side also realized that the problem seemed more complicated than he had imagined, so he immediately followed and took a look.

This statement is very different, not just a textual statement, but also very detailed pictures are added below.

The picture shows that the microcomputer sent to the monitor screen is uploading the financial information of Zhongyuan Company to the cloud. Seeing the mosaic financial information, Bi Luochun also frowned.

After so much, Bi Luochun knows very well that the financial information of an enterprise is very important. Non-workers are never allowed to view it by outsiders. Now, looking at the financial information uploaded to the cloud, no one can judge. , Is this automatically uploaded by the system or is it manually operated by Centaline.

Of course, at this juncture, Zhongyuan Company naturally refuses to admit that this is their artificial operation.

And if you want to prove that this is not a human operation, the difficulty is unimaginable. Looking at the date, this is the information on December 13. There are more than 1,300 pieces of financial information uploaded, including the Central Plains company for nearly a year and a half. Company financial information!

This statement was issued the day before yesterday, the day before Liu Yan and Chen Qinghe were preparing to return.

The first to receive this statement were Chen Qinghe and Liu Yan, who were sent to them by the chairman of Zhongyuan Company using his email account.

Chen Qinghe and Liu Yan are very clear that this is that they deliberately planted and framed, and the other party is very arrogant, it seems that they have already concluded that they can't solve this problem.

Regarding this, not only Liu Yan, but even Chen Qinghe can’t stand it anymore, but they have already decided to return, and all other visits have ended, plus it’s the New Year’s Pass, so they I decided to come back first and discuss countermeasures.

Zhang Zhenguo was very angry, because there was a sentence at the bottom of the statement: "Mingda Group sells dog meat as a sheep's head, and seems to be taking the road of independent innovation, but in fact it has a greater conspiracy. If we blindly let it at its mercy, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

The meaning of this sentence is obvious. It is to remind everyone that Mingda Group is not credible. With all the information stated in the statement, the effect of this statement is beyond imagination Zhang Zhenguo. How big!

When things got to this point, Zhang Zhenguo was soberly aware that even though Mingda defeated Juying in the previous confrontation, that was just the beginning, and then it was Juying's real counterattack time!

The so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Juying this camel may really have the time to fight with Mingda!

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, this incident was caused by me, but it hurt everyone." Liu Yan looked at Zhang Zhenguo's solemn expression at the moment, and said with a more self-blaming tone.

However, before she finished speaking, Zhang Zhenguo suddenly stretched out her hand and interrupted Liu Yan to continue speaking, and then said with a serious face: "It's none of your business, even Mingda can't solve the problem, how can it be difficult for you? ?"

After Zhang Zhenguo finished speaking, he frowned and thought for a while, and continued: "If Mr. Fang comes back these two days, don't tell him this in advance. I'm afraid he will lose control of his emotions like the last time. The price, to solve this problem!"

"Good Mr. Zhang!"

Several people spoke in unison.

"In addition, Vice Minister Lin, I have to trouble you a lot about this matter." Zhang Zhenguo turned to look at Lin Shan and said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, I must go all out!" Lin Shan replied earnestly.

The technical department led by Lin Shan is already recognized as the top technical team in Mingda.

Zhang Zhenguo's former Lingxin team has also been integrated into Lin Shan's team. Now Lin Shan leads not only her original team, but also part of Zhang Zhenguo's team.

The president of Kirin did not agree with this at first. They were all enterprises before. They knew how many technical personnel an enterprise needed. From his point of view, the current technical personnel of Mingda Group have far exceeded the actual needs. Needs, it will be difficult for Mingda Group to survive this way.

However, his idea was quickly rejected by Zhang Zhenguo, and he talked with him earnestly for a long time, and finally he completely agreed with it.

And Lin Shan, currently the Deputy Minister of Information Technology, is also very aware of the burden on her shoulders. What she carries is not only the entire technical department, but also the burden of life and death for Mingda.

However, Lin Shan’s performance at work has led to the leadership of the team and Zhang Zhenguo is very satisfied. At least for now, Lin Shan’s personal ability and leadership have far exceeded Zhang Zhenguo’s expectations.

Zhang Zhenguo also knew very well that being able to get Lin Shan, the deputy minister, was a huge bargain for Mingda as a whole.

But he also knew that Lin Shan and Fang Zhiqiang had a certain friendship, thinking of this, he was relieved a lot.

The dinner party was finally cancelled, and after talking about such a thing, it was true that no one was in the mood to go to dinner.

They did not discuss in depth tonight. After all, Chen Qinghe and Liu Yan had just returned, and the others were tired. Zhang Zhenguo immediately announced that everyone would go home and rest immediately. Starting tomorrow, there will be an annual holiday until the seventh day of the new year.

Such vacations are usually very short.

However, at this time, everyone was opposed to it. They all wished to go to work immediately and seize the time to solve the problem.

However, Zhang Zhenguo told them very firmly: "I have already said that this problem must be gradual and cannot be solved overnight. If you can solve it by working overtime during the New Year, it would be too small for Juying!"

Everyone was unable to convince Zhang Zhenguo, but for Lin Shan, her working location is completely unlimited, as long as a computer is enough for work.

So before leaving the company, she copied all the most important documents recently.

As for Liu Yan, she has always been in a self-blame mentality. Although several people have been comforting her, it seems that her mood has not improved much.

Bi Luochun was also very helpless. After thinking about it for so long, he finally returned, but he was crying.

Seeing Liu Yan's gloomy expression, Bi Luochun became anxious, but there was nothing he could do. As a straight man, how did he know that lipstick is the most powerful weapon for women?

"Yanzi, after finally looking forward to your return, can't you just smile?" On the way home, Bi Luochun looked at Liu Yan while driving, and said in a joking tone.

"Laugh at you! I have been resting at home for more than half a year, and now it is hard to give me an errand. I did it as soon as I got up. What do you make Qiangzi think?"

Liu Yan pouted, glared at Bi Luochun, and said angrily.

Bi Luochun grinned innocently, but he was very experienced in coaxing his wife, and immediately smiled shamelessly again: "Hey, daughter-in-law, guess what Xiaochunzi's name was yesterday? "

"What?" Liu Yan's anger seemed to dissipate a lot when he mentioned Xiaochunzi. She grabbed her arms and glanced at Bi Luochun and asked.

"I'll tell you when you go home!" Bi Luochun deliberately sold off.

"You!" Liu Yan suddenly became so angry that she was so angry that she slapped Bi Luochun's arm fiercely, "You are looking for death!"

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