
Ye Jun heard Chu Hongyu's words, and a gleam of brilliance appeared on his face in an instant.

He fixedly looked at Chu Hongyu and asked with some expectation:

"any solution?"

Chu Hongyu's solemn expression stopped at this time.

Instead, he looked at Ye Jun with a strange smile on his face.

Ye Jun couldn't understand the meaning of this look.

But I always feel uncomfortable, Chu Hongyu's eyes are really weird.

Seeing that my goose bumps are about to rise.

What does this girl want to do?

Ye Jun was puzzled, but by now he has reached the point where he is now.

Ye Jun didn't have time to think too much.

He wants an exact answer.

Just staring at Chu Hongyu, waiting for her answer.

Yu Rui and Xiao Qiang also looked at Chu Hongyu.

Xiao Qiang saw Chu Hongyu's face.

Suddenly his expression changed, and he wanted to remind Ye Jun something.

But Chu Hongyu glanced over.

Just let Xiao Qiang dare not say more.

Yu Rui looked at her sister's expression and thought a little bit more.

She gently covered her mouth and looked at her sister in surprise.

Said incredulously:

"Sister, don't you think?"

Chu Hongyu didn't wait for her sister to finish speaking, but her face suddenly changed.

She put a weird smile and looked at Ye Jun.

"Ye Jun, the view of Tianxin is a mystery of our school."

"There are rules in the sect. If the secret knowledge of the sect is spread, the sect will dispatch a law enforcement team to destroy the leakers and outsiders who have learned this technique!"

Hearing this, Ye Jun's hair stood up.

Fortunately, I didn't pester Xiao Qiang to let him teach himself.

What kind of school is this f*ck?

If it was somewhere else, Ye Jun would take it as a pleasure.

But it involves the sect of fierce people like Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang.

Ye Jun can't be taken seriously.

Didn’t they say that when you destroy the door, you destroy the door?

Forget it, forget it, not for it.

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun's slightly surprised eyes, and smiled unclearly.

"No way, this is the sect's rules, so your request, I can't satisfy you, even if it's me, I have to abide by the sect's rules."

Ye Jun's brows tightened slightly, a little speechless, didn't he just say it for nothing?

Also pull a bunch of these and some none.

"All right, I know your difficulty, this matter..."

Ye Jun hasn't finished speaking yet.

After being interrupted, Chu Hongyu said with a bright smile on her pretty face:

"Why are you in a hurry? I haven't finished speaking yet, I can't say anything, do I have a way?"

Ye Jun listened and resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

This old lady is really dying, half-talking.

"any solution?"

Ye Jun didn't hold much hope, but he still asked this question.

Who knows that Chu Hongyu said with a smile on his face:

"Our practice is only taught to disciples within the sect. Wouldn't it be okay for you to become a disciple of our sect?"


Ye Jun had some doubts about his ears.

This condition sounds strange at first, but it is indeed the most suitable when you think about it!

Since only disciples within the sect can learn this practice.

Wouldn't it be good to be a disciple of this sect?

This thinking is really simple and rude.

However, Ye Jun still remembered that Xiao Qiang had told himself.

The requirements for selecting people in this school are very strict.

First of all, people older than five years old will not be considered.

Also check the roots and physical conditions.

The requirements in all aspects are very stringent.

In order to cultivate the genius of martial arts.

Ye Jun is still very self-aware.

First of all, this age is 5 years old~

Ye Jun couldn't remember where he was playing in the mud at that time.

Let’s talk about the roots?

Ye Jun has been a normal boy since he was a child.

From an early age, he is above the middle level.

There is nothing particularly top-notch.

At my own level, I still have a lot of bad feelings if I want to enter this sect.

However, Chu Hongyu's proposal is a very good proposal.

Ye Jun looked at Chu Hongyu with suspicious eyes and asked:

"You mean I worshipped your teacher, and then you taught me the exercises?"

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun, smiled and nodded slightly and said:

"That's what I mean, but there is one thing I want to remind you."

"What's the point?"

Ye Jun was a little confused.

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun, sweeping from head to toe, and from foot to head.

Suddenly, a slender jade hand stretched towards Ye Jun.

"Well, you..."

Ye Jun was caught off guard by Chu Hongyu's sudden attack.

I'm driving for a while [emotional perception]

This Chu Hongyu shows no signs of going crazy, what is this!

Chu Hongyu walked quickly to Ye Jun's side.

As soon as Ye Jun wanted to hide, he was slapped twice by Chu Hongyu.

Can't move all of a sudden,

Fuck, acupuncture.

What does this girl want to do?

Ye Jun couldn't dodge for a while, and was stopped by Chu Hongyu.

But he didn't feel Chu Hongyu's murderous aura, what's more, with so many people here, Chu Hongyu wouldn't do anything desperate to him as a murderer.

Ye Jun thought of this and gave up using [Spiritual Invisibility]

Chu Hongyu patted his delicate hands, smiled and looked at Ye Jun and said:

"What's the matter, please be honest with me."

Ye Jun was a little impatient, he looked at Yu Rui and Xiao Qiang who were still on the scene.

They saw Chu Hongyu's movement and did not come up to stop it.

Rather, there was a strange look on his face.

Even Xiao Qiang looked at Ye Jun with gleeful eyes.

Fuck, this son of a bitch is still watching my jokes next to him.

Ye Jun complained in his heart!

Chu Hongyu didn't care so much.

After stopping Ye Jun, a pair of jade hands greeted Ye Jun rudely.

"Fuck, what are you doing?"

"No, no! Don't touch it."

"Hahahahaha, let go, let go! You crazy woman, let go!"

Ye Jun was frozen and unable to move.

Then encountered the dark moments of life.

This woman is actually on her own body.

The upper and lower hands, the places that should be touched, the places that should not be touched, all touched.

Even in some skeletal areas, a bit of effort was used to detect.

Ye Jun felt numb from the cracks in his bones.

This physical stimulation just wanted to make him laugh.

Unfortunately, this Chu Hongyu disliked Ye Jun for being too noisy.

He also sealed Ye Jun's dumb acupoint.

Poor Ye Jun was touched alive by the female rascal Chu Hongyu for several minutes.

And Yu Rui and Xiao Qiang didn't say to stop them, and they even showed weird smiles on their faces.

It's done! Ye Jun was already thinking about being invisible directly.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Chu Hongyu unlocked his acupuncture path.

Sighed slightly and said:

"Unexpectedly, I wanted to accept an apprentice with such a bad aptitude."

"Oh, it will be it."

"Hey, Ye Xiaozi, you will be my apprentice from today."

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