My Best Wife

Chapter 2323: Departure (two)

At eight o'clock in the morning, the plane departed.

The harsh take-off sound caused Li Xiaoxiao, who was standing outside the airport, to cry again uncontrollably.

Last time, when we were standing here, she and Fang Zhiqiang, with Xiaoyu, looked at Wang Yaxin who was going there by plane.

Now, standing in the same place and looking at the same airplane, it is completely different.

Everything in the past was like a white cloud dog, but everything nowadays is nothing but humanity, and the stars are changing.

Time can dilute everything, as well as human emotions and inner obsessions.

At the time, Li Xiaoxiao only felt that he was reluctant to leave Fang Zhiqiang all his life, and wanted to be by his side at all times. But now, looking at Fang Zhiqiang, who couldn't survive no matter how hard he tried, Li Xiaoxiao even thought again, why not let it go. Anyway, the world is so big, where is it not to fly?

Birds never miss the branches on which they live, the bees, and the stamens that gather nectar.

They can also do what they want, but why can't they do it themselves?

She did not go to the Mingda Group, but went to the bar.

That bar she hadn't been to in years, alone.

On the plane, Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin sat side by side. Wang Yaxin looked at the latest Times over there, and Fang Zhiqiang was playing with the phone with the flight mode turned on.

In fact, there is nothing fun, just click and don't know what to watch.

"Do you want to know about the current situation of Xin Sheng?" Suddenly, Wang Yaxin, who was reading the newspaper, asked.

Fang Zhiqiang turned his head and looked at Wang Yaxin's eyes not looking at him, then nodded and said, "Tell me."

Since she is her biological daughter, why not care about it?

As for Wang Yaxin, since he had chosen to let Fang Zhiqiang go there with him, it was necessary to let him know some of Wang Xinsheng's current situation.

Talking about Wang Xinsheng, Wang Jingyu is of course indispensable.

When Fang Zhiqiang listened to Wang Jingyu's recent performance, he couldn't help but show a smile on his face. The kid who was once so'not sensible' is now so obedient.

Fang Zhiqiang was really happy for Wang Yaxin. He remembered that it was because of Wang Jingyu when he and she had just met. Wang Yaxin at that time also took great pains to make this child happy.

"Sometimes when I think about it, it really feels like a dream. After so much thought, I wanted to make the children happy. Now, the children have finally changed for the better. I get more and more messy, and sometimes I really don’t know what is the difference between myself and my children."

When Wang Yaxin said this, she suddenly turned her head to look at Fang Zhiqiang, with a smile that had not yet dissipated on her cheek.

To Fang Zhiqiang, that smile looked so familiar and so sweet.

But for Wang Yaxin, that was a mockery of what he used to be and a denial of what he had done in the past.

Today's Wang Yaxin is no longer the same, the previous decision, the previous thought, in her eyes today, it is just a joke.

In the eyes of some people, the persistence that I once called was nothing but stubbornness and stubbornness.

Now that this is the case, why should you hold on to torture yourself in this way?

He had already understood the truth, but Wang Yaxin changed his mind several times, always thinking that after his own efforts, everything would still have room for maneuver.

But after returning to Mingzhu this time, Wang Yaxin realized that everything was just a wishful thinking, a daydream.

Although Fang Zhiqiang agreed to go with him, it was also for Wang Xinsheng and his biological daughter, but was it only for himself?

Having been on the plane for so long, has Fang Zhiqiang ever spoken and asked about his situation there? How did he know how much he suffered and how much sin he suffered over there?

On the contrary, it is the man who he has always refused, who is always by his side. Every time he is fragile, he can always appear in time, even if he has never loved him before, even if he can’t really like him, But compared to the man in front of him at the moment, that man is indeed more suitable for life.


Feeling the awkward atmosphere at this moment, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help coughing twice, looked at the smile on Wang Yaxin's cheek that had not disappeared, and asked: "What's the matter with you and Jiang Bing?"

"Do you want to hear?" Wang Yaxin was a little surprised and a little surprised at the question Fang Zhiqiang asked. She originally thought that Fang Zhiqiang really didn't care about her life at all.

Fang Zhiqiang did not answer, but looked at Wang Yaxin and nodded slightly.

"Speaking of this, it's endless, are you sure you have that patience?" Wang Yaxin said in a questioning tone again.

Fang Zhiqiang looked at Wang Yaxin firmly and nodded again.

"You already knew about the fake marriage, so I won't go into details."

Wang Yaxin turned her head, sighed, and said, "After we got married, we lived apart. Originally, I thought that through my own efforts, I would try to love him and spend the rest of my life with him. There is nothing wrong with me. But after a long time, I found that I still didn't feel anything towards him. At that time, Xin Sheng's affairs were almost handled. In order not to delay his time, I confessed to him."

When Wang Yaxin said this, he paused.

Wang Yaxin is reluctant to mention these things. After all, it is a matter of negative people. When I say it, I always feel cruel. Wang Yaxin at least feels that he has never failed or disappointed anyone, at least emotionally. So.

As for Jiang Bing, it was Wang Yaxin's guilt for a long time, but there was no way.

Fang Zhiqiang stared at Wang Yaxin intently at this moment. When Wang Yaxin turned to look, Fang Zhiqiang frowned again. Obviously, he was very curious about what happened next.

"Later, he took the initiative to separate and let us calm down for a period of time, but for me, separation is the end and meeting again, but it's just a stranger, and there is no intersection."

Wang Yaxin said decisively, as if she was guaranteeing something from Fang Zhiqiang, but in fact Wang Yaxin knew that it was just a word she used to remind herself.

A person who has been hurt by himself will never hurt him a second time, nor will he cause any interference in his life. In this way, being the most familiar stranger is not a kind of perfection?

Fang Zhiqiang slowly lowered her head. Just after hearing so much, it was enough to hear that Wang Yaxin's life over there was not a good one, but now she speaks of it so calmly. It seems like a story that happened to others.

"Why? Moved my compassion?" Wang Yaxin suddenly said when he saw Fang Zhiqiang who was bowing his head, and said in a joking tone.

Fang Zhiqiang was stunned, looked at Wang Yaxin, and after a moment of indulgence, he said seriously: "Knowing that you are not doing well there, I feel very uncomfortable."

"What's so uncomfortable? This is not caused by you. It's just that I don't live up to my temper. I have no ability to grasp the happiness sent by God. Perhaps, Zhu Gusheng is talking about me, right?"

Wang Yaxin continued jokingly.

Fang Zhiqiang did not laugh. This is a very serious matter, at least Fang Zhiqiang thinks so.

"When you left last time, wasn't there another man? Was it a doctor?"

Fang Zhiqiang asked again.

"You're talking about Xu Chao, right?" Wang Yaxin smiled and still said disapprovingly.

"Yeah, during that time, he and Jiang Bing both liked to be jealous, and they often ran to my house. They didn't come empty-handed every time, and they spent a lot of good stuff.

"But later, after knowing that I was married to Jiang Bing, I never saw him again, let alone have any contact with him. Presumably, I was completely desperate for me."

Wang Yaxin continued to speak calmly, as if he didn't want Fang Zhiqiang to see the uncomfortable and unbearable in his heart.

However, deep in Wang Yaxin's heart, the debt to Xu Chao and Jiang Bing two men could not be repaid for a lifetime.

She knew that if she knew them before she knew Fang Zhiqiang, she would definitely not hold on for that long, and she would fall deeply into their tenderness and couldn't help herself.

But there is no if.

Everything that Fang Zhiqiang once gave to himself has been deeply imprinted in his heart, and can no longer be erased, even if he tries to forget it, it is all in vain.

"Hehe, speaking of it, you are all to blame! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be so indifferent to others, let alone ignore them. Maybe, now we have formed a new happiness. What about the family!"

Wang Yaxin looked at Fang Zhiqiang's deep expression, and then said jokingly again.

Every sentence of Wang Yaxin sounds so relaxed, but Fang Zhiqiang's heart is like a needle.

The phrase ‘I’m all to blame on you’, although it was a joke by Wang Yaxin, Fang Zhiqiang knew that it was true.

What I was delaying was not only the time that Wang Yaxin had, but also the desire for love and the pursuit of a happy life in her heart that was about to rekindle.

And she appeared at the right time and took possession of her precious resources. As she left again, her thoughts and rekindled enthusiasm had gone silent again. The desire to rekindle again was nowhere in sight. .

"Okay, don't always be so frowning, if you just get there, let Xiaoxiao know, you have to talk to me again!"

Wang Yaxin patted Fang Zhiqiang's back lightly, and continued to say jokingly.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang is also a far-fetched smile.

"I have nothing to say about the past, and a sorry sentence will not help. Yaxin, don't blame it."

Fang Zhiqiang's abrupt remarks made Wang Yaxin stunned. Although Fang Zhiqiang once said something similar, it sounds different now.

Once, Fang Zhiqiang said this in order to firmly choose Li Xiaoxiao.

But now, he sincerely apologized to himself for what he had done.

"Are you apologizing to me?" Wang Yaxin asked with a smile.

Fang Zhiqiang nodded and did not speak.

"Then you are looking for the wrong person. There is no one right or wrong in this kind of relationship. When I was together, I insisted on leaving you and chose to go over there. Forgot?"

Wang Yaxin stared into Fang Zhiqiang's eyes, as if wanting to see something in Fang Zhiqiang's eyes.

"Haha, it’s too long. Now that I think about it, it’s really vague, but I know that for you and for me, it used to be a scar that I didn’t want to mention, but after all, you are the one who firmly chooses. , And the one who flinched is me. I am the one who owes something."

"If you have to think so, I can't help it, but I still want to tell you that you have to be responsible for the decision you have made. You are guilty and unwilling. Only you can bear it. Others cannot help you."

Wang Yaxin's words came from the bottom of her heart, and her expression was also very solemn, because she knew it well.

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