My biological black technology

Chapter 598 Investigation (please subscribe)

Turn on the system, the system is still the same color as before.

At this time, Cheng Xiang has unlocked the fourth level of the four-level civilization knowledge system within the system, which is the fourth level of civilization.

"I hope that the knowledge acquired can be enough. With the influx of knowledge like Caredi, I can gain enough experience points to truly unlock all the knowledge to complete the fourth-level civilization."

"By the time……"

Requesting knowledge is only part of China's overall battle, but it is the most important part of China's entire plan, Cheng Xiang believes.

Now, we are just waiting for the moment when those knowledge systems are truly brought.

Cheng Xiang suddenly felt a little impatient. He was anxious because of the tight time, but also excited about quickly activating the entire fourth-level civilization knowledge.

Activating all the knowledge of the entire fourth-level civilization means that China has reached the top of the fourth-level civilization. At least in terms of knowledge system, it is not inferior to Domiret, who has dominated the galaxy for countless years, or even surpasses it.

There are no dead ends in the activation of system knowledge.

Once the entire knowledge system is activated, the third phase of the Orion plan envisioned by Cheng Xiang will truly be included in the implementable stage.

And by that time, China would really have hope of victory.

The matter is of great importance, so when the data was handed over, Huaxia was also extremely careful. In order to ensure the security of the data, the person responsible for the handover did not bring the data information directly to the sun at the first time, but copied the data information first to fully After backing up, he took one of them and quickly headed to the Sun Base Camp.

Soon, this unprecedentedly large knowledge system came into Cheng Xiang's hands.

After opening the data directory, Cheng Xiang saw not only one civilization after another's interpretation of nature and the starry sky and the universe, but also huge sums of experience.

"Enough, enough!"

"Next, we must seize the time to digest all this."

The raw materials come, but only after they are truly read, understood and absorbed can they be transformed into experience. However, for Cheng Xiang today, this is what he is best at.

Thus, Cheng Xiang's battle began.

At the same time, the Chinese Combat Command Center is conducting the latest research and judgment on the content received at the meeting just now.

"The opponent is more difficult than we once thought." Wen Ziqiang took a sip of wolfberry tea to moisten his throat.

"It's very tricky." Zhao Ronghao retracted his attention, "However, this is also within the upper limit of our prediction."

"Yes, after all, it is a civilization whose history is unknown. It is normal to be able to achieve this level. It is strange if it cannot be achieved." Wen Ziqiang thought for a while and said with relief, "The defeat of the Human Alliance was not unjust. ah."

"It's a crushing attack on all fronts."

"The top priority is to find the traitor hiding among the top leaders of the Human Alliance. If this guy is not found, the harm will be even greater." Zhao Ronghao was deeply worried.

Wen Ziqiang shook his head after hearing this, "It's useless."

"Why? Director Wen thinks that the human high-level alliance cannot find this traitor? After betraying such important information, it should be difficult to continue to hide his whereabouts, especially in such a critical battle."

"This traitor doesn't have many choices. He needs to hide himself in the Human Alliance. However, Domiret will definitely drain his last value before being exposed. Therefore, I think his exposure will be inevitable. ." Zhao Ronghao continued.

However, Wen Ziqiang nodded and then shook his head.

"Director Wen, what are you doing?" Zhao Ronghao was a little unsure.

Wen Ziqiang continued to take a sip of wolfberry tea, "Your idea is correct, according to the current war situation."

"This traitor will definitely not be able to hide for too long."

"The longer the war continues, and as Domilet's advantage expands, the existence of this traitor will become less valuable to Domilet, so they will try their best to take advantage of it in the early stage."

"And the more you use it, the greater the chance of this traitor being exposed."

"Especially in the current situation, especially after Domiret counter-annihilated the main fleet of the Human Alliance and then raided the core coordinates of fourteen civilizations, it is only a matter of time before this traitor is exposed."

"However, what I mean is that even if the Human Alliance catches this traitor, apart from its symbolic significance, it will not be of any practical use."

"A high-level alliance that has had a traitor, especially a high-level human alliance that has caused such losses, has lost trust for the remaining top human civilizations."

"Who can guarantee that there will not be a second or even third traitor?"

"Domiret has been around for too long."

"Especially, the situation humanity is facing now is too bad."

"If Domiret had not accepted the surrender for the sake of an experiment at the end of civilization, I think there would be no need to continue fighting. The human alliance would have collapsed in the next moment."

"Moreover, maybe now, if Domiret is shameless enough, he might have already begun to recruit and surrender in a targeted manner."

"So what if the traitor is eliminated? As long as the situation does not improve, people's hearts will not be stable."

"So, in the current situation, when suspicion started from the first moment of the birth of this alliance, the alliance itself has already collapsed."

"I think this is also why the Kairedi civilization opened up the reference knowledge so generously this time. They urgently need to find a strong ally to tide over the most difficult moment." After Wen Ziqiang finished speaking, Zhao Ronghao completely understood. .

"At this time, I think not only Caredi, but the other surviving Level 4 civilizations should be looking for someone they can trust each other to hold together for warmth."

"Director Wen, you are indeed right."

"After this crisis of trust, the Human Alliance has, in essence, ceased to exist in name only."

The intelligence and knowledge brought by the Keredi civilization are important.

With the addition of new information, the already developed response plan model will inevitably require new calculations and planning for emergencies.

The entire combat command center was busy up and down.

The night passed, and in a blink of an eye it was dawn again.

"That's almost it. The revision of this version is completed. Let's continue the calculation." Wen Ziqiang ordered the staff.


"Rong Hao, how is the situation over there?" Wen Ziqiang asked.

"Everything is normal for now."

"According to the activated star range of our Orion project, the closer the star is to us, the faster the activation progress and the higher the degree of activation."

"We have passed the new detection standards through hyperspace broadcast communication. Once a jump signal exceeding the scale is detected, the corresponding hyperspace communication line will be activated immediately to communicate directly with the headquarters."

"It can be said that each star coordinate is one of our eyes."

"With today's star distribution range, as long as there are new changes in the enemy, we will definitely be able to receive feedback information." Zhao Ronghao said with certainty.

"In other words, everything is still normal right now?" Wen Ziqiang asked in conclusion.

"Yes, this is good news. It seems that the Caredi civilization is indeed what they say. The Caredi civilization has not disclosed a lot of our information."

"Our position in the Human Alliance is an information loophole. Therefore, in the eyes of the galactic civilization Domiret, we are also an information loophole at this time."

"The one that is coming towards us right now is still only configured for those who have just entered the fourth-level civilization."

"A good thing, this is indeed a great good thing." Wen Ziqiang kept clasping his palms together, "Continue to monitor closely and be careful not to miss any abnormalities."

"We can't be careless in the slightest."


China was busy, and at the same time, Commander Han, who was at the diplomatic embassy of the Kairedi Civilization in Neptune, further felt the shock of biological civilization.

Feeling the real ecological environment, Commander Han had to be shocked again.

The erupting volcano, burning lava, and methane filled with hot breath made them feel joy in their hips.

"Biological civilization is really born to exist for the development of intelligent life."

"No, it should be China's biological civilization that is on the right path."

"It is not that there are no biological civilizations in the high-level human alliance, but China is the only one that can develop to this level." Commander Han said.

"Yes, this is indeed incredible." The adjutant couldn't help but admired from the side.

Time passed slowly, and there was still some time before the next meeting.

Early in the morning, Commander Han went out with his adjutants. They came with a mission to inspect. On the one hand, meeting with Chinese officials was on the one hand. At the same time, in-depth internal investigation of China was also an important part of the assessment.

At this special moment, it is true that Caredi needs allies, but he also needs a strong and reliable ally.

"How is it going? How do Chinese diplomatic staff respond?" Commander Han asked.

"They replied that there is no problem. On Neptune, we can move freely. In all the places marked as green areas on the brain, if we need special guidance, we can contact you at any time." Adjutant Hui reported.

"Do we need it?" the adjutant asked.

Commander Han shook his head, "Let's go, it's enough to have this brain in hand."

"I played for a while yesterday. There is also a three-dimensional virtual guidance assistant in it. What's even more interesting is that our guide is the image of Caridi. I even pinched my face. Don't say you haven't tried it." Commander Han said .

"I've tried it, and it does work quite well."

"Then let's go."

"Let's take a closer look at how powerful China is."

A few steps later, Commander Han and the two walked to the critical area of ​​the Kairedi Embassy. As soon as they arrived at the border, the life support system was automatically loaded, and the dressing started from the soles of the feet.

After choosing the appearance, the two stepped out of the Caredi Embassy.

In front of the Caredi Embassy, ​​there is a huge open space. On the open space, there is a tall lava-colored platform. The height of the platform is just suitable for the Caredi people.

Commander Han had already seen such a platform when he came here, but he was still frightened to see such a platform again.

"Chinese civilization, the achievements of this space technology, to use their language to describe it, is almost perfect." Commander Han sighed in his heart.

"Yes, it is already very remarkable to be able to build a fixed high-speed space jump channel in the void."

"And on a planetary scale, the requirements for space technology to establish such a small space jump channel are even more stringent."

"But Huaxia has not only completed it, but has also put it into use on a large scale."

"Incredible." The adjutant was also full of emotion.

"Let's go, let's go to China Expo Park first."

"Look at the guidance of this smart terminal. This is the most spectacular scene worth visiting on Neptune." Commander Han confirmed.


The two walked into the target platform. The moment they entered the platform, a quick jump guide appeared on the smart terminal in their hands.

Commander Han selected the China Expo and pressed OK.

In an instant, the door slowly closed, almost without any feeling, and then opened again.

It seemed as if it had just been closed and opened again, but what appeared in front of me at this time was already the door of the Huaxia Museum.

The place where they came out was the VIP channel of the jumping station.

After coming out of the jumping station, the two of them merged into the crowd and gradually headed towards the gate of the China Expo.

As the escalator moved, the two of them saw the grand scene of Neptune today. Commander Rao Shihan had lived for a long time, but he was still full of wonder at the current scene, "I knew it, I knew it. ah."

"How about it, you're shocked, right?" Commander Han said.

"Yes, it's so spectacular. Since we set foot in the starry sky, we have seen countless alien races, but it is really the first time that so many alien races can gather together so harmoniously."

"This seemingly inconspicuous life support system in China is of great significance." The adjutant sighed deeply. When they came, they had already realized the importance of this thing, but now, at a glance, there are almost a thousand differences. Star civilization and humans are walking here, how spectacular it is.

China has broken a common boundary in the interstellar world, breaking the boundaries between the human races in the galaxy due to their different requirements for the living environment, and has brought all races closer together than ever before.

Containing their ease, the two of them arrived at the China Expo.

The gate is as tall as the sky, and the overall color is alternated between gray and dark red. Looking from a distance, you can be deeply shocked by the vastness and vastness. Only when you look closer can you find that this gate is extraordinary. Above the gate, Full of exquisite reliefs.

Many aliens stopped in front of the gate to watch, and Commander Han also stopped.

"This is not just a door, but also an inscription of Chinese history." After a long time, Commander Han sighed, "Let's go in."


Every civilization is an epic, and every fourth-level civilization is a great thing that cannot be written in words.

Commander Han has witnessed too much great interstellar history, so the shock the gate can give is limited. However, when they actually stepped through the gate, the two of them were shocked.

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