My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 303: Conditions of Chu Hongyu

"Conditions? What conditions?"

Ye Jun didn't believe what Chu Hongyu said, even if Xiao Qiang didn't remind him.

How can there be a reason why I have learned my skills and then I can quit"

They are not doing charity.

Listen to the style of doing things in this martial art.

It seems like a sect that doesn't compete with the world.

When Chu Hongyu said that he could quit.

Ye Jun actually retreated in his heart.

How can there be such a good thing?

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, not to mention a woman who is so calculating with Chu Hongyu.

At this time, Chu Hongyu put forward the conditions, but Ye Jun's mood settled down instead.

I want to hear what she says.

Chu Hongyu frowned when he heard Ye Jun's rhetorical question.

He said casually: "It's not as complicated as you think. Then you can kill a few people for me, and I will let you out of the master."

Ye Jun heard what Chu Hongyu said, and looked at the light and windy feeling on her face.

She didn't seem to know how maddening she was.

She seemed to be talking about not killing people, but simple things like eating and drinking.

Ye Jun had no choice but to complain in his heart.

This mad woman is really killing people in her mind all day,

I also want to pull myself into the water.

However, Ye Jun did not intend to refuse the condition of Chu Hongyu.

Anyway, Ye Jun was carrying many lives on his back now.

If Chu Hongyu has someone to kill, it is a damn person.

It’s not impossible to just do it yourself.

I sold Chu Hongyu for a favor, and I made myself cheaper

Ye Jun thought for a while.

I think this is indeed a good deal.

But things still have to be asked clearly.

"Tell me in detail, what's the matter?"

Ye Jun asked Chu Hongyu with interest.

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun's expression, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The man did not refuse to hear the murder, but could use human life as a bargaining chip.

For such a person, Chu Hongyu has a feeling.

This Ye Jun is just like her.

Just this cruelty and ruthlessness made Chu Hongyu look at Ye Jun suddenly.

After a while, Chu Hongyu's voice softened and said:

"I will accept you for the introductory, I can teach you the Tianxin View you want to learn, and even the rest of the masters you want to learn."

"But you have to promise me that in the Zongmen Grand Competition a year later, you must take the first place."

"And in the big competition, I made a few people I wanted to kill."

"So I can get you out of the sect, how about it? Are you willing to make this sale."

Chu Hongyu did not hide it at this time, and directly told Ye Jun his purpose.

Hearing what Chu Hongyu said, Ye Jun thought about it thoughtfully.

Chu Hongyu's condition is to take action against people of their sect.

In the middle, why do you want to do it yourself?

With Chu Hongyu's ability, wouldn't it be easy to kill a few people?

Moreover, when Chu Hongyu said these words, his face was very solemn.

Xiao Qiang and Yu Rui on the side heard that Chu Hongyu asked Ye Jun to kill the same sect, their expressions were quite solemn.

Ye Jun felt that this matter still had to be asked clearly, so he asked directly.

"Can you tell me, why do you want to shoot at the same door?"

"Should it not be forbidden to kill each other in a sect? Don't cheat me at the time and let me go back."

Chu Hongyu heard Ye Jun's words and sneered:

"Of course, our sect prohibits self-harm in the same school, but you have ways to make people die unknowingly, don't you?"

Chu Hongyu showed a cold smile on his face at this time, and continued:

"As for why I want to kill them, this is originally an internal matter of our school, but I want to accept you as a disciple, and it doesn't matter if I tell you."

"Don't don't!"

Ye Jun repeatedly stopped, why she wanted to accept herself as a disciple.

I haven't agreed yet, so I just tell myself the secret so casually, when I don't want to do it anymore, this mad woman can't kill herself in one fell swoop?

But Chu Hongyu didn't pay attention to Ye Jun, took a deep breath of smoke, and her red lips spit out wisps of blue smoke.

Said slowly: "This matter is a long story, I will make a long story short."

"Our school has been a martial arts sacred place from ancient times to the present. The internal management structure, the highest level is composed of the head and the elder hall."

"The rights of the two are mutually constrained. In comparison, the Palace of the Elders has more control over the right to speak."

"And my father is the head of this faction. At the same time, my father and I are also members of the Palace of the Elders."

Chu Hongyu clarified the management structure of this school in a few words.

Ye Jun also heard it and understood that she was definitely not talking about this in vain.

I'm afraid that Chu Hongyu wants to play a black hand by himself because of the conflict between this high-level team.

As expected by Ye Jun, Chu Hongyu continued:

"But there are constant frictions and collisions between high-levels. This is a common occurrence. But at any rate, there are rules pressing down. The same door can't kill each other, and there is no major incident."

"But the hateful thing..."

Having said this, Chu Hongyu took a deep breath, with a brutal killing intent on his face.

Yu Rui and Xiao Qiang, who were on the side, were listening quietly, and their faces also showed cold expressions at this time.

Chu Hongyu breathed a sigh of relief and continued to say to Ye Jun:

"Sorry, I'm a little gagged."

"I thought everyone would maintain the apparent peace, but some people are always restless."

"Last time in the Zongmen Grand Competition, this competition was not only an exchange between the sects, but at the same time, excellent talents were also selected to enter the Hall of the Elders as candidates for high-level figures."

"The hateful thing is that some people actually smashed their fellow students. They killed several disciples who belonged to my father's school who were very likely to win the competition."

"In the end, the talents of my father's line were withered, and the power of the other sects rose substantially."

Having said this, Chu Hongyu felt a little violent.

Yu Rui hurriedly took her sister's hand and comforted her softly:

"Sister, don't be sad anymore, Senior Sister Yufen, Senior Brother Yuke, they will definitely see the efforts made by her sister to avenge them."

"Those wicked people will pay for their actions."

Xiao Qiang, who was on the side, also turned blue when he heard these words, waved his fist fiercely, and said fiercely:

"If it weren't for Senior Sister, you would stop me, I would really like to tear up those bitches!"

"Senior brothers and sisters, they really died too..."

Chu Hongyu looked at Xiao Qiang coldly and said, "I won't stop you. My sister and I are the only two seedlings in our line. If you want to die, just go and don't look at your own skills. ."

Xiao Qiang was speechless by Chu Hongyu, and stood aside with an iron face.

After sighing, these teachers gathered their eyes on one person.

Ye Jun!

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