"Clang clang..."

"At this moment, x Beijing time is seven o'clock."

When Xiao Qiang heard the car at the Oriental Club.

It just so happened that the bell tower here made such a sound of telling the time.

Dongyang Hall, which is located in the center of Kundu.

In the city center.

This hall occupies an area of ​​nearly several thousand square meters.

Seen from outside the hall.

The construction here is not eye-catching.

The European-style retro building with less than seven floors has a gothic style, mysterious and elegant.

Compared with the high-rise buildings with dozens of floors nearby.

It's simply out of place.

But people are so maverick and rampant, they are placed here.

No one who knows this place dares to take a glance at it.

Because this Oriental Club is doing business for the rich.

Quite a few local dignitaries in Yunnan are regular visitors here.

It is said that it provides top-notch enjoyment and top-notch confidentiality.

It is a paradise for the rich to enjoy.

The background behind this club is therefore extremely profound.

It is said that this guild hall was built more than ten years ago.

Mysterious origin. Many know this hall, but they don't know anything about the owner behind him.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I didn't expect that the widow of their Li family can make such a large scale, it is really amazing."

Xiao Qiang looked at this hall and was surprised.

Xiao Qiang is also a figure in the category of dignitaries.

This club has also been here for entertainment.

I know a little about this place, but if it weren't for coming with Ye Jun today.

He would never think that behind this force, there would be a stick widow.

"Yes, who says that women are inferior to men? Let's go and see what these widows are looking for."

Ye Jun smiled faintly on his face, and did not express too much emotion.

While talking, the two of them headed towards the entrance of the Oriental Hall.


"Two gentlemen, are you making an appointment again?"

When they reached the door, a hot and sexy woman in a gothic dress stopped the two of them.

The attitude is not too good, but it is not rude.

A pair of smart big eyes patrolled Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang around, and they were full of vigilance.

This is an obvious sense of defense.

After all, this place is not a place to open the door to do business. Everyone will give you a smile.

As a guild hall of the membership system, the first reaction of the service staff is to be vigilant when seeing strange faces here.

If some strange characters are mixed in and the privacy of the guests is leaked, it will be extremely damaging to the reputation of the club.

Ye Jun didn't say much, and passed the note to her directly.

The waitress took the note suspiciously, and waited until it was clear.

His complexion changed dramatically in an instant.

With a charming smile on his face, he said to Ye Jun:

"The distinguished guests come to the door, there is a long way to go. The lady has been waiting for the husband for a long time, I immediately arranged for someone to take the husband to see the wife."

"Well, lead the way."

"Please wait a moment."

The hostess smiled apologetically at Ye Jun, took out a small walkie-talkie from her arms, and whispered something.

Soon, a small figure ran out of the hall.

"Sister, what can I do!"

Cold and tender voice.

"The distinguished guests waiting for Madam are here, Xiaolian, lead them to see Madam."

At this time, the woman named Xiao Lian put her gaze on Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang.

It's okay to see Xiao Qiang, but to see Ye Jun.

The little girl was agitated all over, and she looked a little timid.

Ye Jun's face showed a cold smile and said:

"Little girl, you can make me easy to find."

That's right, this girl is the little girl who stole Ye Jun's clothes twice.

Ye Jun has never suffered such a big loss on a single person.

This little girl really has some abilities.

At this time, the little girl obviously recognized Ye Jun, the bitter master.

Her first consciousness was to slip away, but she quickly reacted.

This is where they take revenge on Rose, so there is no need to fear this man.

But this man's aura is too strong, and that Zhang Junmei's face is full of low pressure at the moment.

It looks very captivating.

The little girl plucked up the courage to say hello to Ye Jun: "Well, Mr. Ye, the previous misunderstandings were all misunderstandings. I will return your things to you later."

"Fine, lead the way, little girl. I'll talk about you later."

Ye Jun was not in the mood to talk to this little girl either.

Anyway, if I came here today, my own things would definitely not be able to run.

There is no need to offend the widows of the Li family for a little girl.

Xiaolian heard that Ye Jun didn't care about him, and a smile of joy appeared on her face.

Repeatedly said: "Thank you Mr. Ye for his magnanimous disregard with me, please come with me, and I will take you to see your wife immediately."

Ye Jun saw the joy that appeared on this little girl's indefinable little face.

He smiled helplessly in his heart.

Sure enough, he was still a child.

At this time, this Xiaolian's panel also appeared in front of Ye Jun's eyes.

【Li Chulian】

【Age: 15】

【Height: 151cm】

【Underage fuzzy processing】

[Evaluation: Li's orphan, after the thief. 】

Sure enough, Ye Jun could see that the girl's heart and appearance did not match her appearance.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, it should have been a good day to study in school.

It's still the point of going to school. She can explain some problems without going to school.

Ye Jun really had some inexplicable thoughts one day.

What does she have to do with herself?

Maybe he is too conservative, and there is still an inexplicable worry for such young people who do not study at a young age.

Suddenly thought of his brother.

The college entrance examination has passed.

The younger brother's grades are also out.

More than six hundred and fifty points in the exam.

In the eyes of the average person, his grades are already quite academic.

But in their school, it can only be regarded as an average level.

If Ye Jun is not well-developed, maybe his younger brother will enter a top university in China.

It looks beautiful, but in fact, after a few years, he is still a wage earner.

It may be compared with the migrant workers on the construction site, that is, the salary is as high as that of the job, and the office environment is completely different from the social status.

But it is also impossible to get rid of the status of beating workers.

If you mix well, you may be a successful person among the average people with a deposit of several million in the middle to middle age.

This is the culmination that ordinary people with no adventures can reach.

And now?

I bought more than millions of sneakers in a house for my brother.

Now my younger brother is studying at Harvard, a world-class school.

Ye Jun dropped the money to let his brother in.

This is the charm of money. As long as you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

Ye Jun thought of these things inexplicably.

"Sir, here we are."

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