A conference room in a hotel suite.

Now Ye Jun and others have gathered together.

In the huge conference room, there were only four people empty.

Ye Jun was in the lead, with Xiao Qiang and Ban Xue sitting beside him.

Chu Hongyu was also sitting not far away.

These four were the companions that Ye Jun planned to take into the tomb of the emperor.

This is also considered the first composition of the team.

Ye Jun gave a brief introduction.

Except that Ban Xue needs to get to know each other again, the other three are also fine.

Ban Xue listened to Ye Jun introducing herself to everyone.

Luo Luo stood up generously and greeted Xiao Qiang and Chu Hongyu.

"Brother Xiao Qiang, Sister Hongyu, please take care of you next time."

The slim Ban Xue was born with a beautiful face.

Plus the attitude is pretty good.

Moreover, Ye Jun also explained her importance to Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang.

Let’s talk about the key to this success.

Not in Ye Jun's trio, but in this little girl.

Therefore, Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang did not dare to underestimate the seemingly harmless little girl.

Xiao Qiangqiang responded grinningly:

"My brother is really immoral. All the minors have been brought in. Little sister, don't worry, strong brother will cover you."

Chu Hongyu pursed his mouth and said to Ban Xue with a small smile:

"Little sister, come and sit by your sister Redfish, don't get too close to the smelly man."

Ban Xue was also happy to see the kind attitude of the two.

Seeing such a beautiful big sister Chu Hongyu beckoning to let herself pass.

There is no reason to refuse.

He walked over shyly and sat down beside Chu Hongyu obediently.

Ban Xue, who was still next to Ye Jun, disappeared all of a sudden!

Ye Jun heard what Chu Hongyu said.

Smelly man?

Are you referring to yourself?

Lie down inexplicably!

But looking at it again, Chu Hongyu had already chatted with Ban Xue.

Holding Ban Xue's little hand, touched Ban Xue's beautiful long hair.

The two sisters look good.

I can't insert my mouth anymore.

Forget it, so good men don’t fight women

Chu Hongyu stayed there after all.

Ye Jun used a temptation she couldn't resist and let her stay.

Now the atmosphere of the scene is still okay.

Then it's time for business.

Ye Jun coughed slightly.

It attracted everyone's attention.

Chu Hongyu is chatting with Ban Xue.

Hearing Ye Jun's voice, he was slightly dissatisfied.

But it didn't say much.

Ye Jun just gave Ye Jun a faint glance.

This girl is really hard to serve.

Ye Jun sighed inwardly.

Continue to face and say:

"Well, now we have all the people, let's talk about my plan this time."

When Ye Jun said this, everyone was really paying attention to this business.

Ye Jun calmly said:

"Before I haven't had time to elaborate on this person's tomb. Now I have this opportunity. I will talk about it in detail."

The eyes of several people looked at Ye Jun tightly.

The look varies.

Xiao Qiang is mostly curious.

Ban Xue was not particularly curious, because it was originally discovered by their Ban family.

She has mixed feelings about this tomb, and she is curious.

But it was more sorrow, this man's tomb has taken the lives of too many of her relatives.

If it weren't for Ye Jun's plan to hit the Emperor's Tomb this time.

Ban Xue would never touch this tomb in her life.

As for Chu Hongyu, she was always calm.

At this time, there was an inexplicable agitation on his face, and his expression was more urgent than the other two.

Of course, these are not the focus of Ye Jun's observation.

He just told what he knew.

Convenient to brainstorm and think of ways.

After all, this is not a simple matter.

"First of all, I declare that I don't know much about this man's tomb."

"This big tomb was discovered by Ban's family, a family of robbers. Ban's family only took a little property outside the tomb and became a large family."

Having said this, Xiao Qiang gave a little exclamation.

"Could it be the first family in the capital of Shu, the Ban family?"

"According to legend, they started their business by robbers, but no one is convinced."

You know, can be called the first family.

Both economy and power have to reach the apex to get this title.

But only relying on the outer property of a tomb.

Can let a family develop to this point.

Enough to imagine how amazing the property in this man’s tomb is.

Ye Jun nodded lightly, pointed to Ban Xue and said:

"Ban Xue is a member of the Ban family. As for their family matters, I won't say much."

When Ye Jun said this, both Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang's eyes widened.

This little girl is actually from the Ban family.

That class!

In the introduction just now, Ye Jun didn't mention the origin of Ban Xue.

It just said that she was the girl who worked under her own hands.

It is very important for this trip.

The two accepted Ban Xue out of Ye Jun's trust.

But as for this little girl, what's so good?

The two advanced martial arts elder sisters and brothers did not see the power of this weak girl at all?

This time I heard Ye Jun talk about her origins.

The two also had to serve.

Can someone out of such a family be not good?

Chu Hongyu frowned slightly, as if thinking of something, looked at Ban Xue's face, and asked with a slight tone of caution:

"But I remember that the Ban's family disappeared more than ten years ago. They said to the outside world that they moved abroad to develop."

"Why, the lady of the class, still doing things under your hands?"

Chu Hongyu is not blind.

Although Ban Xue's clothes were new, they were also brand-name goods.

But she could see that this little girl must have experienced a lot of suffering.

When I was holding her hand just now, the calluses on her hand were not something a family eldest should have.

Obviously it was formed by rough work.

What is the reason that the eldest Miss Ban Jia, who was once known as the first family, suffered these tortures?

When Ban Xue heard Chu Hongyu's question, she pursed her lips and showed deep pain on her face.

Chu Hongyu was slightly surprised when he saw Ban Xue's face.

Although she shows no words for men, but for a little girl, she is quite sympathetic.

Ye Jun heard Chu Hongyu's question.

After pondering for a while, he slowly said, "The Ban family is gone, and Ban Xue is the last blood of the Ban family."

"What? The Ban's house is gone?"

"How can it be!"

Xiao Qiang and Chu Hongyu made unbelievable voices.

You know, the family that can become the overlord of one side in the capital of Shu.

How could it be so gone!

It is basically impossible to overthrow such a big family, except for special factors.

You know, the people in the Ban family are not just tomb robbers.

Apart from robbers, they also have considerable influence in the business, military, and political circles.

Even if it's really gone!

It can't be so silent.

Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang only found out at this time.

This thing is full of weirdness!

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