See the people in the surveillance.

Ye Jun was lost for a while.

Because of this person, he knows!

It was the male and female girl who stole her clothes in Kunchi.

The two female college students who were walking with him at that time gave the little girl a portrait based on memory.

He even replayed the memories of two female college students and saw the face of the little girl in their memories.

The little girl I saw at the time.

Dressed in tatters.

There is even a conscience that is not obliterated in his eyes, and there is even a struggle when stealing.

I also guessed whether this child was coerced by some criminal group and went astray.

So later, he did not urge the police to handle the case at all.

He didn't even give that sketch to the police.

You know, there is no surveillance in that neighborhood.

That sketch is extremely important evidence.

But Ye Jun stayed.

He hoped to leave a little bit of life for the little girl.

Of course, she couldn't blame herself if she was caught.

I was just a sudden wave of heart, which eased the difficulty of the game for the little girl.


Today the little girl changed her face again.

Steal yourself again.

And this time the struggle and conscience in her eyes are completely gone.

Instead, his eyes were filled with indifference and alertness.

The movements on his hands are even more magical.

He stole Ye Jun's clothes after three hits and five divided by two.

This time Ye Jun had the idea of ​​letting her go.

She had already given her a chance, and since she didn't cherish it, she dared to trouble herself again.

He must also use thunder means.

And judging from the current situation, the last time the little girl stole her own clothes would not have been accidental.

She must have been staring at herself.

Even to be able to get into this rich gathering area, the background behind her is definitely not simple?

who can that be?

Which big families in Kyoto?

No, if they knew their tracks, they would definitely send a team to chase and kill them instead of engaging in this petty theft.

Moreover, when his first clothes were stolen.

That was the first day I came to Yunnan!

Who can keep an eye on himself on the first day he comes?

Several families belonging to the Treasure Management Bureau that are entrenched in the Kyoto area absolutely do not have this method.

The only thing left is Yunnan’s local forces...

After figuring out this level, Ye Jun had a faint guess in his heart.

But I didn't dare to be sure right away.

Now we only have to take a step and take a look.

"Mr. Ye? What do we do below? We followed the surveillance and found that this little girl disappeared in the blind spot of surveillance."

Chu Lulu reported the situation.

"Disappeared? Let me see."

Ye Jun was thinking about something just now, but he didn't watch the video carefully.

Chu Luluthuan ordered the surveillance and retrieval personnel to reproduce the fragment of the little girl's disappearance to Ye Jun.

The little girl was carrying a big bag. The head of a Doraemon was exposed outside the pocket. In fact, there was Ye Jun's clothes inside.

I saw the little girl in the video hugging her pockets with her hands like this.

Passers-by saw only a nice little girl holding a wrapped Doraemon, and would not be suspicious.

As the camera went on, the little girl came to a blind spot for surveillance.


However, there is a very important detail here.

"You play back the video a little bit."

Ye Jun coldly ordered the regulators.

The regulator immediately replayed the video for a period of time following Ye Jun's instructions.

"Well, that's it! Pause."

The picture freezes the moment before the little girl enters the blind spot.

She raised her head slightly, a little smile appeared on her face, as if she was watching something.

Also made a hook action.

If it is not a question of angle, it can be explained that the little girl is calling for a companion outside the blind spot.

It is a pity that her angle is aimed at the camera.

"Fuck, what does this girl mean? Is it provoking us?"

Xiao Qiang was furious when he saw that this girl even dared to move towards the camera.

This seems like a ten percent provocation.

But Ye Jun didn't respond to Xiao Qiang's words, with one hand around his chest, one hand on the arm of the other hand, and lightly pinching his chin.

After a while, Ye Jun actually showed a little smile on his face.

But he did not give any explanation for the behavior of the little girl in the video.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at Ban Xue.

"Xiaoxue, are you hungry? It's almost night, I remember you didn't eat anything at noon."


Ban Xue was also following the analysis of the little girl's actions, and was interrupted by Ye Jun unexpectedly.

Not to mention it's okay, but only after Ye Jun mentioned that he realized that his stomach seemed to be singing the empty city plan.

Uncle Ye actually remembered that he ate very little food at noon, and Ban Xue felt a little warm in her heart.

She said with a little shyness:

"I'm okay, I will accompany Uncle Ye to catch this thief first, and then let's go to dinner together."

"That's not true. You are how old you are, and you should have your meal on time and on time. Chu Hongyu, you can bring Ban Xue to dinner. I have already booked it. At the Vanity Palace, the private room with the largest sky in Yunding, you two This should be enough."

Ye Jun looked at Chu Red Fish, his eyes rolled, and then added a few more words:

"Chu Hongyu, if you don't have enough to eat, you can add more vegetables, and it will be fine for my account!"

When Chu Hongyu heard Ye Jun's gluttony, he almost quarreled with Ye Jun without holding back.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ban Xue quickly took Chu Hongyu away.

"Okay, Sister Hongyu, let's go to eat. Don't bother with Uncle Ye. We will order a few more expensive dishes and eat him!"

"Hmph, I will want him to look good when I look back!"

Chu Hongyu took Ban Xue's hand, and the sisters left the monitoring room with a nice appearance.

Only at the moment when he stepped out of the monitoring room, Chu Hongyu turned his head slightly and gave Ye Jun a solemn expression.

At this moment, Ye Jun didn't have the kind of smirk on Chu Hongyu's face just now, instead he nodded slightly at Chu Hongyu with a serious face.

Chu Hongyu turned his head faintly, and pulled Ban Xue away.


"Brother, why did you push Xiaoxue away."

Xiao Qiang was on the sidelines, and Ye Jun had just asked Ban Xue to eat first, and he deliberately quarreled with Chu Hongyu to distract Ban Xue.

Isn't the purpose to divert Ban Xue away?

However, what is the significance of this?

Not an outsider, Xiao Qiang asked directly.

Ye Jun smiled and said, "Hey, I didn't expect Brother Qiang to see it, I thought I acted like it?"

"As for your acting skills, Xue Na Nizi will react when she gets off work. Say it quickly."

Ye Jun smiled, did not respond to Xiao Qiang, but said to Chu Lulu:

"Delete this little girl's surveillance cleanly, and today's matter will be treated as if it had never happened!"

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