My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 110: Genius Actor, Fairy-like Character

Ye Jun was surprised by the girl who appeared for a while.

This look is different from what he knows,

The hot and enchanting Zhou Mei, the pure and lovely An Ran, the cold and beautiful Qi Ying, the dark and bright Tian Bing, and the mature and sexy Zhao Jingxuan!

This girl, like an independent female fairy, does not touch the world's fireworks.

If you really want to describe it, only words like Xianqi Mimiao can match her!

【Ran Feibing】

【Age: 24】

【Height: 174cm】

【Weight: 55kg】

【Measurements: 97 61 82】

[Face value: 100]

【Experience: 0】

[Evaluation: A genius actor, singer, talented person, terminally ill. 】

[Secret things: self-break (detailed view)]

Oh, God is jealous of the beauty.

Ye Jun looked at this beautiful woman and sighed slightly.

He looked away.

"Feibing, come and chat with your sister Xuan. I'm going to prepare lunch..."

With a hint of joy, Aunt Zhang went out to buy groceries.

Ran Feibing faintly drove his wheelchair to the side of the coffee table in the living room.

Seeing Zhao Jingxuan, there was still a little emotion on her face: "Sister Xuan, long time no see."

Zhao Jingxuan responded gently.

Two women with a certain age difference had an unexpected conversation.

Ye Jun continued to act as a wall tree on the sidelines, and Zhao Jingxuan introduced Ye Jun to Ran Feibing.

But Ran Feibing only glanced at Ye Jun faintly, without even a word of greeting.

Zhao Jingxuan's face was a little embarrassed at the time, but Ye Jun pretended to pour water and turned the topic off.

Ye Jun now has no idea about this Ran Feibing, except for his amazing appearance when he first saw it.

I have never been a person who would rub someone's cold ass with a hot face. Since she has this attitude, I don't want to pay attention to her.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Jingxuan's eyes fell on Ran Feibing's lap.

The expression was a little uncomfortable and asked: "Sister Feibing, is there really no way for you to be injured?"

Ran Feibing's original attitude towards Zhao Jingxuan changed a little in an instant.

She asked angrily, "Sister Xuan, what do you mean? Do you also look down on me as a cripple!"

Zhao Jingxuan was confused by Ran Feibing's transformation for a while, and she was kind enough to care about it.

But I didn't expect that sister Fei Bing, who had always been very close to her, would be so aggressive.

She hesitated and said, "Sister Feibing, it's not like that. I heard about your condition before. Since there is no other way in China, I can take you to the U.S...."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ran Feibing with a sneer: "No, I know that sister Xuan is in good condition in your family! Our family is poor and can't afford it!"

Zhao Jingxuan's face was blue and white when she heard Ran Feibing's words.

When she came here today, she considered the decision made repeatedly. The economic conditions of her family and Ran Feibing's family are indeed very different.

But she never deliberately revealed that even the gifts she gave were so grounded.

She took care of other people's feelings with all her heart, and she also wanted to take this Ran Feibing abroad to see a doctor out of good intentions.

How could she not feel uncomfortable to be so misunderstood by her.

Zhao Jingxuan's eyes were almost red with anger, but Ran Feibing still looked at Zhao Jingxuan mockingly.

She pointed to the gift Zhao Jingxuan had brought, and said in a cold voice: "Sister Xuan, take everything away, I don't need you to pity me! Please leave now!"

"Feibing, I really didn't mean that, can you listen to me..."

There was already a hint of pleading in Zhao Jingxuan's tone.

When Ye Jun saw this scene, an unknown fire arose. This Ran Feibing was simply deceiving people too much. Although Zhao Jingxuan had money, she was kind-hearted. If she wanted to show off her wealth, why bother with this poor family?

Although he knew that Ran Feibing's character might be related to her condition.

Once some people get a serious illness, their personality will become paranoid, weird, and even mentally ill.

But Ye Jun didn't intend to understand her.

He and Zhao Jingxuan have experienced some things and are now considered close friends, and Ran Feibing?

If it weren't for Ye Jun not to hit a woman, two big ear scrapers would have given her a black and swollen face with two big ears!

Ye Jun generally grabbed Zhao Jingxuan, and said coldly to her: "Since we are not welcome, you are still here to talk nonsense with her!"

Zhao Jingxuan's tears were already streaming down at this time, and she wanted to explain it to Ran Feibing, but Ye Jun's pull made her feel a little at a loss instead.

She also wanted to explain to Ye Jun for Ran Feibing: "Sister Feibing didn't mean it...she just..."

Ran Feibing heard Zhao Jingxuan mention her condition again, her face changed drastically again, covering her ears, her face twisted and cursed loudly:

"Go away, you guys go away!"

Ye Jun's expression was ashen, and he didn't want to get entangled with this crazy girl anymore.

He took Zhao Jingxuan and walked out.

Before I reached the door, I heard a scream from outside the house.

"What do you want to do? Stop it... Ouch!"

It's Aunt Zhang's voice.

Several people in the room could hear the movement outside the door, and Zhao Jingxuan and Ran Feibing both paled.

Ran Feibing drove the wheelchair over the two Ye Jun and rushed out the door.

When he saw his mother clearly, he was pushed to the ground by several men.

The purchased vegetables were scattered all over the floor, and a few eggs were broken, and the hallway was covered with slimy.

Aunt Zhang was still trying to stand up while groaning, but a young guy who took the lead knocked the old man down again.

"Stop, stop! What do you want to do to my mother?"

Ran Feibing cried anxiously when he saw the scene before him, but his legs were paralyzed, but he was unable to stop it.

But she was so anxious that she just moved her body forward and fell into the corridor, like a rabbit falling into a trap, pitiful and helpless.

The domineering enthusiasm just now disappeared.

"Bingbing, you go in, go in quickly."

Aunt Zhang watched her daughter fall and shouted hoarsely.

She wanted to get up again to support her daughter, but she was kicked down again.

"I said, Aunt, you can take your cousin and move out from here. My uncle's house, is it inappropriate for you to live in this way!"

The young guy who took the lead looked good at the show, watching the mother and daughter awkwardly lying on their stomachs in the corridor, with a wretched smile on their faces and spoke in a humble manner.

Aunt Zhang had a fierce look on her always gentle face and said, "You dream! Zhao Kai, why should we let this house be for you?"

When the young man named Zhao Kai heard this, he frowned slightly, increased the strength under his feet, and made Aunt Zhang let out a painful cry, and then said with a satisfied smile on his face:

"You dead old woman, take this paralyzed daughter. Get out and hand over the house if you are acquainted. Don't think it is useful to call the police. If you don't hand over the house a day, I will come to your house two or three days as a guest!"

Aunt Zhang trembled with anger when she heard this.

Ran Feibing watched her mother being tortured so much, she couldn't help but drink: "If you have the ability to rush to me, don't embarrass my mother?"

The few punks brought by Zhao Kai noticed Ran Feibing's stunning face under his long hair.

The eyes are straight.

"Brother, didn't you tell me something good? If you didn't pay, I came with you."

A yellow-haired boy looked at Ran Feibing's face like an immortal, and couldn't help licking his lips.

Such a beautiful person...

Zhao Kai looked at the stunning face of his cousin, and couldn't help licking his lips with the cold expression on her face, and said:

"Since my brothers like it, what are you waiting for?"

Hearing these words, several gangsters rubbed their hands and approached Ran Feibing with a lewd smile.

"Stop, stay away from my daughter!"

"Hurry up, what are you doing? Hurry up!"



Suddenly there was a loud noise!

Let the whole corridor be quiet!

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