My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 465 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 465th chapter makes trouble

The injury number was cured by Sun Anming just now in full view.

Just a moment when Sun Anming turned his head to take care of his unscrupulous offspring.

Blood spurted wildly, his eyes widened.

Don't look down!

His brothers gathered around him, crying!

Sun Anming also turned his head and found this scene!

How can it be?

Sun Anming Gujing Wubo's eyes finally showed a wave of fluctuations!

"Old ancestor, ancestor, please save my brother!"

"Please, we kowtow to you!"

The brother of the deceased saw the dead Sun Anming staring here, as if he had caught the last straw.

Repeatedly kowtow to the death of Yang Anming, only to get his brother's life back.

Sun Anming didn't care about the call of these ants. ,

He has peerless medical skills, but he doesn't have a benevolence as a doctor.

Even if he had just been treating this person, it was just to promote his reputation and punish his children and grandchildren.

However, at this moment, Sun Anming is still checking this person's injury.

Sun Anming held a silver needle into the deceased's mind.

Check the situation inside.

Although the deceased has no breath now.

But the absence of breath is not a sign of death.

At least for people of his level, the dead he pulled up from the bottom of the coffin board didn't know Fanji.

There are too many quacks in the world, how can it be compared with his medical skills?

A silver needle pierced into his mind, and Sun Anming finally changed his face.

Originally he was quiet, with no turbulent expression on his face.

Become very dignified!

The brain of the deceased has become a mass of paste!

It was a terrible injury caused by a huge mental shock.

There is an expert nearby!

Sun Anming's heart shuddered.

At his level, he has already come into contact with the spiritual power, and even has a lot of attainments.

With this kind of character shooting, this person is already a dead person.

No matter how great Sun Anming's medical skills are, after all, he is still within the scope of humanity.

Only if a person has a breath, he can be rescued.

But coming back from the dead is beyond his reach.

"It's the expert who hurt my Sun family guard here. Please come out and see, don't hide your head and show your tail!"

Sun Anming had already left the corpse at this time. Lang Ran stood in the crowd, like a Zhilan Yushu, but he asked the surroundings in a cold tone.

"What? My brother was murdered?"

"Whoever is so bold, dare to harm our Sun family, I will destroy him!"

"Damn it, what a good guy to hide the head and miss the tail! If you have the ability to come out, look at your grandpa, I won't tear you up!"

When the Sun family heard what the ancestor said, they became angry!

They fully believed that what the ancestors said was true, instead of suspecting that this was an excuse that Sun Anming had died.

Ye Jun was still a phantom that looked like a little old man, and he lowered his head at this time.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the prestige of this old man in the Sun family is indeed high.

Ye Jun's hand was of course the person's death.

First, if he is the one who kills, even the Emperor Laozi will not be able to save him when he comes.

Secondly, he wanted to take this opportunity to try, just how capable this ancestor was, he was really amazing with his hand, and it was amazing to stimulate the human body's potential to recover from the injury.

What about the dead? Can Sun Anming come back to life?

Judging from the facts now, he can't.

Bringing back from the dead is a means belonging to the realm of Shinto.

Ye Jun secretly rejoiced that although the enemy he faced this time was strong, he was still an enemy within the humane range.

One more thing, I just want to test how the Sun family would react if the person ruled by the ancestor died.

Is it doubtful? Will continue to firmly believe in Sun Anming.

If it is the former, it is naturally a good thing, and it can strike a blow at the arrogance of this old monster.

Unfortunately, Ye Jun obviously still underestimated Sun Anming's influence on the Sun family.

Even though he has been cultivating for more than ten years, the Sun family has already changed its appearance.

But the Sun family was bleeding from the bones of Sun Anming.

The Sun family’s fear and respect for Sun Anming are innate.

There was a clamor from the crowd, and at this time someone had begun to look at Ye Jun's strange combination.

Speaking of this dead person, who had a conflict with?

It can only be these two weird people.

Although these two people have not said a word so far.

The tall man always looked at the audience with a playful look.

The wretched old man on the side has always lowered his head, seeming to be meditating.

The skinny orange cat they brought squatted on the ground, watching everything with cloudy eyes, and the skinny cat's face actually showed a somewhat optimistic human look.

It's unspeakable weird.

"Will it be them?"

Several Sun guards on the side looked at Ye Jun and his party warily and discussed.

"It's not like, my eldest brother just exploded to them just now, and they didn't even pay back."

"But, it's a coincidence at this time. The eldest brother just got sick after scolding these two people."

"Should we catch and ask?"

The Sun family was really domineering. Before they were sure that Ye Jun and Ye Jun had the motive and suspicion for committing the crime, it was just a coincidence that they were about to arrest someone.

"Two, my eldest brother was murdered today. Only you two outsiders are here, please come with us!"

A guard from the Sun family came straight to Xiao Qiang and the guards from the Sun family also began to surround them.

Sun Anming, the young man in white clothes on the side, just quietly looked at Xiao Qiang, and did not question the behavior of the Sun family guard.

"Hehe, it's funny. It's obvious that your eldest brother got sick and was cured by mediocrity, and now he is dependent on us. Is this the style of the grandson family? It really opened my eyes."

Xiao Qiang has always been at the king's level.

This sentence directly pointed out that Sun Anming was a quack doctor who had cured people to death.

And mocked the Sun family a lot.

There is no dirty word in the language, but every word is an endless humiliation to the Sun family.

"Presumptuous, the ancestors can tolerate your slander!"

"Bold, madman from where did you come from, originally just wanted to arrest you and go back for questioning. Since you dare to insult your ancestor today, you two will die today."

"Must die! Catch up and kill! The ancestors must not be humiliated, and the Sun family must not be humiliated!"

The guards of Sun Jiazhong were angry, and the leader of the guards was the first to move and rushed towards Xiao Qiang.

"Hehe, Laozi has seen someone who is desperate, and has never seen such an initiative to give someone a head."

Xiao Qiang was not only happy when he saw someone dared to do something with him.

Although this sprinting guard leader is extraordinary, in Xiao Qiang's view, it is almost like a waste.

The head of the guard rushed to Xiao Qiang and was about to sack Xiao Qiang with his hands.

But he found that Xiao Qiang, who was still in front of him just now, did not know when he had already come behind him.

"In the next life, remember to recognize your opponent before you make a move."

This was the last whisper that the guard leader heard.

Immediately, he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and he lost consciousness in an instant.

The guards who were still on the scene were dumbfounded. The guard leader was the best among them.

But against this seemingly naive man, he didn't even survive a move!

What kind of monster is this!

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