My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Seven

Chu Hongyu's sudden movement.

Ye Jun was slightly confused.

Originally, he was worrying about how to deal with his relationship with Chu Hongyu.

He tried many possibilities.

However, the only possibility that Chu Hongyu would take the initiative to apologize was unexpected.

Discuss this with Xiao Qiang myself.

The two didn't even consider the possibility that Chu Hongyu would take the initiative.

After all, the arrogance of this woman is not just talking.

They are powerful and arrogant.

So even if she is so proud, no one can deal with her!

Yesterday, the discussion between myself and Xiao Qiang almost came to an end without any results.

But unexpectedly, today Chu Hongyu took the initiative to apologize.

Is this the face of yesterday's discussion between Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang?

Ye Jun was still a little unbelievable looking at Chu Hongyu, whose face was so stinky, that he was forcibly apologizing to him.

Don't look at her face.

Through this time of understanding.

She was willing to apologize, but she was shocked.

If she still looks good, she apologizes to Ye Jun.

Ye Jun estimated that he was already running stealth.

This girl, this look is what she really looks like.

If she smiled and apologized to herself, she might be bewildering herself.

Unable to apologize, he twisted his head off.

This now makes Ye Jun feel more real.

Ye Jun stabilized his mind, now he can't mess around.

Now that Chu Hongyu took the initiative to lower his head, if he didn't take advantage of it, would it be Ye Jun?

Ye Jun was on the seat, with his arms in front of him, the old god was looking at Chu Hongyu and said:

"Major General Chu, you are serious. You don't have to take such a small matter into your heart."

If ordinary people listened to this, they might feel that Ye Jun forgave Chu Hongyu.

But what kind of human spirit Chu Hongyu is, he immediately heard what Ye Jun was saying.

Obviously, Ye Jun did not accept Chu Hongyu's apology, but just spoke the scene.

Chu Hongyu's heart shuddered slightly, and she suppressed the rising anger in her heart with great perseverance.

Slowly he said, "Ye Jun, let's make it clear that people don't talk secretly. I was wrong about what happened yesterday morning. I did not ask you clearly."

"You can give the terms directly, how can you forgive me?"

When Ye Jun heard this, he pondered carefully.

What a ghost?

Why did she Chu Hongyu have to forgive her by herself?

Even if she and herself fell apart because of this incident, it would not affect her at all.

Originally, she came to visit this man's tomb with herself this time, because of the nature of playing a ticket.

The more you understand this woman, the more you will find out.

She didn't care about things like the remuneration she offered.

Those are just appearances!


Does he insist on pestering himself, even make himself forgive her by stubbornly?

Ye Jun frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

But instead of letting go, he said faintly: "Since it is a misunderstanding, let it pass."

Chu Hongyu frowned slightly and said, "Then do you accept my apology?"

This sentence hits the key to Ye Jun's vague past.

But Ye Jun still pretended to be stupid. How could this apology be so easy to accept?

This Chu Hongyu came with purpose.

If I accept her apology, I might be dragged to a coolie.

Besides, if it wasn't for Yu Rui to stand in front of him yesterday.

Whether I am a human being is not always certain.

Seeing Ye Jun's silly smile, Chu Hongyu's anger didn't come out!

But she was angry and couldn't spread it anywhere. Ye Jun's attitude was like a soft sandbag.

It didn't feel like I got in.

Instead, my hands hurt.

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun with shame and anger in both eyes.

Ye Jun looked at Chu Hongyu with fire in his eyes, and his heart was dark.

But I also know that it can end here.

If you provoke this girl again, you might go crazy and kill yourself.

Ye Jun said lightly: "Speak straight, Major General Chu, what happened to you?"

I don't want to be dragged into hard labor inexplicably, and I have to understand the ins and outs of things.

It's easy to negotiate terms.

When Chu Hongyu heard Ye Jun's words, he knew that his cautious thinking had been dismantled.

It was indeed for my younger sister's business to come and repair the old with Ye Jun.

It's a pity that Ye Jun just doesn't take his own stubbornness.

Life and death did not accept their apology.

It's about asking yourself directly.

Some people may ask, is there a big difference between accepting or not accepting an apology?

Of course this is big!

If Ye Jun accepts the apology, it means he has accepted Chu Hongyu again.

Then, as a member of the team that Chu Hongyu asked, Ye Jun would definitely find a way to fulfill it for her.

But if he doesn't accept it, Chu Hongyu is an outsider to Ye Jun.

She wants Ye Jun's help, but also depends on Ye Jun's mood.

Chu Hongyu didn't bother to pretend that he didn't succeed in his peacemaking strategy.

Hearing Ye Jun's question, he looked at Ye Jun coldly.

Then he slowly said, "It's about my sister. I hope you can save her once."

"Yu Rui? What happened to her?"

Ye Jun's heart sank slightly when he heard this, but he didn't ask clearly.

Chu Hongyu couldn't see anything from Ye Jun's face.

He sighed slightly and explained what happened to his sister one by one.

The son of destiny, count the secrets of heaven and know people.

The five lack of heaven and man, the heart is not complete, the man will die first.

This is the fate of the Son of Destiny.

Hear Chu Hongyu's whisper.

Ye Jun was also surprised.

I didn't expect the girl named Yu Rui to have such a tortuous experience.

It turned out that the Son of Destiny meant this.

Moreover, the so-called lameness was originally caused by the lack of heaven and man.

There used to be folk legends,

Those fortune tellers, people with supernatural powers.

One is naturally missing.

Widows and loneliness.

This is the price paid by power.

Ye Jun had always regarded these as jokes, but he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to him.

It's incredible.

Could it be that the girl Taoist leader I just met yesterday, the beautiful Yu Rui.

Has a life span of less than two years?

God is jealous of the beauty!

Ye Jun sighed slightly in his heart.

To be honest, he has opinions on Chu Hongyu.

But for her quiet and beautiful sister, there is no disgust.

There is even a sense of intimacy that is unclear.

Now suddenly I heard that she was going to be so gone.

Ye Jun also had some pity in his heart.

Seeing and talking, there were some Chu Hongyu with red eyes.

Ye Jun was slightly moved, but still asked coldly:

"You are so serious, how can you be sure that I can save her?"

Chu Hongyu was slightly stunned, shook his head and said:

"I think your amazing ability yesterday can make people reconnect with a broken arm. I wonder if you can..."

Ye Jun frowned, Chu Hongyu thought too simple.

How can things be so simple?

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