Here, Ye Jun and his party are sitting in the rest area of ​​the exhibition hall.

Chu Hongyu and Ban Xue were whispering.

Xiao Qiang interjected a few words aside from time to time.

But Ye Jun alone had been holding his mobile phone in a daze since just now.

Even when Xiao Qiang called him several times, he just raised his eyelids slightly.

No one knew what happened to him.

Although several people are chatting now, they are watching Ye Jun's actions all the time.

Ye Jun has been a little bit nervous since he cleaned up the Ma Gongzi.

Ban Xue looked at Ye Jun's thoughtful expression somewhat carefully, and asked Chu Hongyu:

"Uncle Ye, is he okay? It seems that the state is not quite right."

Chu Hongyu squashed his mouth disdainfully and said, "What can he do? Good people don't live long and have been left untouched for thousands of years. Such a bad ruffian may be planning something nasty, so don't worry about him blindly. NS."

Xiao Qiang looked at Ye Jun's state at this time, which was really weird, and lightly touched Ye Jun's arm.

He whispered: "Brother, brother, are you all right!"


Ye Jun suddenly pumped a violent spirit all over his body, as if suddenly returning to his senses.

Seeing a few people watching their gazes, a bright smile appeared on their faces.

"It's okay, what can I do? I just took care of a little trouble."

"Take care of the trouble? Haven't you been here just now?"

Ye Jun smiled and said, "It's already done, let's talk as we walk."


In the ward, Chairman Ma looked at his son incredulously.

Just now he still looked at his son with admiration.

Now with a terrible smile on his face, he looked at Chairman Ma with a sullen look.

In his hand, holding a triangular screwdriver, he slammed into Chairman Ma's heart.

"Why, Tianbang?"

Until his death, Chairman Ma couldn't believe that his son would do such a thing to himself.

"Chairman Ma, what's the matter? How does it feel to be killed by your own son?"

Ma Tianbang looked at Chairman Ma with unspeakable sarcasm with a smile on his face at this time.

Chairman Ma was shocked when he heard what his son said.

Ma Tianbang's body is still his body, but there seems to be another person in his shell.

He suddenly thought of some rumors in the Treasure Management Bureau, could it?

Chairman Ma took his last breath and asked in horror:

"You are not Tianbang! Who are you?"

Ma Tianbang showed a cruel mocking smile on his face and said:

"Who am I? Chairman Ma brought these masters to siege me, why don't you know who I am now?"

"Ye Jun? You are Ye Jun!"

Chairman Ma's eyes widened, and finally figured it out.

There were rumors in the Treasure Management Bureau before that Ye Jun had a very strange power.

At first, he was just listening and playing, and didn't take it to heart.

As soon as I saw it today, this power was really weird to the extreme.

It's like the kind of looting written in many TV dramas, and she looted her own son directly.

This is no longer what science can explain.

Ma Tianbang showed a faint smile and said, "Bingo, you guessed it. Unfortunately, there is no reward for you."

"But I have ended up with you now, and I will send your son to accompany you later, so that you won't be lonely on Huangquan Road. You will continue to be fathers and sons in your next life."

Ma Tianbang, or Ye Jun said these words, the screwdriver in his hand stabbed another bit inward, and then slowly pulled out.

Chairman Ma's eyes were round and staring, and he did not stare at him.

Ye Jun controlled Ma Tianbang's body and slowly pushed away Chairman Ma's body.

Shi Shiran stood up.

At this time, in addition to the four assassins brought by Chairman Ma, there were also a few bodyguards who were still here in the middle-aged man.

A group of people were far away from the hospital bed just now and saw Ma Tianbang killing his father.

There was no reaction at all, and now he saw Ma Tianbang holding a blood-stained screwdriver in his hand, and his face was covered with blood from Chairman Ma's heart.

Some blood stains even touched his lips. He stretched out his tongue and licked the blood from the corners of his lips, showing a brutal smile on his face.

Kicked off the body of Chairman Ma who was blocking his way.

Slowly walked towards the crowd.

Everyone at the scene was terrified by Ma Tianbang's devilish appearance.

Even though there is no shortage of murderous people here, I have never seen a person who looks like an evil spirit.

Looking at the scene, everyone panicked after losing the backbone of Chairman Ma.

It is absolutely impossible for them to kill Ma Tianbang. After all, Chairman Ma is dead, and Ma Jiake has not fallen yet.

How to do? Soon, the cold-blooded one of the four killers came out to preside over the overall situation.

"The young master should be crazy. Let's take down the young master first, and immediately rush back to the Ma's house to ask the family elder to take charge of this matter."

"Well, as of now, there is only this way!"

"let's go."

After some assassins, they gathered around Ma Tianbang.

Ma Tianbang didn't care at all about the people surrounding him.

Instead, he picked up the screwdriver. Just when others thought he was for defense, who knew that Ma Tianbang held this sharp screwdriver and slammed it into his chest.

"Ma Gongzi? How does it feel to kill his father and commit suicide again?"

Ma Tianbang muttered to himself suddenly.

The calm expression became extremely terrifying at this time, his eyes were red, full of fury and sadness.

"Asshole, asshole, I must kill you, you must kill you."

"Okay, don't talk harsh words here, you are about to die. You two father and son remember to have a good baby in your next life, don't do things that are inferior to these beasts, otherwise I will come to claim your fate."

"Damn it, Damn it! I didn't expect our Ma family to fall on you as a villain! You will definitely die."

"Hahaha, be more angry and resent me. I'm going to put your words here today. I will kill you people in your big families one by one, and no dog will let it go!"

At this time, the several murderers who had planned to besie Ma Tianbang were frightened to see Ma Tianbang talking to himself and arguing with himself.

This is just like being caught by an evil, it seems that there are two people in Ma Tianbang's body.

This really made them guess right.

There are two people in Ma Tianbang's body at this time.

From the very beginning, Ye Jun never lifted his mind control over Ma Tianbang.

Self-directed and acted a farce, which led Chairman Ma to come, and then used his acting skills to make Chairman Ma relax his vigilance, and the blow was fatal.

It's not that he didn't want to use mental means to end Chairman Ma, but that the unknown mental barrier of former Committee Lin had aroused Ye Jun's vigilance.

There is no risk of failure. It's better to do it yourself.

And all of this was witnessed by Ma Tianbang, who made the spiritual world suppressed by himself.

He killed his father with his own hands, and the killing intent and hatred in his heart reached its peak.

In addition, at this moment, Ye Jun deliberately relaxed his suppression and deliberate provocation.

At this time, Ma Gongzi is a very skilled engine.

【Spiritual Plague】

[Breaking point: Ma Gongzi's monstrous hatred and killing intent]

[The spread, the whole ward! 】

Leaving the last gift, Ye Jun glanced at the ward full of stumps and broken arms for the last time, fighting each other with the red-eyed people.

Satisfied to leave the scene.

Hidden merit and fame!

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