My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 380 Why are you messing with him?

Chu Hongyu glanced at Ye Jun coldly, and ejected the little shortbread in his hand, blasting it to several people standing in the middle hall.

Untie their dumb holes.

Several people found that their voices could come out.

The first time I wanted to call for help.

Unfortunately, Chu Hongyu did not give them this opportunity.

The tea cup in her hand was instantly broken into powder by her, and she threw it towards the four of them.

In a flash, the faces of all four of them were embedded with large and small pieces of porcelain.

The severe pain made them unable to make a loud voice at all.

"If you dare to disturb me drinking tea, before Ye Jun does it, I will knead you into mash by myself. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Chu Hongyu opened her lips personally and said casually.

Ban Xue on the side hurriedly handed her a new cup of tea to Sister Hongyu.

"Sister Hongyu, stop talking to these people, let's drink tea."

"Well, the earl grey tea here is pretty good. I will pack a little and take it away. There is nothing good on the way..."

"That refreshment is also good."

"Wait for Ye Jun to pack some for you..."

The two women just broke the topic.

Ye Jun sighed slightly as he looked at the bloody look on the four faces in front of him.

"It's too cruel. As expected, the Chu Hongyu people's settings remain unchanged, they are violent. Okay, you don't have to kill evil people by yourself."

Ye Jun finished eating the cookies in his hand, clapped his hands, sat upright, and looked at the four people in front of him.

"Okay, now is my question and answer session. Children who get the right answer will be rewarded, and the wrong answer will be punished!"

The four of them looked at Ye Jun, who was all smiles, and felt that this smile was simply the scariest smile in the world.

This is simply a living perversion!

But they dare not say this.

Only sincere and sincere in fear.

"I must know everything!"

"Surely there will be no concealment."

"Just to keep us alive."

The three old men were so frightened, they knelt down and begged for mercy.

But that female killer, Leng Yue was not like that.

The broken pieces of porcelain that Chu Hongyu had just shot cut most of her face.

Now her right cheek was dripping with blood, but it gave her a bit of beauty out of thin air.

A touch of bloody beauty matched her stubborn look.

It looks unique.

However, no one at the scene wanted to appreciate this style.

Ye Jun looked at this stubborn woman and smiled coldly:

"The three elders have expressed their views, how about you? Little beauty."

Ye Jun's cry of the little beauty was a bit playful.

Leng Yue thought Ye Jun was like any other man, she fell in love with herself, and suddenly felt a glimmer of hope.

He smiled flatteringly at Ye Jun and said, "Brother, what are you doing? We have no grievances in the past, and we have no grudges in the past. There is no benefit to you catching me."

"Why don't you let me go, let's talk about it."

When she said these words, Leng Yue patrolled Ye Jun's body like silky eyes, and even stayed under Ye Jun's body for a while.

The implications are self-evident.

"Sluts, shameless!"

Ban Xue watched Leng Yue's piety from the sidelines, and everyone made it clear to seduce Ye Jun.

It can be said to be shameless in such broad daylight.

Chu Hongyu's face was gloomy, and he didn't agree with Ban Xue's words.

Instead, he said coldly: "When Ye Jun finishes asking, kill him, so I don't have to stay here and get dirty eyes."

On the contrary, Ye Jun didn't hold the thoughts of the two of them, but said to Chu Hongyu: "Untie Leng Yue's acupuncture points all over the body. Since she wants to talk to me, then I will talk to her properly."

Chu Hongyu didn't expect that Ye Jun would come here, and she felt a little unhappy, and she didn't know where the unhappy came from.

Anyway, at this moment, the more she looked at Ye Jun's handsome face, the more upset she got.

With a cold snort, he slammed the teacup towards Leng Yue.


Leng Yue made a cry of ecstasy and pain.

Although Chu Hongyu solved the acupuncture points for her this time, she also made a dead hand, smashing one of her ribs alive.

But Leng Yue didn't seem to care at all, and was happy to regain control of the body.

At this time, she patrolled around with suitable weapons, wanting to hijack one of the people living on the scene.

Realize the Jedi counterattack.

As a professional female killer, her combat effectiveness is also ranked top in this room.

She stared at Ye Jun who had just told Chu Hongyu to relieve him, this man was the closest to her.

Judging from just now, you may be addicted to your own beauty, and you are most likely to succeed.

Moreover, judging from the physique of this man, he was not as strong as Xiao Qiang, and it could not be Chu Hongyu's martial arts genius from the longevity sect.

I have a considerable chance to succeed.

Thinking like this, Leng Yue twisted the water snake's waist and approached Ye Jun gracefully.

Ye Jun just looked at her with a faint smile.

But Xiao Qiang, Chu Hongyu, the masters, didn't even mean to come over.

Chu Hongyu was eating tea with a stinking face.

Xiao Qiang was drinking tea, looking at Ye Jun and Leng Yue with a good expression on his face.

Leng Yue felt a trace of pride in her heart.

He conquered many men by virtue of his beauty.

Although this Ye Jun had some abilities, he still had to bow under his pomegranate skirt.

Man, really the best animal to conquer in the world.

One step, two steps, getting closer and closer.

Lengyue watched Ye Jun's sexy apple squirming up and down while drinking tea.

Imagine waiting for a while, I can personally twist this handsome and handsome man, I can't tell the joy in my heart.

What a pity, such a handsome man.

Goodbye too!

At this time she was less than one meter away from Ye Jun.

It's now!


Killed in one blow!

Leng Yue held out his claws with one hand, and he was about to take Ye Jun's life.

Just when her hand was about to touch Ye Jun's neck.

She can't move!

It feels like being restrained in the first place.

She always thought that it was Chu Hongyu who attacked and fixed herself.

But seeing the man in front of me, the bright smiling face!

She knew she was wrong!

Completely wrong!

No wonder, without him, he didn't respond and let him approach.

The remaining few people didn't care about their approach either.

Not because of her beauty.

How could Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang fail to see that this Leng Yue was someone with kung fu.

They can put Lengyue close to Ye Jun.

There is only one reason, that is, Leng Yue's behavior is equivalent to self-destruction.

It would be fine if she did something with the rest of the room.

I just want to provoke such a evil star!

Ye Jun chuckled and put down the tea cup in his hand.

Holding the soft man who stretched out less than an inch in front of his neck, he gently rubbed it for a while to flatten her.

"Little beauty, didn't you say you want to have a good talk with me? What a pity!"

Speaking, Ye Jun slowly pinched Leng Yue's neck, and slowly lifted her up with force.

Leng Yue couldn't say a complete sentence at this time, it was all fragmented groans.

"Ooo, ooo, er er er, put ~ open!"

He clenched fists with both hands and beat Ye Jun's arm, but it was a pity that everything was to no avail.

Her jade legs swayed beautifully.

The body wriggled non-stop.

Unfortunately, as time passed, she spit out her pink tongue, and her clear saliva flowed down the corner of her mouth onto Ye Jun's palm.

Feeling that the temperature in his hands is gradually losing, Ye Jun threw Leng Yue aside like a rag.

Take out a paper towel and wipe the dirt in your hands.

Muttered to himself:

"What a disgusting thing."

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