My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 359 You are not allowed to buy

Chu Hongyu looked at the dragon and phoenix eight treasure hairpin with glamour at this time.

There was a rare look of caution on his face.

Obviously a little bit of love.

It can be seen that she quite likes this object.

But after all, she was also a person who knew the rules, sighed slightly, and handed the hairpin back to Young Master Lin.

Only after regaining a serious look, the smile on his face became a little more real.

Don't get me wrong about any change in her attitude towards Young Master Lin.

In this way, there are more men dedicated to courting by her side, and she doesn't care at all.

But she really liked the hairpin just now.

After all, women, who doesn’t like jewelry?

She first whispered to Ban Xue next to her.

"Xiaoxue, do you think this hairpin is good-looking?"

Ban Xue followed Chu Hongyu to look at the hairpin just now. Although she was young, her family's inheritance gave her some insight.

What's more, her sister Hongyu was obviously interested in that hairpin.

Even if it's not good-looking, it must be said to be good-looking!

What's more, that hairpin is also a rare boutique, and she looks very good-looking too!

So he nodded lightly and said to Chu Hongyu:

"Sister Hongyu, that hairpin is very beautiful. If you pair it with the exquisite water-sleeved koi long dress you wore yesterday, it would be a perfect match! It will definitely make my Uncle Ye addicted to death!"

When Chu Hongyu heard Ban Xue's involvement with Ye Jun, she lightly nodded on the forehead of the little girl, Ban Xue, and said with a smile:

"You little girl, did I dress it for that stinky man?"

Ban Xue covered her forehead, smiling and begging for mercy:

"I was wrong, wrong, good sister, everything you wear looks good, this hairpin is a perfect match for you."

Chu Hongyu glared at Ban Xue and said, "Well, forgive you, I will buy this hairpin first."

"I'll buy you some jewellery later, look at you, you were born so well and dressed too plainly."

Chu Hongyu's words are true.

Chu Hongyu is now wearing a prosperous dress with wide sleeves and tassels.

A retro Hanfu, extremely beautiful.

Between walking and swaying, it was like a fire burning.

Prosperous and gorgeous.

In fact, this skirt is not simple, it is actually quite expensive.

Need top tailoring masters to sew by hand for more than half a year.

The process is cumbersome and the materials used are even more expensive.

Gold wire and gold wire are very common materials among them.

The rubies dotted above are worth hundreds of thousands.

The whole cost is down, and there is no five or six million that can't come!

And Chu Hongyu is more than just this dress. Before Ye Jun just saw her, he changed four or five.

Both are this kind of ancient style, pure handmade high-end customized products!

Even Ye Jun's financial resources had to sigh a rich woman about the luxury of this dressing.

But it’s true that people rely on clothes.

Although Ye Jun and Chu Hongyu made a charge, they had to admit.

She wears these beautiful clothes, it seems that her whole aura is full, and her bold beauty is infinitely magnified.

And what about Ban Xue?

In fact, following Ye Jun, Ye Jun did not treat her wrongly.

Gao Ding didn't get it for her.

But what Chanel, Dior, lv, these first-line luxury brands are all in season.

She is now wearing Dior's little lady's dress, plus Chanel's winter vest.

It looks pure and pretty, yet elegant and gorgeous.

Of course, the cost of this thing was in the eyes of Chu Hongyu.

It's almost the same as the rags on the sidewalk.

When Ban Xue heard Chu Hongyu's words, she immediately wanted to refuse.

After all, it is true that she and Chu Hongyu fell in love with each other, but there is no such thing as a bargain here.

She is not so comfortable with spending other people's money.

"Sister Hongyu, don't have to pay for me. Uncle Ye bought me a lot of clothes and jewelry."

When Chu Hongyu heard this, he sneered.

"What kind of taste does Ye Jun's bastard have? Look at you in this suit, like a student girl, I guess he's good at it."

"I'll tell you, Xiaoxue, you are all big girls, you have to learn how to dress up as a lady, and wait until my sister teaches you, so that you will be fascinated by Ye Jun."

Ban Xue panicked, patted Chu Hongyu on the shoulder, and groaned: "Sister, what are you talking about? Who is going to fascinate him!"

Chu Hongyu showed a smirk and said, "Okay, okay. I'll talk to you after I buy things."

After the two women whispered, Chu Hongyu looked at Young Master Lin who was standing in front of him and giggling.

I couldn't help feeling a touch of disgust in my heart.

Men are so stupid that they can't walk when they see beautiful women.

Compared with the pig head three in front of him, Ye Jun's sluggish face suddenly became much better.

What am I thinking about?

How did you think of that bastard!

Chu Hongyu waved his head and glanced back.

I found the person who was still talking about it just now.

Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang were whispering among the crowd at this time, not paying attention to them at all.

Smelly man!

"Miss, what are you looking at?"

Young Master Lin noticed Chu Hongyu's distraction, and asked carefully.

Only then did Chu Hongyu come over in a daze, and said angrily:

"Can you control it?"

Young Master Lin was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that this woman who had a good temper just now suddenly became angry.

Of course, beautiful women get angry, and as a gentleman, you can't compete for length.

Young Master Lin said with a good temper: "I took the liberty. I don't know what the young lady thinks of this hairpin?"

When Chu Hongyu heard Young Master Lin's words, he couldn't get angry anymore at this time.

Reach out your hand and don't hit the smiley person. Although this person is a little stupid with a smile, his temper is okay anyway.

Unlike the stinky man Ye Jun, he knew he was mad at nothing.

Chu Hongyu smiled and said, "You are a good dragon and phoenix. I will buy it."

When Young Master Lin heard that Chu Hongyu was about to buy it, his face showed a tangled look.

"What's wrong? Don't you guys make a move?"

Hearing that Chu Hongyu was a little unhappy, Young Master Lin waved his hand and said:

"No, no, miss, it's like this, the value of this hairpin is a bit high, I may not be able to call the shots."

"Oh? So. You can make a price, I still have some money."

Young Master Lin showed a tangled look on his face and looked at the middle-aged man from the beginning.

But the middle-aged man was on the sidelines and didn't say a word.

But his face is extremely ugly.

I wanted to say something, but swallowed back several times.

Young Master Lin was also entangled at this time.

This hairpin cannot be sold.

But the value of this hairpin is too high.

If it's tens of millions of things, you can directly give it away, maybe you can have something to do with this beauty.

But this hairpin, even their Lin Family, is a treasure-level existence.

You can sell it, but you can't sell it at a price, so his father must train him when he goes back.

But at a high price, it is one thing whether this beauty can buy it or not. In front of the beauty, I have to lose face.

Hesitate half the rate!

Young Master Lin finally gritted his teeth and gave an offer.

"If Miss sincerely wants it, one hundred million, you take it away!"

Chu Hongyu was delighted, the price was already lower than her psychological price!

Hurriedly said: "I want it!"

At the same time, a magnetic male voice rang.

"You can't want it!"

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