My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 239 My brother donated two buildings

Time flew by, and now it has been a month since Ye Ling's incident happened.

At this time in the top restaurant in Shudu, one of the luxurious boxes in the Haitian restaurant.

There is a table of people sitting.

"Ms. Chen, try this sea cucumber, it's nourishing."

"Ms. Chen, tried this lobster. Eat more and look thinner."

Ye Jun's parents warmly greeted the guests for today's banquet.

Chen Jing, Ye Ling's math teacher, Ye Jun's high school classmate.

With a polite smile on her face, Chen Jing tried these dishes according to the persuasion of Ye Jun's parents.

I took a piece of sea cucumber, chewed it slowly and ate it.

Smiled and said: "Very good, Aunt and Uncle, you guys eat too, don't be as polite as me!"

Mother Ye looked at this well-behaved and quiet girl, nodding her head, and asked with a smile:

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Chen and I were still classmates with Ye Jun before. You can see that you have been our Ye Ling's teacher for more than a year. We never knew that there was still this relationship."

Chen Jing's eyes drifted slightly, her tone was paused and she smiled:

"Maybe this is fate, I don't know Ye Ling is actually Ye Ling's brother."

"Look now, the two brothers still look alike."

Chen Jing looked at the two brothers with a smile.

Ye Jun and Ye Ling looked at each other for a while?

looks like? Ye Jun is about six years older than Ye Ling, and since childhood, people say they look alike.

But they don't have this knowledge.

In Ye Jun's eyes, Ye Ling was just a kid who hadn't cleaned up.

Ye Jun is an eternal god in Ye Ling's eyes, a bully who has been enslaving him.

Chen Jing looked at the handsome brothers staring at them, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Ye Jun was a little embarrassed, so he patted his brother on the head and said:

"Stupid boy, this time Teacher Chen is helping you so much, so I don't want to toast Teacher Chen a glass of wine."

Ye Ling covered his head, got up again and again, filled his glass with a glass of wine, came to Chen Jing's side, and said solemnly:

"Ms. Chen, thank you for helping me this time. I respect you for this glass of wine!"

Chen Jing said, "This is what I should do as a teacher. Ye Ling, you are a good boy. You must study hard in the future and become a talent as soon as possible."

"The teacher also wishes you to continue to make progress and climb the peak early in your future study and life."

After that, he picked up the wine glass on the table and touched Ye Ling.

She, who has always been quiet to show people, has a bit of pride in it at this time.

The glasses were not big, and both of them cheered.

After drinking, Chen Jing said with a chuckle: "Children still drink less and study first."

After Ye Ling had finished drinking, his face was a little red, and he was born with a constitution on his face after drinking.

Seeing Chen Jing finished a glass of wine, she still looked so calm, her fair skin didn't show the slightest redness.

He was also slightly surprised that his teacher could drink so much.

He silently retreated to his seat.

Ye Jun smiled, his brother still can't do it.

This wine is the top specialty of Moutai. Although it is intoxicating, it does not hurt people.

Unlike some inferior wines, drinking slowly in the mouth is stimulated by alcohol. After a hangover, it is a whole day of headaches.

Proper drinking of this special brew will help sleep, speed up blood circulation, and sleep all over Sutai.

But this Chen Jing, the amount of alcohol is indeed unusual.

During the dinner, Ye Jun also had two drinks with Chen Jing.

Chen Jing also took the initiative to toast Ye father and Ye mother, Ye father and Ye mother were flattered and accepted with joy.

After eating this meal, only two bottles of special brewed Moutai were solved, and hundreds of thousands were gone.

Everyone was a little bit drunk, but Chen Jing still didn't change her face, smiling lightly.

She looked at Ye Jun's blushing handsome face, smiled and shook her head.

Just now she and Ye Jun drank the most, but she had obviously won this drinking contest.

There was a little smug in my heart, but I stopped in time.

Ye Jun's parents are still here, and it would be too ugly to get drunk.

After thinking about it, Chen Jing asked, "By the way, a few days ago, Stanford University called the school back saying that it would recruit Ye Ling."

"I don't know what your thoughts are?"

Chen Jing was invited by Ye Jun to come over to the banquet today, saying that her family was very grateful for her help to Ye Ling.

But she didn't think her help had any effect, she just did what she was supposed to do.

After that, Ye Jun's actions shocked her not lightly.

As a person who participated in the whole process, she witnessed the collapse of two powerful families in Shu.

There is also a major reshuffle of the education system in the capital of Shu.

And the school's case that was classified as a top-secret file by the police.

These few major events that have turned Shu all over the world have recently been hot topics of discussion from all walks of life in society.

Although almost a month has passed, the heat is still unabated.

They are all discussing who made the move.

Is it an internal struggle, or is it a high-ranking figure in the country, or a deeper political reason?

And no one thought that the man behind this series of things was the handsome and handsome young man in front of him who seemed harmless to humans and animals.

The cause of the matter was simply because his brother was bullied.

Thinking of this, Chen Jing's gaze at Ye Jun became a little deeper.

Even Stanford University took the initiative to invite Ye Jun's younger brother Ye Ling to enroll.

She thought of those people who had been attending foreign prestigious schools, pleading with words, and even whispering to her that she must persuade Ye Ling to enroll in their Stanford University.

She feels psychedelic!

Even with her impressive achievements back then, this world-class prestigious school is just polite and polite.

And now, for a Ye Ling!

A sports specialty student actually gave up his figure and came to ask for help!

Chen Jing had negotiated with people from Stanford University when Ye Ling had an accident.

The other party is aloof, and his words are extremely ugly.

Why they will never enroll problem students, there is no discussion~

Make her so angry!

Now things have changed. The president who contacted her last time was actually Stanford University.

A scholar who enjoys a high reputation in the academic circles of Sam Nation, and even an old man who has a place in Sam Nation politics.

Come and ask Ye Ling to go to their school!

Chen Jing is all stupid! Although she is also optimistic about Ye Ling.

But Wanwan hasn't reached such a point, and the principal personally invited it. What a great score!

Could it be that she read it wrong! Could it be that Ye Ling is a peerless genius.

Now she didn't think much about it, just brought this word here.

After seeing Ye Jun's skills, she did not think that Ye Jun could be regarded as a Stanford University.

Sure enough, when Chen Jing said this, Ye Jun's family's expression became a little weird.

Ye Ling first hesitated and said, "Teacher Chen, it's no longer necessary. My brother has found a good school for me."

"which school?"



Chen Jing was a little surprised. Harvard, as the world's number one school, Ye Ling's score is still a bit far behind. After all, the enrollment requirements of that school are much higher than Stanford University.

She asked a little hesitantly: "That's good, when did you apply? I didn't tell the teacher such good things."

Ye Ling glanced at his elder brother who was pretending to be a okay man on the side, and said:

"My brother donated two buildings to Harvard..."

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