My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 357: Eight Treasure Dragon and Phoenix Hairpin

Ye Jun on the side heard the conversation of a few people around him.

Did not participate in the discussion.

It's just the few words that Chu Hongyu said about himself, and his eyelids twitched slightly.

I might really be at odds with this woman!

About this tip.

Ye Jun is also now selling now.

the first time!

Just like the poor one before, who would be willing to give out a few hundred rewards at once!

This time I came to this appraising meeting, I did my homework in advance.

It will not be rude in these subtleties.

You know, all the people present are people with good looks.

Just talk about the ticket to the exhibition.

One hundred thousand sheets!


The four of Ye Jun spent 400,000 yuan on admission alone.

This ticket is a bit more expensive.

But this Appreciation Club does not make money by relying on tickets.

They raised the ticket to this price.

Just to effectively filter out irrelevant people.

Those who are really rich and willing to participate in this appraising meeting.

One hundred thousand yuan is really insignificant in their eyes.

But I want to come in to fish in troubled waters.

This one hundred thousand yuan depends on whether they are willing to pay.

This is just a ticket for admission to the exhibition.

There are two ways to exhibit.

One is an official invitation.

The invited boss brought out the treasures to suppress the market.

There is also the purchase of a private booth.

The price is clearly marked, five hundred thousand one.

Plus a deposit of 200 million!

The high thresholds set up determine the high quality of this appraising meeting!

But one of them is particularly interesting to mention.

This time the official will not pre-check any exhibited treasures.

In other words, as long as you are officially invited.

Or private exhibitors.

As long as it is someone who has the right to exhibit, you can even put a fake on the booth!

The official will not care about you at all!

If you bought a fake here, the official will not be responsible for it!

Admit yourself to bad luck!

And if you go out to complain, you may be laughed at!

Buying fakes is the seller’s problem?

Please, can you still buy fakes if you have the foresight?

There is even gossip, in order to increase the difficulty and gold content of the King of Appreciation.

The official even added a batch of super-high imitation goods themselves.

Although it is a gossip.

But as the saying goes, it doesn't come from nowhere.

Anyway, it seemed to Ye Jun that this news was mostly true.

However, this is interesting. There are no fakes in such things as antiques and cultural relics, which is really boring.

The official will play it!

Ye Jun Shi Shiran led everyone through the security check and entered the scene.

Here as the exhibition hall is the super large exhibition hall of Genting Temple.

The entire space is about two thousand square meters.

The huge space is obviously adjusted.

Simple decoration, the whole hall is brilliant and bright.

Most of the positions in the hall are booths.

But it doesn't seem messy.

There are even partitions.

Jade, porcelain, calligraphy and painting, miscellaneous play...

In addition to these exhibition areas, there is also a big stage.

There are some tables and chairs on it, as well as famous brands!

It should be the waiting judges seat and the awards chair.

But there is no one above.

On the contrary, the exhibition area below is crowded with people.

It is estimated that the judges have all come down to watch the exhibition.

It's been a while since it started.

Ye Jun and the others came late.

Seeing this crowd, Xiao Qiang sighed.

‘Now these people really don’t have a bad money. They have made enough money for the tickets. ’

Ye Jun nodded beside him. He estimated that there were nearly a thousand people in this exhibition hall of several thousand square meters.

With one hundred thousand tickets, it really makes a great deal!

But Yishuang seems to be 2.08 million.

Keke, it's far away.

But anyhow the exhibition hall is big enough and it won't appear too crowded.

"Go, go, let's go see the jewelry first!"

Compared to Ye Jun, the two big men lamented that there were more people here.

Chu Hongyu showed an expression of excitement.

Women shopping, when are they afraid of overcrowding!

I just heard the introduction of this Appreciation Club. There are a lot of good things here!

As an after-all shopaholic who is rich and willing to spend money, of course Chu Hongyu will not let go of this opportunity.

The person holding Ban Xue rushed towards the jewelry area!

The two big men Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang looked at each other and shook their heads.

Keeping up again and again.

It's not that the two of them are afraid that this sister will be lost.

I was afraid that something short-sighted would provoke her.

She slaughtered people with her backhand.

She really can do such a thing!


"This is pretty! Dragon and Phoenix Eight Treasure Hairpin!"

"Boss, take it out and let me see!"

Chu Hongyu brought Ban Xue to a jewelry booth at this time.

A jewel was matched at a glance.

A hairpin.

But look at the appearance.

This hairpin is very beautiful.

The whole body is made of gold and silver mixed metals.

The hairpin is embellished with dragons and phoenixes, and the carvings are lifelike.

The golden dragon is very majestic, a pair of dragon eyes are piercing, not angry but majestic.

Yinfeng was also very frightened, very beautiful and generous, with many manners and compelling aura.

In addition to gold and silver, there are also some precious gems, which are very beautiful.

Before Chu Hongyu and the others came, there were many female-dominated audiences watching this booth!

And this exhibition cabinet also has a lot of background.

Actually, it was officially invited guests to send off the exhibition.

This is very easy to distinguish. All official invitations have a special sign that flashes blindly.

And the caretaker next to this showcase is a middle-aged man with an expressionless face.

He heard Chu Hongyu's call.

The eyelids moved slightly.

I was about to refuse, but I saw Chu Hongyu's fierce beauty.

I couldn't speak for a while!

Because in addition to beauty, this woman is full of the breath of a superior person.

What she said casually was not a request, but an order.

The middle-aged person can't say what he refuses, but he can't be the master either.

He is just a part-timer.

Behind this baby's exhibition is a great power!

Chu Hongyu said such a sentence, but didn't get a response after a while.

I could not help but frown slightly, and looked at the middle-aged man with ugly eyes and said:

"What's wrong? Isn't it possible to trade on the spot?"

"take it out!"

After saying this, Chu Hongyu's aura was slightly released, how did middle-aged people have seen such a person.

If it weren't for a good concentration, I would be shivering now.

How could a woman be so oppressive.

"Sorry, Madam. Our Dragon and Phoenix Eight Treasure Hairpin is only participating in this exhibition, and we have no plans to sell it."

"In order to protect the cultural relics, please visit through the exhibition cabinet."

In the end, the middle-aged man withstood the pressure and spoke neither humble nor humble.


Chu Hongyu clenched his fist and quickly released it.

There was a touch of disappointment in his eyes.

The expression looked a little lonely.

It's a pity that a domineering beauty just showed such an expression.

There were also some men around watching this scene, and couldn't help being deeply fascinated by the disappointment that Chu Hongyu showed inadvertently.

At this time, a clear male voice sounded.

"Uncle Wang, since this beauty wants to see it, just show it to her."

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