for the rest of the time.

Ye Jun never thought it would be so difficult.

"Selena, how do you fight this highlight?"

"When you hit the high light, our Ye Shuai's silhouette is not so perfect!"

"Here, here, I'm casting a shadow on Ye Shuai!"

"Lights! Lights! This light doesn't work, I said Lao Yang, what kind of bargains are you!"

"Hurry up and bring me the original photography light from the studio!"

I said hello to Maria just now, after chatting.

Ye Jun found out that this person was still a success.

Enthusiastic, cheerful, and carefree temperament.

Inexplicably temperamental.

But now I am busy working.

Maria treats herself as a work of art!

It took half an hour to put on makeup!

Ye Jun swears that this is the first time he has made these weird things on his face.

In the past, when it was stinking, I used a facial cleanser at most.

Just looking at these inexplicable brushes and cosmetics!

Ye Jun felt his head big.

He really admires these men and women with makeup now!

How did they do it!

The foundation and what concealer, highlight, loose powder, shadow, don't these all look the same?

Some people just can't tell the color number of lipstick.

Now it seems that wanting to know these cosmetics is the nightmare of straight men!

"Okay! Ye Shuai see the effect."

Maria finally finalized the makeup that the makeup artist gave to Ye Jun.

The eyes glowed dazzlingly, and he took a mirror to Ye Jun again and again!

"Perfect, simply perfect! A born star, gift of the Creator!"

"It's so handsome, I was so handsome just now, but now I see it, fucking, blinded me. Is such a handsome guy really what I can see without paying for it?"

Maria also has a group of sub-studio members.

They all rushed to see the handsome guy.

Even Ban Xue also gathered around.

Ye Jun looked at such a group of mad bees and butterflies a little speechless.

As for?

There is also a movie about the little girl like Ban Xue.

She was in contact with her in the hospital, but she couldn't wait to hide by herself.

What's the excitement now?

However, this girl was completely star-eyed, looking at Ye Jun excitedly.

Ye Jun was a little embarrassed.

Picked up the mirror in his hand and looked at it.

Just look at it.

Ye Jun was a little surprised!

Who is this handsome guy in the mirror?

Ye Jun looked in a daze, and almost thought that he had changed someone.

The makeup of this team.

There is no such thing as red or green.

Here is a simple science.

Makeup is actually an extremely broad and profound knowledge.

Those who paint red and green are called make-up.

And makeup has more magical uses.

The most basic thing is to improve one's complexion and enhance one's spirit.

Therefore, some companies will require female employees to bring makeup to work.

Even some young men paint simple makeup.

Cover up some pimples and make the skin look better.

Of course, this controversy is relatively big, so we won't discuss it.

It is rare for boys to put on makeup in normal life.

But if it comes to special occasions, such as wedding banquets, for the effect of going abroad, makeup artists will give men some light makeup.

In the entertainment industry, it is common for men to put on makeup.

Even many male celebrities who think they are representatives of tough guys must dress up when attending events.

And more advanced.

It involves disguising and changing the image and temperament of a person.

This area is even a required course for many military schools and police schools.

So if you have any makeup, it's just a sissy thing, the big master touches this is a sissy, a ladyboy.

This kind of pedantic idea, let's rest quickly.

Don't be embarrassed here.

Now how many male anchors, male ups are forced to wear women~

The hobbies of netizens really change every day.

Ye Jun looked at himself in the mirror.

There is no change in the outline of his facial features.

But it looks like a lot of inexplicable spirit.


Ye Jun is still the first to put on makeup and is quite satisfied with the effect.

Sure enough, there is a specialization in the surgery industry.

"Can you shoot now?"

"Ye Shuai, wait a while, I'll send someone to get the photography light, this light is really too bad."

Maria looked at Ye Jun intently and replied.

Being able to shoot such a handsome guy is a blessing he has cultivated in a few lifetimes.

Manager Yang was unhappy when he heard what he said, and muttered from the side:

"Maria, why is this lamp of mine wrong? One more than fifty thousand!"

This is the hotel's studio. As a five-star hotel, it is not surprising to have such facilities.

But after all, it’s not professional, but Manager Yang thinks that fifty thousand photography lamps are already very expensive, okay?

Although he is a manager, he has a wide range of friends.

But in real terms, wages are no more than a few million a year.

He can't help but treat fifty thousand yuan as money.

What's more, fifty thousand yuan is just to buy a small photography lamp.

There are a total of seven or eight lights here, and they all add up to more than 400,000.

However, Maria obviously disagrees with him, sneered and said:

"You tatters, do you deserve to be used to shoot Ye Shuai?"

"My mother's lamp is imported from the United States, five million a lamp, I finally got 8 lamps, and today I will open your eyes to this soil bun, what is top photography."

Speaking of this price, Maria's face showed a trace of pain.

40 million photography lights, which is also the top equipment in the industry.

They all said that their Maria Studio was willing to spend their money, but never thought that they had reached such a frenzied point.

As soon as Manager Yang heard the price, he became dumb.

All the equipment in this room combined is not worth a light.

Maria looked at Manager Yang's dazed expression, and said to herself:

"When the lights are delivered, the equipment has to be changed. Your place is too low!"

Manager Yang sighed and didn't know what to say.

Originally, I wanted to please Ye Jun, so I made this one.

Now Maria said that, she seemed very low.

"Maria, if you do this, I don't have money to pay you!"

Manager Yang tried to stop it.

If you invite Maria over, it must be for the benefit.

Now that Maria has added so many things to herself, she doesn't want him to be the limelight alone.

When Maria heard these words, she was stunned for a while, and then she smiled brightly.

"Don't talk about the money, I have to thank you Lao Yang for this matter, for allowing me to shoot someone as handsome as Ye Shuai."

"I'm asking for my own pocket. By the way, I will seal a red envelope for you when I look back."

Manager Yang was so angry that he couldn't say anything! How could this guy lick it better than himself.

I think Ye Jun is a super customer.

What's your picture of Maria again?

It just depends on how handsome the parents are and greedy others.

You dare to go up and give a hug, you see if you will be beaten up by the society!

Just when Manager Yang and Maria were fighting each other.

From outside the studio, there was a female voice that was so flattering as to cripple human bones.

"Where is the handsome boy Maria said?"

"show me!"

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