Ye Jun looked at the food that Wang Jing had picked for herself.

There was an expression of indescribable expression on his face!

what is this?

Just a moment ago, this one looked white and fat.

In addition, Wang Jing shook it deliberately.

It looked like it was squirming.

But Ye Jun, who is a bit clean, frightened,

No, that thing can also be on the table?

Ye Jun suddenly felt that the chicken sprout in the bowl was not fragrant!

Wang Jing and Zhang Li were shocked when they saw Ye Jun.

Can't help but laugh.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect Brother Ye to have something to fear."

"I can understand. After all, when I ate for the first time, it took a lot of courage to eat."

It was Zhang Li who said this, she was not a native of Yunnan, but Guidu came here to study.

Ye Jun's face was slightly embarrassed, and he came back to his senses.

No matter how unreliable the people here are, it is impossible to cook with that stuff.

If you really want to cook with that thing, don't say if others can't eat it.

The departments concerned are not vegetarian.

"What the hell is this?"

Ye Jun dispelled his doubts and asked curiously.

After all, as a Chinese, delicious food is by nature.

It is said that people in Cantonese eat everything.

In fact, the people of Shudu are not much different, and there is a local saying in Shu called “good dog”.

It means that people are greedy and love to eat.

But this is not a derogatory term. Generally, people who can get this title are people who love to eat and like to eat.

There was a worm, Ye Jun didn't pay attention to it at all.

Wang Jing was a little surprised watching Ye Jun regained her composure so quickly.

After all, this thing is not accepted by ordinary people.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jun looked so noble and decent.

In private, he is still such a grounded person.

So he said to Ye Jun: "This is called a stick insect, which has grown in bamboo since childhood. Don't you think it looks a little ugly, but it tastes pretty good?"

"Oh? It tastes good?"

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Jun's eyes.

Handing the bowl forward, Wang Jing put the stick insect in Ye Jun's bowl with his public chopsticks.

Ye Jun looked at the white and fat worm in the bowl.

There is no need for psychological construction at all.

Put it in your mouth with one bite.


The bug was bitten.

The feeling of bursting.

This thing is deep-fried, and the only thing that pops out is the sauce.

The taste is quite crisp.

The taste of the sauce is not strong, and it can also taste the fragrance of the bug itself.

Sure enough, it was a worm that grew up in bamboo, with a delicate fragrance of bamboo leaves.

This thing is not big, you can swallow it after two bites.

"Well, not bad. It's delicious, and the taste is good."

As Ye Jun commented, he started to eat the bugs by himself.

This is completely subconscious.

This thing, once accepted.

In fact, it's like knocking melon seeds.

Somewhat addictive.

Wang Jing and Zhang Li saw Ye Jun accept it so quickly.

Slightly surprised.

You know, many tourists from other places are scared off by Yunan's insect dishes.

You don't need to eat anymore, this just seems to persuade you to leave.

Even some self-proclaimed noble people will think that this person is the food of inferior people, and those who like hair and drink blood will eat it.

This may be a cultural difference.

Those noble people may not know that the price of some insect dishes can cover their wages for a few months on a small plate.

Wang Jing saw that Ye Jun was eating so fragrantly. As a Yunnanese, he not only had a better feeling for this man.

Continue to recommend to Ye Jun.

"Brother Ye, this is an ant egg. This is fried scorpion, cicada pupae, shrimp worm, willow worm~"

Ye Jun followed Wang Jing's introduction and looked over.

Sure enough, I didn't finish reading this dish just now.

In one part of the peacock feast, these insects are all the dishes.

After Ye Jun had eaten the stick insects, he looked at these strange insects again.

Psychologically, there is no burden.

I moved my chopsticks and started eating.

"Well, this scorpion is fried well, this meat is quite fresh."

"The meat meal of ant eggs is a little bit, it's not very tasty."

"This willow worm tastes absolutely perfect."

"By the way, why are you looking at me all the time? Let's eat together, don't waste it!"

"Oh oh oh, good!"

"Then let's start too!"


In the end, Ye Jun's table of people still ate happily.

Especially Ye Jun, his firepower is almost full.

Two girls, don't think they were two women, but they ate no less than Ye Jun.

The last few people were all in the seats, drinking tea and slowly digesting food.

"Brother Ye, after eating this meal, what do you think of my Yunnan's delicacies?"

Ye Jun just wanted to answer, but there was a throbbing in his chest.

Want to hiccup!

Shut up quickly and swallowed the hiccup back.

At half the rate, he replied slowly:

"The flavor is great and very unique."

"Hahaha, then Ye Ge must eat more before leaving when playing here."

Ye Jun nodded and slowly said: "Definitely!"

After all, he looked at the rest of the countertop.

Although the three ate a lot, there are still a lot of things left.

There were even a few dishes that were only slightly tasted, and there was no trace of any movement.

Alas, a little wasted.

Ye Jun sighed silently in his heart.

Originally, he was thinking about ordering a few dishes, just enough for a few people.

But I was very happy for a while. I ordered such a big table and left so much, which was a bit of a waste.

Although Ye Jun is very rich now.

But after all, the family came from poor, and the leftovers at home, as long as they are not broken and can be put away, they are kept for the second meal before eating.

From an early age, I was also educated to save food, not to extravagant and waste.

The virtues of saving and not wasting food have nothing to do with whether there is money.

This is related to the quality of a person.

Now even if Ye Jun is well developed, he will always order when he goes out to eat. There may be leftovers, but it is definitely not the kind of leftovers deliberately leftovers for the sake of ostentation.

There are also three dishes and one soup at home. Although the dishes are very expensive, the amount is the same as one meal.

Seeing so many leftovers at this time, Ye Jun couldn't help feeling a little pity.

The two girls looked at Ye Jun's expression, although they didn't know what Ye Jun was thinking.

Just followed his eyes and saw these leftovers.

Some regretful expressions inevitably appeared in his eyes.

Zhang Li, this girl from the capital, asked Ye Jun weakly:

"Brother Ye, you see that some of these dishes are still good, can I make a package?"

Hearing what Zhang Li said, Ye Jun's eyes moved slightly, and his voice couldn't help but slowed down and said:

"Yes, I will ask the waiter to wrap it up for you."

Zhang Li was slightly taken aback when he heard Ye Jun's natural tone.

Originally, she was just reluctant to bear these meals. She came from Guidu, and the conditions at home were not very good, so she was naturally frugal.

As soon as I asked this sentence, I found something wrong.

A man with hundreds of millions of watches said to him to pack, isn't it ruining people?

But Ye Jun's attitude greatly exceeded her expectations.

Zhang Li asked in a surprised tone: "Brother Ye, don't you dislike this packing..."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Jun knew what she wanted to say.

He chuckled and shook his head and said:

"How come? Saving food is a virtue."

"If we hadn't had that old man, we would have starved to death."

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