Seeing Xiao Qiang's solemn expression.

This young man named Ma Tianbang showed a triumphant look on his face.

He said viciously: "Little thing, kneel here and knock us three times, and I will let you make a living."

"Otherwise, Laozi has to make you pay the price."

Xiao Qiang's expression tightened, his hands clenched his fists fiercely, wishing to blow the fool's brain with a punch.

But he was a bit foresight anyway.

Let's not talk about killing people on this occasion.

It is not the time to provoke the Ma family.

In this short month, their small team has too much work to do.

Chu Hongyu and Ban Xue who watched from the side also witnessed this scene.

There was a worried look on his face.

Ban Xue took Chu Hongyu's arm and asked carefully:

"Brother Xiao Qiang won't do anything with the Ma family, it will cause big trouble."

Chu Hongyu frowned slightly, her complexion was not pretty, her beautiful eyes stared at Xiao Qiang closely, and she replied:

"Don't worry, I'll stop him from doing it later. It's the Ma family, it's really a trouble."

Even with the status of Chu Hongyu, he did not dare to do anything to the Ma family and this Ma Gongzi.

You know, none of this Treasure Management Bureau is easy to provoke.

The Ma’s is one of the trickiest ones.

This Ma family is not a family that started out purely on antiques.

They have developed in all walks of life.

Especially for the Internet, their development cannot even catch up with the business-focused family like the Qi family.

The Internet, this thing.

How to say it?

With the changes of the times, this thing has long since changed from something that the unpopular few can afford to a popular thing.

Whether an industry can make money now depends on whether it can hook up with the Internet.

You see, the current traditional industries such as gambling on stone have hooked up with the Internet and started live broadcasting.

Not to mention people's daily activities, bringing goods, live broadcasts, all are new and profitable industries.

In the Internet industry, the Ma family is unique.

This is due to the fact that they are the first batch of crab-eating people in China.

Developed China's first social software kk to seize the opportunity.

Because in China, most people use kk.

With such a user base, they have developed a large number of related businesses.

In just over two decades, they have become giants in the Internet industry.

Although their origins are not very good, but the famous families in Kyoto will give them a little bit of face.

Patriarch of their generation even settled in the Association of Treasure Management Bureau as the chairman of the committee.

Such financial resources and status can be classified as a top family in China.

It was definitely not something Ye Jun and his party could provoke.

If it's about force, another army like this Ma Gongzi will not be enough for this group of people to kill.

But speaking of trouble, this young man is indeed more disgusting than the strength of an army.

You know, the Ma family is most famous for not the power and wealth they have reached the peak.

It's the means they made.

In order to achieve the goal, various private means have emerged one after another, breaking the bottom line, which is disgusting.

Doing it here today is a moment of joy.

Maybe in Yunnan's time, he will experience endless troubles.

How can this be good?

Chu Hongyu thought for a while but didn't think of a way.

The expression in his eyes floated on Ye Jun's body unconsciously.

At this moment, Ye Jun was holding the phone, sliding his fingers, his face was full of hostility and unhappiness.

I have rarely seen him such an expression!

Chu Hongyu was a little surprised. Could it be that Ye Jun, who had always been calm, was also agitated by this young man.

Do not see that Ye Jun looks lazy and sloppy, he is really cruel than anyone else.

Big head, don't I want to stop two people now!

Chu Hongyu, who has always been known for his violence, felt speechless at this time.

Unexpectedly, the day when she would prevent others from doing it, and at the same time she was calculating the win rate of Xiao Qiang and Ye Jun who were at the same time...

His face gradually relaxed.

Let's observe the situation first.


Here, Ye Jun put down the phone.

He has been playing on his mobile phone since just now.

After all, I've said everything to Xiao Qiang, he just buys it himself, anyway, he can't lose out if he's here.

After shopping for so long, Ye Jun was also a little tired.

Suddenly remembered today's day,

It just so happened that an American drama I chased was updated.

That drama is the best one I have watched recently. The plot is ups and downs, the acting skills of all the staff are online, and the service is not perfect.

It is a masterpiece destined to be a god.

Ye Jun not only has to chase, but also to review related analysis posts.

It can be said that it is a very fanatical fan.

Unfortunately, for some reasons, it can only be watched on some special platforms.

And just now, Ye Jun just logged into the app, took out the Bluetooth headset and prepared to follow the latest plot with joy.

Something that made him feel desperate happened.

Fuck, the app exploded!

The drama app that Ye Jun used for many years suddenly exploded!

Can't see it!

how so!

This app is just a niche video station.

What I shared is some foreign dramas.

Although it has always been in a gray area, it has been relevant for so many years.

What is going on now?

Ye Jun quickly went to the relevant forums.

The reason was quickly found!

The kk video of the Majia Internet Empire reported the illegal operation of this small video website.

Seized it!

What bullshit operates illegally.

Ye Jun's whole body is about to explode. There are at least five or six of his favorite dramas in this app, and there are even a few classic dramas.

It is their spiritual food.

Ma's kk video was so handed that all his granaries were blown up!

Ye Jun was very unhappy and wanted to kill the kk video with his own spray!

Ye Jun's expression condensed, and he looked at Ma Tianbang and Ma Gongzi in front of him.

Ma family?

It seems that it is also a family that has participated in the struggle with the Qi family and threatened its own family.

What a horse family!

Ma Gongzi's mental power is not high, and Ye Jun quickly got a glimpse of everything about him.

Coincidentally, the person who presided over the report to Ye Jun's Granary was the man who did it.

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Ye Jun's mouth.

Well, they all say retribution is unhappy.

Now let's forget the hatred and hatred together!

Ye Jun put it on Xiao Qiang's shoulder.

Xiao Qiang turned his head and took a look, almost not startled by Ye Jun's terrible gloomy expression on his face.

I didn't even care about having a fight with Ma Gongzi, and tried to persuade myself, his violent brother.

"Brother, don't be impulsive, this kid just has a smelly mouth, it won't be, it won't be. Let's take the long view!"

Ye Jun pulled Xiao Qiang behind him.

Said coldly: "I have a sense of measure."

At the same time, sharp eyes looked at Ma Gongzi.

"Kneel down!"

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