My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

24. The arrogance of pure blood family (seeking collection, flowers)

In fact, whether it's Angelica or Ella, having an owl doesn't do them much good.

After all, neither of them were going to have any further contact with their Muggle family.

Besides, Hogwarts also has public owls to use.

However, the two still chose an owl each.

Anyway, Dunn paid for it.

Ella chose a white snowy owl, which was the same species as the owl of Harry Potter later, and even had the same name.

Harry's name was Hedwig, and Ella named her owl Hathaway.

As if to oppose Ella, Angelica chose a black variegated gray owl and named it Eva.

Even the owner of the owl store said that the pure black grey forest owl is very rare.

At night, if you don't look carefully, you can only see a pair of eyes.

Dunn bought himself a barn owl, commonly known as the monkey-faced eagle, and named it Donald Duck.

The three owls cost a total of 100 Galleons.

Back at the Leaky Cauldron, Ella locks herself in her room and starts nibbling on a book.

The bored Angelica could only stay in the room, changing various shapes in front of the mirror, and getting familiar with the deformation ability.

Dunn receives a letter from an owl from his brother Voldemort.

It was learned from the letter that Tom, who applied to stay at the school during the vacation, was selected by Professor Horace-Slughorn, the dean of Slytherin, as an assistant to accompany him to visit five incoming Hogwarts freshmen.

From what he knew about Slughorn, Dunn didn't even have to read the contents of Tom's letter to guess that the five freshmen Slughorn visited must be from pure blood families.

There are a total of 28 ancient pure-blood families throughout the British Isles, known as the Holy 28 pure-blood families.

The name sounds very intimidating, but in fact, the 28 pure-blood families are just like the nobles in the Muggle world.

The most typical example is the Gunter family, the uncles of Dunn and Voldemort. Except for a few precious ancestral properties, everything else has been sold almost, and life is very poor.

The situation like the red-haired Weasley family is slightly better, but it has inevitably become a commoner, and it is no longer considered an aristocrat in the strict sense.

There are only 7 pure-blood families that still maintain the wealth and status that matches their nobility, and all of them are members of the Hogwarts school board.

The most famous of them are the Black family from Sirius Black and the Malfoy family who have been fighting against the Savior.

Coincidentally, among the five pure-blood families Tom visited with Slughorn this time, there were the Black family and the Malfoy family.

In the letter, Tom highlighted his views on the two pure-blood families.

The oldest and noblest, the Black family, is one of the largest, oldest, and wealthiest pure-blood wizarding families in the British Isles, and other pure-blood families are related to them near or far.

Phineas Nigellus Black, the former headmaster of Hogwarts who retired more than ten years ago, came from the Black family and was the first headmaster in history to graduate from Slytherin.

During his tenure as headmaster, Phineas was extremely ostracized by Muggle-born wizards, so he became the least popular Hogwarts headmaster.

At this time, the Black family was in its heyday and could be said to be synonymous with status and wealth.

Slughorn, with his long-sleeved communication skills, had a good relationship with Phineas when he was still the principal, and this visit was greeted with a grand reception by the Black family.

Former Principal Phineas personally came forward and hosted a high-profile reception dinner for Slughorn.

As an accompanying assistant, Tom also took a chance and saw the luxury of the upper-class wizarding society.

All of these Toms have only mentioned in the letter.

At the dinner, Tom, as the best student of Slytherin, got a rare opportunity to talk with Alphenis.

Tom did not forget his mission to avenge his parents and revive the Corleone family, taking this opportunity to try to lobby Alphenis.

Unexpectedly, Alphenis, who was still very kind to him, turned abruptly when he heard that Tom was from the Corleone family, and even bluntly pointed out that Tom was just the adopted son of the Corleone family, and there was no real flow in him. In the blood of the Corleone family.

The implication is that Tom is not qualified to negotiate with him on behalf of the Corleone family.

Fortunately, Slughorn had sharp eyes and came to save the scene in time to change the subject, which didn't make the scene too stiff.

The immediate consequence of this incident is that Tom's impression of the Black family has taken a turn for the worse.

Slughorn comforted Tom afterwards, explaining that the Black family took the purity of blood very seriously.

The Blacks consider themselves as noble as the royal family of the wizarding world, and hold Muggles, Squibs, pure-blood traitors and Muggle-borns with contempt.

As the motto on their family crest is "Always Pure"!

But in fact there is no real pure-blood wizarding family nowadays, pure-blood families like the Black family simply remove Muggles and Squibs from the family tree to ensure the "purity" of the family blood.

It's not surprising why Alphenis treats Tom like that.

After all, the Corleone family is unique among all pure-blood families in Europe. It not only controls Muggles in the form of gangsters, but even family members cannot help marrying Muggles.

Even if the descendants of the family are Muggles or Squibs, as long as they have the ability, they can be reused by the family.

Just like Dunn's uncle Vito Corleone, who went to North America, he is a Squib.

But before the Corleones were overthrown, he was even higher in the family than Dunn's wizarding father.

In the eyes of a pure-blood family like the Black family, which attaches great importance to the purity of their blood, this is simply a betrayal of the entire pure-blood family.

Dunn's father took refuge in London and sought help from the Holy 28 Family. Among them, the Black family had the most negative attitude. A very important reason was their disapproval of the Corleone family's approach.

Tom swore in the letter that he would make the Black family regret it.

Dunn didn't care about this. He was more concerned about the heirs of the Black family who entered Hogwarts in the same class as him this year.


Sirius - Black's father.

Because of the humiliation of Alphenis, Tom's letter did not mention the heir to the Black family.

But Tom mentioned another pure-blood heir.

Abraxas Malfoy!

(More than one person has confused Sirius-Black and Sirius-Black. Many fathers and sons abroad have the same name, and their sons are called little or something. These two people are father and son. Please see clearly, don’t say what the time line is wrong. !)*

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