"Okay, open your eyes."

The mellow voice rang beside Ban Xue again.

Ban Xue opened her eyes cautiously this time.

A bright light came.

Compare that to the study where the memory that Ye Jun took her into just now repeats itself.

The light in this exhibition hall seems to be much dazzling.

She stared blankly at the fellows.

Ye Jun looked at her with a light smile.

Xiao Qiang was still talking to Ye Jun carelessly.

Chu Hongyu looked at Ban Xue's appearance, and rushed up in a huff.

He slapped Ye Jun's hand on Ban Xue's head, and said to Ye Jun:

"What are you doing? You are so big, taking advantage of our underage girls like Ban Xue, be careful I will catch you!"

Ye Jun couldn't dodge, and was slapped by Chu Hongyu.

Fortunately, this woman is still a little measured, but the place where she was photographed is still a bit sore.

Ye Jun rubbed his arm and looked at this Chu Hongyu casually.

Coldly said: "Unreasonable, bad thinking."

Turning his head to face Ban Xue with a light smile: "Well, let's go with your sister Hongyu, don't think too much about what was just now, it's good for you."

Ye Jun waved his hand, sent the two women away, and ran to grab Xiao Qiang as a coolie.

Here, Chu Hongyu looked at Ban Xue with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and said:

"Xiaoxue, what do you think? Can a girl's head be touched by a man? Or that kind of man."

Ban Xue knew that Chu Hongyu was thinking about herself, but she was instinctively unhappy when she heard what Ye Jun said.

He said lowly: "Sister Hongyu, don't say that about Uncle Ye, Uncle Ye is very good."

Chu Hongyu took a close look at the child. She saw Ban Xue's unhappy little emotions, and sighed silently and said:

"I said you guys were all filled with ecstasy soup by him."

My sister Yu Rui is one, and now there is another Ban Xue, all young girls who have just grown up.

Even his own younger brother, Xiao Qiang, who looks carefree, but actually has a thinner heart than anyone else, is heartbroken to Ye Jun!

What is so good about this person!

Bad man, smelly man!

Ban Xue looked at Chu Hongyu's tangled and confused expression, and couldn't help laughing.

Although she is young, she sees things well.

Although this red fish sister said that she hated Ye Jun, she would quarrel with Ye Jun from time to time.

But she could find that Chu Hongyu felt somewhat dependent on Ye Jun.

Maybe even Chu Hongyu himself hadn't noticed that he had been led by the nose by Ye Jun.

Although it is not serious now, the signs have begun to appear.

Her attitude towards Ye Jun was completely different. When she first met, she was just a salted fish to Ye Jun.

She would now seriously think about what Ye Jun said, thinking about the intention of each of his actions.

Chu Hongyu thought he wanted to understand the enemy's situation, but Ye Jun had already inadvertently walked into her heart.

And what about Ye Jun?

He said that he disliked the violent woman more than once.

He quarreled with her from time to time.

But from the essence of the matter of bickering, it is no longer ordinary.

If you really hate a person, you won't say a word to him.

But Ye Jun seemed to be happy every time he quarreled.

Ban Xue sighed slightly in her heart. Both of them are Tsundere's temperament, so she can only think about these words by herself.

If you tell them two, you will definitely be ridiculed by them.

That's it, let's take a step and take a step!

Ban Xue sorted out the relationship between Ye Jun and Chu Hongyu, and suddenly thought of an important thing.

Asked Chu Hongyu: "Sister Hongyu, how long has Uncle Ye talked to me just now?"

Chu Hongyu looked at Ban Xue a little surprised and said, "Why are you so forgetful at a young age? Just a few words, I think you touched your head, so I went up to shoot him!"


Ban Xue's eyes widened in surprise!

An unbelievable look!

"What's wrong?"

Her reaction shocked Chu Hongyu, and quickly analyzed the conversation just now.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Even the conversations between Ban Xue and Ye Jun just now add up to less than a minute!

Wait, Ye Jun seems to have abilities!

Chu Hongyu looked at Ban Xue hesitantly and asked, "Did Ye Jun use his ability to do something to you?"

Ban Xue looked up at Chu Hongyu and nodded blankly.

"Damn it, this kid will do it with his companion!"

The irritable Chu Hongyu wanted to rush up to question Ye Jun.

As a result, he was held back by Ban Xue.

"No, Sister Hongyu, I will tell you slowly."

Just now Ye Jun didn't mention that this matter should be kept secret, and Ye Jun was with this group of people, and he didn't deliberately hide his abilities.

Before the mind control of the two people drove down the cliff, Ye Jun also told them some principles.

Ban Xue thought it might as well tell Chu Hongyu.


After a while, Chu Hongyu exclaimed: "You said, you and him are in your memory, and he spent more than ten minutes in the study that he constructed based on your memory."

Ban Xue nodded and said with an unbelievable appearance: "Yes, Uncle Ye said that the old man's preferences will definitely be found in the study. He took me to study for a while in my memory illusions, and also taught me something. Observed knowledge..."

Chu Hongyu said in a daze, "This is not the point. You said that you have been in the memory for many minutes, but Ye Jun took you into the memory. It started when he touched your head. This process did not exceed three seconds!"

"The flow rate of this time...great, so amazing..."

Chu Hongyu couldn't find a suitable word to describe it at this time.

The last two women were relatively speechless, and Chu Hongyu asked:

"Then have you found an old man Zhao's preference?"

"Huh? That... what... I found it."


"I'll go, Brother Qiang. Fortunately, I used a little trick to discover the preferences of that old man Zhao, otherwise this time we would really be gone."

Ye Jun talked to Xiao Qiang with a smile on his face.

"Huh? Why are they going for nothing? Those old men don't like those antique calligraphy and paintings, we just have to buy them."

Ye Jun chuckled and shook his head and said:

"I thought the same at the beginning, but you can't hold back some people in this world, they have different tastes!"

"What do you say?"

Seeing the old god Ye Jun was there, Xiao Qiang was also intrigued.

With a mysterious smile on Ye Jun's face, he beckoned to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang leaned over, and Ye Jun also put his face in Xiao Qiang's ear.


Xiao Qiang was stunned after hearing what Ye Jun said.

He said in a daze, "How come that old man is so wild! Then we will go shopping for nothing this time?"

Ye Jun looked at Xiao Qiang in a daze, and resisted the itching of his hands that wanted to pat him on the head.

It squeezed hard on his shoulder.

"Brother, you said let's bring that thing to the door, will people let me in?"

"Will be beaten!"

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