My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 396: Talking about Cooperation

See the torrent of information in Mrs. Audrey's spiritual world.

Ye Jun still chose to withdraw instinctively.

If he chooses to accept these torrents, Ye Jun can't even guarantee his safety.

This brain capacity is simply terrible.

Thousands of times that of ordinary people.

What is this concept?

Although Ye Jun has a mental ability, his brain capacity is only ten times that of ordinary people.

But this lady Audrey, her brain capacity, even Ye Jun can't compare.

If Ye Jun is a home computer.

Mrs. Audrey is a supercomputer.

The two are totally different from each other.

Fortunately, Mrs. Audrey did not have any spiritual know-how.

Otherwise, with her brain capacity, cultivating mental power is just like playing.

But she has no way to cultivate spiritual power.

The only person in the world who can use mental power is Ye Jun, who has a system.

His mental power is operated through the system.

In this world, there must be a stronger mental power than Ye Jun.

Such as Chu Hongyu, such as the gifted Mrs. Audrey in front of him.

But none of them did anything with mental energy.

Because they lack the medium to mobilize.

The moment that Ye Jun pulled out of the spiritual power from Madame Audrey's mental ocean.

Mrs. Audrey's eyes immediately locked him.

"Just now, did you want to control me mentally?"

"Can you feel it?"

Ye Jun asked with a slight frown, and did not deny Audrey's speculation.

Audrey obviously didn't care that Ye Jun wanted to control herself, and said calmly and confidently:

"It feels a little bit, but I don't really see it, but I know, you shouldn't be able to control me."

When Xiao Qiang heard this, he looked at Ye Jun in amazement!

People that Ye Jun can't control!

How can this be?

You know, I have experienced Ye Jun's fine control.

He knew Ye Jun's ability at the beginning, and he insisted on Ye Jun to control him.

Ye Jun reluctantly agreed.

It was just that Xiao Qiang's eyes were faintly looked at.

At the next moment, Xiao Qiang found that his body could not move at all.

I was like a bystander, watching Ye Jun run his body for a few laps.

The kind of consciousness that is clear, but the body is not obedient, hurry up, only after experiencing it can you know the horror.

Anyway, Xiao Qiang tried it once, so he never dared to experiment a second time.

He thought he was a strong person, and he couldn't resist Ye Jun's control.

And why is this Mrs. Audrey?

Is it tall?

This seems to be undeniable.

But Ye Jun did not refute Audrey's words, but looked at Audrey with interest.

"Yes, I can't control you, you are special. Can you tell me about your powers?"

Audrey had a lonely smile on her face when she heard Ye Jun's words.

She stood up, and the huge figure instantly blocked Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang.

2.4 meters. What kind of height is this?

Lively made Xiao Qiang's 1.9-meter tall and Ye Jun's 1.8-meter tall, making them look like two dwarfs.

Ye Jun swallowed, the first time this close-range oppression.

High, really high! That, big is really big!

After Audrey stood up, she didn't do anything.

Pushing the stool back, he changed to a comfortable position and sat down.

Otherwise, Ye Jun might not be able to bear this conversation.

"I don't have any supernatural powers. You have seen it. My body is not the same as a normal person."

"If you say something special, it might be that I have never forgotten it since I was a child. As long as it is something I have seen, I will never forget it."

"The knowledge and information I have stored for so many years may exceed a few national libraries. And it can be retrieved at any time."

"This, this, this is not a damn superpower!"

"If I had your ability, I would have taken the college entrance examination to Peking University!"

Xiao Qiang was furious when he heard this kind of Versailles speech!

Who are these people!

If this is not special, then do ordinary people live.

Mrs. Audrey chuckled lightly, and did not answer.

Although so many years have passed.

Her brain can indeed be called the first human brain in the world.

But if there is a if, she still wants to be an ordinary person in peace.

"Okay, I told you my secrets. It's a frank meeting. Let's talk about cooperation now."

"Wait, did you miss someone else."

Ye Jun frowned slightly, he could still understand Audrey's explanation just now, but he found it in Mrs. Audrey's words just now.

An important person was missed.

Ban Xue!

This should be the person they care about most, after all, the Li family was destroyed by the Ban family.

Why did Mrs. Audrey deliberately miss her?

Mrs. Audrey said with a deep smile on her face:

"Little brother, don't worry, our cooperation this time started from the person I missed."

"Ban Xue, the last descendant of the Ban family, is the body of Lunar, and the curse of tomb robbery and its negative effects can be discussed face to face."

"The Ban family once held the secrets of the Tomb of the Emperor, and the secret of you people is the Tomb of the Emperor!"

"Now, this is the cooperation I'm looking for you to talk about!"

"what do you want?"

Ye Jun also had no need to conceal at this time.

Asked bluntly, if this woman made any strange request.

I killed her on the spot, even if I couldn't control her mentally.

There are too many ways Ye Jun can kill her.

"The purpose of your coming here is not for the key to the tomb of the emperor in my hand."

"Yes, are you willing to hand it over?"

"I do!"


Ye Jun just tentatively asked, but didn't expect that Mrs. Audrey would respond in one bite.

"what do you want?"

"What I said, I want to cooperate with you. As for the conditions of cooperation, I can give you the keys to the Emperor's Tomb of our Li family. Are you interested in listening now?"

For the sake of things, Ye Jun had to listen even if he didn’t want to listen.

This condition is really tempting!

It's just cooperation proposed by Mrs. Audrey.

what is it?

"I want you to cooperate with me to destroy the Qian family!"

"What? Destroy the Qian family?"

Ye Jun couldn't understand this woman's thoughts!

"Isn't the Ban's that the Li family has enemies? Why do you want to find the Qian's fault?"

As I said before, the Qian family was the culprit who destroyed the Ban family.

The Ban family destroyed the Li family.

As the eldest daughter-in-law of the Li family, shouldn't Mrs. Audrey be grateful to the Qian family?

Ye Jun even thought that Mrs. Audrey had asked herself to hand over Ban Xue to her to deal with this kind of request for revenge.

But she didn't expect that she would pull the matter to Qian's head all at once.

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