Seeing his subordinates behave next to him.

Su Jinyun interrupted the chat with Ye Jun with an unhappy face.

"I brought you the lamp you wanted."

"Why do you use it? Don't you say that this set of equipment is not the queen of heaven, so you won't take it out at all?"

Su Jinyun asked Maria.

Although she is the boss of this studio.

But this relationship is very complicated.

Although she is the boss, she doesn't care.

Maria is in charge of studio affairs.

But as the boss, let's ask about the situation.

This tens of millions of lamps can be regarded as an important asset of the studio.

Maria briefly talked to Su Jinyun.

After half the rate, Su Jinyun was slightly stunned.

He hesitantly asked: "You said, you brought these lights over to take ID photos?"

Maria nodded excitedly and said:

"Yes, look at Ye Jun's appearance."

"If you are in the entertainment industry, where is there any place for the queen of heaven and queen?"

"To be able to shoot such a superb, of course I have to use the best equipment to be worthy of his face."


Su Jinyun listened to Maria's report.

A moment of speechlessness.

She knew that Maria's temperament was born for art.

Missing the temperament of a sub-merchant.

Sometimes it is necessary to pursue more perfect results at the cost of losing money.

For example, the widely acclaimed tribute drama.

Maria Studio lost a lot of money to hand over such a perfect product.

But Su Jinyun was different, after she died of shadows.

Just focusing on investment, business acumen is not generally high.

She looked at Ye Jun's face.

There seems to be no way to deny that this person's appearance conditions and temperament conditions are too superior!

If you can enter the entertainment circle, it will definitely set off a wave of wind.

It's different from her careless appearance.

In fact, her mind is quite delicate and utilitarian.

When she saw Ye Jun, she knew that this man would be useful to herself.

That's why I put down my body and communicated frankly with Ye Jun.

"So? You are in such a big battle just to take a photo of your ID?"

Su Jinyun asked Maria in a bad tone.

At the same time, his eyes moved to Ye Jun's body.

Ye Jun just came over in a daze.

I tossed here for a long time.

Just to take a picture!

What is your own picture?

I seem to have been led by this group of people~

But the enthusiasm of these people is not easy to refuse!

Maria felt a little dumb when she heard Su Jinyun's questioning.

I seem to have gone too far.

Think about it carefully.

This matter is full of two words.


Su Yunjin, a newly arrived outsider, saw the essence clearly.

Just now, these people moved Zhouzhang inexplicably, as if they were just taking a photo of their ID?

I don't know what's wrong.

Maria is ready to accept Su Jinyun's questioning.

But who knows, Su Jinyun's expression changed and said:

"It would be a waste of equipment and makeup to just take a photo of your ID. I have an idea here. Why don't you listen to it?"

When she said this, Su Jinyun looked at Ye Jun.

Ye Jun was taken aback for a moment.

"Tell me."

"My suggestion is that when you and I make a blockbuster movie, Ye Jun will treat it as a souvenir together."


This condition?

When Ye Jun met just now, he was still wondering if he was looking for Su Jinyun for an autograph and a group photo.

Unexpectedly, she actually took the initiative.

I can't seem to find a reason for rejection at all.

At that time, show this group photo to your little friend.

Don't envy them!

I have to say that Ye Jun still has some brains in chasing stars.

But he hasn't noticed a change in his identity.

Some celebrities I once liked, if you know your worth and ability.

Maybe they didn't wait for Ye Jun to take the initiative to chase after him.

Just like this Su Jinyun.

She said this, one is to ease the embarrassing atmosphere.

But the main reason is to establish a good relationship with Ye Jun.

She knew why Maria came here.

This person is a distinguished guest of Manager Yang.

Want to know who Manager Yang is?

Who can become his distinguished guest?

Can be in the eyes of this fat man.

One is the rich and the other is the powerful.

And this Ye Jun is obviously the former.

Just now Su Jinyun was looking at Ye Jun's face.

The clothes on the body have not been spared.

She couldn't see the specific value of that Patek Philippe watch.

But the height that Ye Jun wears is fixed.

Both start at four or five million.

This kind of clothes, even the queen of heaven in the entertainment industry, can only be rented from the brand to wear.

Take Ye Jun's wrinkled black shirt for example.

Don't look down.

Just this year the Yellow Wax Film Festival.

A double actor, a standard king, a star with hundreds of millions of fans.

Apply to this brand to rent this dress.

But it was seriously rejected by the brand.

The reason is simple, the temperament of that king is not suitable for this shirt.

This handmade shirt is tailor-made for real nobles.

And that so-called king of heaven, the filming has always been a villain, or a domineering president.

The brand believes that renting this shirt to this king will lower their customers' evaluation of this dress.

So I chose to refuse.

At that time, this matter made the heavenly king face scandal.

With his net worth, this shirt is worth one million, which is completely affordable.

But with his status, he can't get into the eyes of the brand at all.

This kind of high-definition can only be enjoyed by advanced customers.

This price is no longer the price of a piece of clothing.

It is a special treatment and value.

Regardless of this kind of special treatment, ordinary people may simply sneer.

But for the rich, money is to buy special and special.

Luxury is the way to go, and it is the mentality of the rich to play.

Su Jinyun looked at these clothes on Ye Jun's body.

Can't help but think of the king and complain to himself.

Said that the brand dog looks low, saying that it is impossible for him to wear it without a net worth of tens of billions.

It is certain that the heavenly king is worth hundreds of millions, but at a distance of tens of billions, that is an impossible dream.

And the man in front of him.

But wearing this dress.

Even... it doesn't seem to be cherished.

Slightly wrinkled...

No matter how stupid Su Jinyun is, she knows that such people must be super rich.

Not to make friends?

Isn't that silly?

Seeing Ye Jun still thinking.

Su Jinyun couldn't help but urged:

"How about? Ye Xiaoshuai, don't you want to?

Ye Jun smiled when he heard this.

Of course, this woman's mind could not escape Ye Jun's eyes.

But what does it matter?

If you have money, of course you won’t mind having some kind people around you.

Ye Jun was still very happy with the invitation from his childhood goddess.

"How come? Can't ask for it."

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