My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

10. Two questions for new students (seeking collections, flowers)

Of all the magical humanoid creatures, the Veela is not only famous for its unsightly beauty.

Mainly because of bad temper.

When veelas get out of control, their heads turn into bird heads with sharp beaks and a pair of scale-covered wings that sprout from their shoulders, dashing like a fireball at their annoyance.

The descendants of wizards and veelas, while inheriting the amazing beauty of veelas, must also inherit their bad characters that must be reported.

Even so, Dumbledore still had a lot of confidence in Dunn.

In its heyday, the Corleone family kept a lot of veela as playthings.

Dunn only needs to inherit even a little bit of style from his ancestors to complete this home visit successfully.

Dunn, who was flipping through the parchment, didn't think so.

Judging from the information in hand, this girl named Angelica Bashar is not simple.

As a baby, Angelica was abandoned on the streets of London, and after a period of time in an orphanage, she was adopted by the Bashar family, a French-born couple who moved to England.

Because they were born beautiful and beautiful since childhood, the Bashar couple had a very different attitude towards them.

Mrs. Bashar hates her adopted daughter and has repeatedly proposed to send her away.

Unfortunately, it was rejected by Mr. Bashar.

On the contrary, Mr. Bashar is very fond of Angelica, treating his adopted daughter even more than his own wife.

As a result, the couple quarreled several times.

If Angelica is just an ordinary person, according to this trend, the story behind will definitely develop into a bloody ethics drama.

The self-proclaimed romantic French man, it's hell if he can resist the charm of Veela.

Even if the other party is his adopted daughter.

Upon receiving the letter from the Hogwarts Owl, the Bashars showed a very different attitude.

Mrs Bashar wanted Angelica to go to Hogwarts immediately, preferably never to come back.

Mr Bashar tore up his Hogwarts acceptance letter on the spot, swearing it was a hoax.

Even if it were true, he would never pay Angelica to learn some damn magic.

Unfortunately, Mr. Bashar has the final say for the Bashar family.

Dunn knew exactly what was in the mind of this old man who treated his adopted daughter as a forbidden child.

Because of this, Dunn suspected Dumbledore was doing it on purpose.

The wicked need the wicked to grind.

There is no better way to deal with this kind of person than Dunn, who was born in the Corleone family.

Lifting his head, Dumbledore's eyes were dodged.

Before Dunn could speak, Dumbledore changed the subject.

"Veela is indeed a bit of a problem, but I guarantee that the other freshman will not be like that. The other party comes from a very normal family, the mother is a wizard, the father is a Muggle, and the curse on her body is a bit troublesome."

Dunn hadn't had time to look at another freshman's profile on the parchment, but he had good reason to be suspicious of Dumbledore's words.

Just a little trouble and things don't fall on him.

Dumbledore was forced to tell the truth.

"It's the Flower Fairy! An evil magical creature that should have been extinct hundreds of years ago!"

"They are the size of a human hand, have a very beautiful appearance and transparent wings like butterflies, and appear in the middle of blooming flowers, so they are often mistaken by Muggles as symbols of beauty."

"On the contrary, they take pleasure in inflicting curses on Muggles who ask for their blessings."

"Unfortunately, this new mother made the same mistake as a Muggle. She asked the Flower Fairy for a blessing, but what she didn't expect was a vicious curse, which was passed on to her daughter through her bloodline."

Dunn held the parchment and frowned.

"Is there a way to get rid of it?"

Dumbledore shook his head regretfully.

Like prophecy, curses belong to the arcane side of magic.

Incomprehensible but real.

Even the top wizards are helpless in the face of mysterious magic.

"At present, the only consensus in the magic world on curses is that curses exist on the basis of blood, and using blood as a medium, powerful curses can last for thousands of years or even longer."

"The most famous curse in the magic world is the werewolf and vampire you just mentioned. The two curses are collectively known as the curse of immortality. The price of the curse is that the werewolf will lose his mind, and the vampire must live on blood and cannot survive in the sun. ."

"The werewolf's situation is slightly better. After many generations of inheritance, the curse in the bloodline has weakened, so now the werewolf can control his transformation, while maintaining a certain sense of reason, but the ability is also weakened after transformation."

"Vampires are different. They lack the drive to reproduce and can sleep for centuries at a time, so the curse in the blood has not shown signs of weakening."

Dunn couldn't help thinking as he listened to Dumbledore "lecture."

With blood as a medium, how does it feel a bit like that magic.

"Professor, do you understand the blood oath?"

Dumbledore was stunned on the spot.

Dunn actually knew the blood oath!

This is impossible!

No third person was present when he and Greenwald signed the blood oath!

You must be thinking too much!

Squeezing the rambling thoughts out of his head, Dumbledore asked Dunn how he knew about the blood oath.

Dunn laughed.

"Professor, it seems that you still don't know enough about the Corleone family, or you know very little about the gangs in the Muggle world. For any gang, how to ensure the absolute loyalty of the members is a matter of life and death."

Dumbledore reacted immediately.

It turns out that the internal loyalty of the Corleone family relies on the blood oath.

No wonder the internal cohesion of this black magic pure blood family is so strong.

"Yes, I know that magic."

"In fact, the blood oath is a kind of magic created by wizards by imitating the principle of the curse. The difference is that the curse cannot be eliminated, but the blood oath can be broken."

"In the process of concluding the blood oath between the two wizards, the blood used for the oath was fused with each other and attached to the equipment prepared in advance. Generally, things like gems are easy to keep and become blood oath tokens."

"Once the token is destroyed, the blood oath will be automatically lifted."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, Dunn asked.

"What happens if you make a blood oath with a cursed wizard?"

Dumbledore was questioned again.

There has never been such a precedent in the wizarding world.

However, the results are not difficult to predict.

Conclude a blood oath with a cursed wizard, and the curse on the other party will also be passed on to the other party.

Anyone with a little bit of common sense in magic can think of this.

Dumbledore believed that Dunn must know.

So there's only one possibility for Dunn to ask.

"You want to destroy the curse on the other party by taking a blood oath?"


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