My Best Wife

Chapter 3333: Deep into the tiger's den (3)

Fang Zhiqiang thought that Tony really wanted to win this time. After refusing a few bodyguards, he still sent his own capable technical backbone. Of course Fang Zhiqiang also knew that on the one hand he was assisting him, on the other hand he might also be monitoring him. If nothing else, Dai Qiu next to Tony should also be nearby soon. Although Fang Zhiqiang's previous opponents were difficult to deal with, there was always a way to deal with them. This time, whether it was rival Juying or the so-called partner Dongji Company, many people encountered were hidden, and the city was very deep. Strong players have their own strong players. Fang Zhiqiang is half worried and needs to be more vigilant; the other half is excited, and the masters have to play tricks and need to think about the longer term.

As Xiaobai slowly introduced his situation, Fang Zhiqiang basically figured it out. Xiaobai arrived early. The two people arrived at the Juying branch from Dongzhou, and passed the technical interview yesterday. It is good for two people to have a care in the company, and Xiaobai can also provide the necessary support and help when hacking skills are needed at the same time.

"What kind of person is Lucy?" Fang Zhiqiang asked suddenly. Xiaobai obviously didn't expect Fang Zhiqiang to ask this question. He was stunned for a moment, and then there was a happy look on his face, and then he became serious: "This...Lucy, how do you say it, it's a genius and a goddess." Fearing that Fang Zhiqiang would not understand, Xiao Bai slowly explained it. Lucy is a rare technical genius who has deep attainments in many high-tech fields. In fact, Lucy is the chief technology officer of Dongji. Lucy is long and beautiful, it can be said to be Madame Curie of physics and Heidi Lamarr of communications.

When talking about Lucy, Xiao Bai looked very energetic, and the technical people were relatively simple. Fang Zhiqiang asked again: "What's the relationship between Lucy and Tony". Xiaobai suddenly became nervous, and began to hesitate: "This...I don't know about Mr. Fang... You should ask Tony, I am not very clear."

Fang Zhiqiang obviously knew what Xiaobai was hiding, and did not continue to ask questions. After the two briefly discussed the communication method, Xiao Bai prepared to stand up and leave. "By the way, President Fang, I would like to remind you that you should turn on the mobile phone equipped with Juying for a while, use it, and communicate with the equipped robot. Juying should also collect and analyze your data in real time. If you have been turned off This is obviously not in line with common sense. Generally speaking, successful candidates are excited to study and use the equipped robot. If you need to communicate with Tony or his family, it is recommended to put your mobile phone in the house, pretend to go for a walk, and go outside to call Okay, let me go first. I will let you know if there is a clue from Lucy." Xiaobai took the box from the balcony carefully after speaking, then took out the phone and left quietly with the box.

After Fang Zhiqiang thought about it, he decided to follow Xiaobai's suggestion, turned on the phone and started researching. Xiaoying continued to communicate with Fang Zhiqiang after being activated, and one or two hours passed without knowing it. Despite constant in-depth exchanges, Fang Zhiqiang has gradually become accustomed to the existence of Xiaoying, a virtual robot, and Xiaoying even recommended Fang Zhiqiang's surrounding specialty steaks. Fang Zhiqiang felt the great convenience brought by technology while thinking about what could be improved and better. As long as it does not involve the personal privacy of the family, Fang Zhiqiang basically communicated frankly and did not deliberately conceal the true answer. After adjusting some system settings, Xiaoying looks a bit like Li Xiaoxiao in appearance and voice. After getting acquainted with the work in the department where he will be employed tomorrow, Fang Zhiqiang got up and left, and told Xiaoying that he would go out for a walk and eat by the way. A meal. Xiaoying disappeared immediately after saying goodbye.

Fang Zhiqiang came to a park a few blocks away from the hotel, and there was a lively scene in the park. There was a lot of laughter everywhere, and friends in twos and threes walked by or lay on the lawn and chatted happily. There are also families that take their children to enjoy the family happiness, and the happy laughter is intertwined with the loving response of the parents. There are also a couple of lovers, holding hands and walking in the sunset. Fang Zhiqiang only felt cold all over, and that cold came from the bottom of his heart. The loneliness of a foreign country suddenly magnifies the confusion and anxiety of the unknown future, forming a strong contrast with the joyous atmosphere around. Everyone may have times when life is unsatisfactory, and there are also times when they are fragile, and this moment is when Fang Zhiqiang's heart is most fragile.

Fang Zhiqiang took out his mobile phone, but Wang Yaxin's number was never dialed. Fang Zhiqiang didn't want to pass on this feeling to Yaxin, nor did he want them to worry. After hesitating again and again, he put away the phone and found a recliner, just silently watching the strangers coming and going, letting time flow by. Sometimes being able to breathe freely is also a kind of happiness. The career is struggling, and family life seems to be peaceful. The relationship between Li Xiaoxiao, Wang Yaxin, and three children is also a mess. Fang Zhiqiang didn't know why he was suddenly so pessimistic and frustrated at this time. He just envied the ordinary people around him to have such a simple happiness. As for myself, the road of love has been bumpy, and I also rely on my tenacity to carry it hard at work. How much Fang Zhiqiang wanted to give up everything and lead his wife and children to lead a plain life, but Fang Zhiqiang himself knew that the path he took now could not stop at all. There was no turning back when I opened the bow. I have come all the way from a delivery company, and slowly expanded each company, step by step until now, my ability may have reached the ceiling, but what about it, isn't life here to experience this? Seeing Juying's technology today, Fang Zhiqiang seems to have found the direction of his future struggle. Slowly Fang Zhiqiang's emotions began to self-adjust, and his eyes gradually became firm.

First, I called Yaxin, reported that he was safe, and asked about the child's situation. I called Lin Shan and the others, expressing their feelings about Juying Technology today, and told them not to contact them casually in the short term. Finally, I called Tony, and both of them tacitly didn't talk too deeply about Xiaobai.

At the same time, He Yingzhou, the vice president of Juying Group, was watching Fang Zhiqiang relay all the data sent by Xiaoying the robot, thinking for a long time, and dialing a phone call. "From the data point of view, it is normal to leave the group and stay in the hotel. After arriving at the hotel, there is a ten-minute vacuum period. It is suspected that it is human signal shielding or internal signal fluctuations in the hotel. This is still being confirmed. The subsequent data is stable, and this should be It’s been out for dinner. There was also a suspicious person who was admitted yesterday, and he is also following up. Don't worry."

"Well, I see," the other party hung up the phone indifferently.

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