My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 429 Ye Jun's Entrepreneurial Ideas

Hear what Ye Jun said!

Xiao Qiang wanted to roll his eyes.


In the catering industry, food is the most important thing for the people. No matter when you open a restaurant, it seems to be a good choice.

But Xiao Qiang now seriously suspects that Ye Jun just wants to open his own restaurant and eat himself!

Xiao Qiang asked suspiciously:

"Do you want to open a restaurant? It's a good idea, do you have any plans?"

Ye Jun had already started to skewer lamb skewers at this time.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, he said slowly:

"I just thought about it. If I want to do it, I must find a professional team to get a plan."

"But my idea is to be a chain restaurant."

Xiao Qiang couldn't help feeling a little bit of interest when he heard that Ye Jun seemed to be thinking about it seriously.

"Then what kind of dish is the main dish?"

A restaurant must have main dishes.

Yang Yang China has eight major cuisines.

In fact, the eight major cuisines are not enough to summarize China's food culture.

In various places, there are small cuisines that are completely different from the eight major cuisines.

Various special local ingredients can be made into supreme delicacy.

Therefore, no restaurant can do all cuisines.

After all, the store can only be opened in one place, and each place has different tastes.

Make a simple analogy.

For example, the hot pot in Shudu is spicy and fragrant.

This delicacy is actually opened in other places.

But once it spreads out of the country, the taste will be adjusted accordingly.

The original taste is completely lost, and it fits the tastes of the locals.

There was once a native of Shudu who had hot pot outside.

The bottom of the pot was sharply judged by him as sloppy.

It seemed terrible to him.

However, the local people eat for joy.

Moreover, Ye Jun's idea is to open a chain, which definitely has to consider the audience's acceptance range.

In fact, Cantonese cuisine is not bad, light and elegant, and exquisite.

Acceptability is easier for people to accept than many distinctive dishes.

Xiao Qiang also calculated it in his mind.

Ye Jun smiled and said: "I want to be a specialty restaurant that specializes in selling flavor snacks and special dishes from all over the country."

Xiao Qiang took a deep breath when hearing Ye Jun's words.

This idea is really bold!

No one is doing business like this, special snacks from all over the country, as well as special dishes.

Just looking for a chef is too lazy to find, you have to consider the tastes of the local people.

Not everyone is interested in specialty snacks from all over the country.

Some people just like the one in their hometown.

Xiao Qiang frowned slightly and said, "Brother, I think your idea is a bit wrong, do you have too much appetite?"

Ye Jun smiled and shook his head and said, "Brother Qiang, I think you are thinking about it."

"If you think about the current society, it's no longer a society where people can't get enough food. People are more willing to spend on eating, drinking, and having fun."

"The current traffic and the Internet have actually reduced the regional differences a lot. If you look at the Internet now, if a store is famous, many people will rush to eat from other places."

"With such a formal background, why don't I open a restaurant that brings together the world's delicacies. People can enjoy the world's delicacies at their doorstep without having to run around like this?"

Xiao Qiang originally thought it was unreliable, but now he has listened to Ye Jun's analysis.

I found that it really makes sense.

Nowadays, information is highly developed, and convenient tools such as airplanes and high-speed rail are popular.

The cultural barriers between regions gradually began to disappear.

For example, in the interior of Shudu, long ago, there was no shadow of seafood.

After a while, you may see some frozen seafood.

But now in supermarkets, you can even see live seafood!

Take one product, hairy crabs.

Shudu was originally non-productive, and many people in Shudu didn't know how to dismantle crabs.

But now, all hairy crabs are on the dinner table of ordinary people.

This is the progress of generations.

The pursuit of quality of life.

As long as some restaurants are famous, there are people who drive hundreds of miles to eat.

Even if such people are not common, think about the number of people in China. If the base number is large, there will be anyone.

If there is really a restaurant, it can bring together the world's food, but also maintain the original taste.

It will be a carnival of foodies!

Anyway, Xiao Qiang thinks about it for himself, if there is such a store, he would definitely patronize it.

But if you want to do this, you are not just talking about it.

The funds paid may be several times that of ordinary hotels, and even the profits are not more than ordinary hotels.

The start-up capital needs are large, the cost recovery is slow, and there is even a risk of loss.

These few problems are enough to persuade many people.

So Ye Jun is not the first person to discover this business opportunity.

He has only seen people mention it on the Internet.

But he may be the only one capable of doing this.

Because he is not a pure businessman, his entrepreneurship is just for a sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, this money is for him.

It's not really big money either.

"Good idea, brother, I support you!"

Xiao Qiang figured out the key points, and his face was full of smiles.

If Ye Jun is really built, he will be able to shine.

With a faint smile on Ye Jun's face, he raised his glass and touched Xiao Qiang.

"Hahaha, there are no shadows yet, so let's do it later. Come on, drink, drink.",

Indeed, it is just chatting now.

Right now, I don't have the thought to take care of these things.

The matter at the Tomb of the Emperor has not been resolved.

The keys of several big families are not available.

There is also the eye of the Treasure Management Bureau.

Everything is still a problem.

Even his own family members are still in danger brought by several big families.

Ye Jun didn't have the mind to do some of these things at this time.

"Hahaha, too. The most important thing is to solve the immediate matter first."

Xiao Qiang refreshed Ye Jun to clink glasses.

Take a swig tacitly.

Kundu in winter still has a slight chill.

But both of them are big and small, wearing two clothes.

He was drinking wine and eating hot dishes, but it was not cold, and even slightly warm.

Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang talked about each other.

What a pleasant chat.

Talk about the situation and talk about trivia.

Reminisce about the past.

Unconsciously, time has gradually passed by half an hour.

The beer has been refilled twice.

Two people have drunk four or five times the large glass of fresh beer.

Even if I don't drink the intoxicating wine anymore, I still feel a little drunk when I drink it like this.

"All right, Brother Qiang, we should go back now."

Xiao Qiang looked at Ye Jun dizzy, and nodded in confusion.

Ye Jun smiled helplessly. Who knew that Xiao Qiang, such a tall and rough man, actually had a worse drinker than himself?

But he is not much better, and people are a little dizzy.

Staring at the last Qingming, Ye Jun settled the bill.

Hook up with Xiao Qiang.

The shaking gradually disappeared into the night.

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