"Brother, what do you mean? We have to find four families within a month to get the keys, and then enter the tomb of the Emperor?"

"Ye Jun, what are you kidding? I thought that tomb robbery would be enough. Why did you get out of the four big families. Are you writing a martial arts novel?"

The two of them started to complain.

This is too much trouble.

Good thing, four families came out.

A family that can get such an important key.

What kind of family can be annoying?

Ye Jun rubbed his brows again and said, "Okay, I will tell you slowly."

He also had a headache, and things were so troublesome.

The families that hold the keys to the Emperor's Tomb are actually somewhat related to the Ban family.

Among them, one family is considered a good family with Ban's family.

One is relatively neutral.

The remaining two situations are worse.

After the Ban family's power was dispersed, these families immediately divided up what the Ban family had left.

And the family that can be related to the Ban family.

There must be something in common.

These four aristocratic families all started from tomb robbers.

The tomb is being stolen until now.

But also do some other transactions.

These transactions can be regarded as Ye Jun's starting line.

Antiques, calligraphy and painting...

After all, what is stolen is money.

Self-produced and self-sold, the profits are naturally high.

Several families are in addition to this aspect of business.

It also gradually started to wash away from the gray area, and there are also people in the family who are engaged in politics and business.

In Yunnan's locality, it can also be regarded as a talkative family.

Wan Wan is not a family that Ye Jun can use his power to crush and let them relax.

"The Zhao family is located in the middle of Yunnan. Their head family and the old Patriarch of the Ban family have a fateful friendship."

"But it's not necessarily good for us. Relatively speaking, with Ban Xue, we still have a good grasp of the keys in their hands."

Ye Jun began to share information about these four families one by one.

Unexpectedly, when his words came out, Ban Xue narrowed her mouth and said:

"Uncle Ye, how sure are you? You let me go to Zhao's house first. Grandpa Zhao is very talkative, but he never even mentioned the key. He pretended to be confused when I mentioned it!"

Ye Jun smiled awkwardly when he heard this.

Before, I asked Ban Xue to go there, just to find out about the truth.

Why is this girl so sincere, does she have to say it now? ?

Ye Jun calmly said to her: "It's okay, I'll go with you when I turn around. Give you this bad breath."

When Ban Xue heard Ye Jun's promise, he nodded happily.


Okay, let's go on.

"This Sun family also started as a tomb robber, and has always been in contact with the Ban family, but they don't have deep friendship."

"But their network should not be underestimated. In Yunnan, they are a big family. Maybe we need to pay a certain price to get the key."

At this moment, Chu Hongyu looked at the Sun family information listed by Ye Jun on the screen of the conference room.

Said thoughtfully: "I still have an impression of this Sun family."

Ye Jun looked at her and motioned to her to continue.

Chu Hongyu didn't know when, she took out her big jasper pipe and took a deep breath.

After exhaling smoke rings gracefully, he said slowly:

"The Yunnan Sun family, the eldest son of the contemporary Patriarch, Sun Shang, is a lieutenant general of the command and operations department of the Yunnan Military Region. I had a relationship with him at the last military region conference."

"What kind of person is it?"

Ye Jun frowned slightly.

Lieutenant General, this is a remarkable rank.

In China, people with this rank are no more than a hundred people.

Every one of them should not be underestimated. I didn't expect such a character from such a family of tomb robbers.

When Chu Hongyu heard Ye Jun's question, he didn't answer immediately.

Instead, he took a few more puffs and frowned slightly.

I have rarely seen her look so solemn.

At half the rate, he sighed lightly and said, "It's difficult, maybe I'll make a shot at that time, you can go ahead and talk about it first."

Alas, it seems that the Sun family is still more difficult to deal with than he thought.

Forget it, let's take one step at a time, Ye Jun won't break the casserole and ask the end.

Then said:

"The rest is the Qian family and the Li family."

"The two are put together to talk about it because they both have a deep hatred with the Ban family. But there are small differences."

"The Qian family and the Ban family had a feud, simply because they had never eaten the black, and suffered a big loss, so they have always wanted to get back."

"After the Ban family fell, they didn't get into trouble."

Ye Jun added something specially.

In fact, any conflict between the Ban family and the Qian family has nothing to do with him.

The Qian family is the enemy of the Ban family, and may not be their friend.

But there is a class member in my team.

Seeing the little girl in Ban Xue gritted her teeth, she knew that she and the Qian family had a deep hatred.

By saying this, I totally took care of Ban Xue's emotions.

But now there is a natural daze, Xiao Qiang asked stupidly:

"But isn't the Ban family gone? Their hatred doesn't affect us, so we still have the opportunity to sit down and talk!"

After saying this, he saw Ban Xue's angry look, and then realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Remedied again and again: "No, no, sister Ban Xue, do they have enemies with you?"

Ye Jun and Chu Hongyu both looked at Xiao Qiang as if they were mentally retarded, how could they be so stupid!

Anyway, Ban Xue knew that she was now under the fence, and no one could tolerate her eldest lady's temper.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart and said slowly:

"In fact, there were still a few people in our Ban family who were not infected by the evil curse. They all died under the knife of the Qian family."

"Actually, this matter is over. I can survive and I don't want to worry about too much. But this Qian family is definitely not a family that can sit down and talk."

Ye Jun felt Ban Xue's emotions and knew that she was not talking angry.

So he asked seriously: "What do you say?"

Ban Xue said slowly: "I heard my grandfather talk about the Qian family, you all know that my grandpa is the head of the previous Ban family. To be honest, he is not a good person in moral terms."

Indeed, Ban Feng, the king of tomb robbers.

In order to compete for the title of the tomb robbers and the first family, many colleagues were killed.

Reputation has always been unpleasant.

But when Ban Xue said this, it was too filial.

But no one argued with her, everything she said was for the team.

Ban Xue continued: "And the Patriarch of the Qian family, even my grandfather doesn't look down on him, and he judges him to be a scum on the world!"

When Ye Jun heard this, they looked at each other!

Ban Xue made them understand with a few simple words.

What kind of world is the Qian family's family?

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