My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 305: The Shocking Origin of Shimen

One day later.

The dust has fallen to the ground.

Ye Jun had just gotten up at this time, and it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

For the Taoists in Qingxu Temple.

Morning lessons have already started at this time.

But today is exceptionally quiet.

After all, so many things happened yesterday.

Still have to deal with such a corpse.

There are 30 or 40 people working in a gymnasium, and they were only dealt with until late last night.

Ye Jun was not idle yesterday.

Under the coercion and lure of Chu Hongyu, he finally became Chu Hongyu's named disciple.

Although they are disciples, the relationship between the two is more like a transaction.

After finishing the apprenticeship ceremony, Chu Hongyu was refreshed.

Nor did he force Ye Jun to call himself a master.

This is exactly what Ye Jun wanted.

After all, he would rather keep a distance from this woman.

What's more, such a young and lively master.

If I were outside with Chu Hongyu, the master and apprentice called me.

Others may think that the two of them are playing taboo play.

On this point, Chu Hongyu and Ye Jun reached a consensus.

Eliminate the humility of the master and apprentice.

The ancestor tablet of the Zongmen is enshrined in Qingxuguan.

Ye Jun offered tea to Chu Hongyu after giving a big gift on the ancestor tablet of the sect, and he could be regarded as a member of this sect.

It was beyond Ye Jun's expectation.

This school has been mentioned before, it is located on Penglai Mountain.

But there is no specific information.

When Xiao Qiang talked about his martial art, except for some gossip, he didn't say a word.

But now Ye Jun is considered a member of the martial art.

Now this door party is not a secret to him.

Xiao Qiang and Yu Rui explained to him the origin of Shimen.

After listening to the origin of this division, Ye Jun found out that the origin of this division was really ridiculous.

Even if he is such a well-informed person, he can't help but criticize him.

Speaking of this origin, everyone who has some knowledge of China's history may not be unfamiliar.

First listen to where this school is located.

Penglai Mountain.

Don’t you think it’s awesome!

According to legend, it was an ancient myth, the holy land where the Queen Mother of the West was located.

And it is better known as a piece of real history recorded in China history textbooks.

Qin Shihuang seeks longevity.

The sorcerer Xu Fu took thousands of boys and girls to travel overseas to look for the fairy mountains overseas.

And this fairy mountain is Penglai Island.

This sect was created by Xu Fu at that time.

Xu Fu and his thousands of boys and girls were the first members of this sect.

Xu Fu found Penglai Mountain, but he did not choose to go back.

Instead, he took the mountain as the king and started his own sect.

This school is called Changshengjiao!

This fame is quite impressive, I don't know if Xu Fu is still thinking about Shi Huang's mission.

Or he has already obtained the technique of longevity.

Ye Jun didn't know all this.

However, there must be many secrets in this school.

Just the place of Penglai Mountain is full of imagination.

According to Xiao Qiang, although the Penglai Mountain belongs to China, it is not on the map of China.

It is an overseas mountain with an extremely secret location.

It would be impossible to reach that mountain if it were not for a specific channel and a specific time.

And there are many ancient scrolls in the martial art, and even some wonderful techniques.

Xiao Qiang didn't elaborate.

But Ye Jun himself will associate it.

Who is Xu Fu?

First of all, does this person have anything to say beforehand?

Even if he was able to gain such a great trust from the first emperor, there were countless treasures and treasures that he had taken away from the sea several times.

After that, whereabouts became a mystery.

Many people say that Xu Fu is a liar.

But think about it with your head, who is Shi Huang, if Xu Fu doesn't have any real skills, can he be fooled?

It's simply a fantasy.

Ye Jun once had doubts about this period of history. Among many history teachers, this warlock Xu Fu was a pretending to be a ghost.

But after Ye Jun got the system, the three views began to change.

He can have supernatural powers, so would this warlock Xu Fu, be someone who also has supernatural powers?

After all, the origin of this system is really weird.

It's also very normal for Ye Jun to have these associations.

I thought I was in a sect that taught people to fight.

Unexpectedly, this school still hides such a big secret.

Ye Jun suddenly became interested, after he suspected that Xu Fu was also a supernatural person.

He just wanted to see what the secrets of this longevity education were.

"I have to go in some time!"

Ye Jun lay lazily on the bed, swinging one leg up, muttering in his mouth.

"But for now, I'll take care of the business first."

He hasn't forgotten the current business affairs. He is here to collect treasures this time, not here to visit the mountains and rivers.

Thinking that there was still a lot of trouble, Ye Jun sighed helplessly, and suddenly sat up from the bed.

Get dressed quickly.

Longing to go.

Outside is a secluded courtyard with all kinds of strange flowers and plants inside.

The most beautiful is a few plum blossoms.

Winter plum is a very common variety.

It seems so inconspicuous among a lot of precious varieties.

But its unique fragrance is really so refreshing.

It is already December, and the weather has gradually entered winter.

The winter plums are now blooming strongly.

Ye Jun took a deep breath of aroma.

Feeling Su Chang all over.

What are you doing now?

Although it is already eight o'clock, this Taoist temple is quiet,

Ye Jun looked at the two rooms in this small courtyard, and the doors showed no signs of opening.

These two gates belonged to Xiao Qiang and Chu Hongyu.

Yu Rui arranged them to the best courtyard here, one person and one room.

Ye Jun looked at the traces of their door, and there was no trace of loosening.

Alas, they were really exhausted last night.

You know that the two were the big shots when the corpse was handled yesterday.

It was only two hours before they fell asleep at 8 o'clock.

Ye Jun didn't want to wake them up.

Forget it, go around for a while.

Ye Jun made up his mind and planned to go out for a stroll alone.

Just walked out of the hospital door.

Then I met someone.

It is Yu Rui.

Yu Rui is not wearing a Taoist gown now.

Instead, she was wearing a long skirt with long sleeves and an exquisite waistcoat with eight treasures.

It goes up purely and neatly, and extremely moving.

It's like a cold spring in spring.

Qing Lingling makes people feel exceptionally outstanding.

She carried a sandalwood lunch box in her hand.

Looking at Ye Jun, a smile appeared in his eyes and said:

"Why don't you sleep longer, Mr. Ye worked hard last night."

Ye Jun frowned slightly as he listened to her.

Although he had no problem listening to these words, this Yu Rui spoke to himself.

The body has an obvious avoiding posture.

Is she avoiding herself?


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