My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

26. The slap in the face from platform nine and three-quarters (for collection)

Hagrid's enrollment was calculated based on the time he was expelled from Hogwarts.

In 1942, Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets was opened by Tom, followed by a basilisk attack in which a schoolgirl was killed, when Hagrid was in third grade.

But there is no evidence to indicate whether the attack took place in the first or second half of the school year in '42.

If it happened after September, in the second half of the school year, Hagrid's 40-year enrollment would be right.

But if it happened in the first half of the school year, when Hagrid was in third grade, he would have been enrolled in '39.

Now that Hagrid is at King's Cross, the answer is clear.

Despite being held at gunpoint by two soldiers, Dunn was not worried about Hagrid at all.

Hagrid, who has half the blood of a giant, may have an average level of magic, but his physical strength is beyond doubt.

How could a half-giant who can keep a 5X-level dangerous creature, the eight-eyed giant spider as a pet, be hurt by two human soldiers?

The only trouble is that the dispute on this side quickly drew more attention.

As a result, the Dunn and the others could not pass through the enchanted wall between Platform 9 and Platform 10 to reach Platform 9 and 3/4 without anyone noticing.

Just as Dunn was about to make his move and quietly cast the Oblivion Charm on the two soldiers, a small man in a bowler hat hurried over, stood in front of Hagrid, and negotiated with the two soldiers.

I don't know what he said. Anyway, the last two soldiers left with guns on their backs.

The giant Hagrid hugged the little man tightly, sobbing.

The little man was caught in Hagrid's arms, looking like he was about to breathe.

The three of Dunn passed by pushing a luggage cart, and the conversation between the two drifted into their ears.

"Okay, boy, do you remember the platform number?"

"Nine and three-quarters."

"When you arrive at Hogwarts, remember to ask the owl to send me a letter. I have contacted the professors in the school, and they will arrange a dormitory and bed for you. You don't have to worry about that."

"Dad, what if I don't get enough to eat at school?"

"Kid, I'll tell you a secret, this is when I was in school at Hogwarts and I was assigned to Hufflepuff to know it by accident. The kitchen at Hogwarts serves food 24 hours a day. You only need to go to the domestic children there. Say a word to the elves, and they will prepare food for you immediately."

"Dad, I don't want to leave you."

"Child, you can become stronger by going to Hogwarts to learn magic, remember what I told you? When you graduate, I will take you to find your mother."


"Of course, but only if your graduation grades aren't too bad!"

"Dad, I-"

"Okay, I know what you want to say, you can do your best. Although I don't know which academy you will be assigned to, it would be better if it was Hufflepuff."

"Why, Dad, didn't you always want me to be sorted into Gryffindor?"

"Of course Gryffindor is good, but Hufflepuff is also good, and most importantly, Hufflepuff's dormitory is the closest to the kitchen at Hogwarts."

After saying that, the little man patted Hagrid's chest. He wanted to pat Hagrid on the back, but unfortunately he couldn't reach it.

Breaking free from Hagrid's arms, the little man was about to tell Hagrid how to get to the three-quarters platform when the three Dunn, who were about to cross the magic wall, caught his attention.

"Rubeus, see those three little wizards? They should be Hogwarts students, watch what they do."

As he spoke, Dunn had taken Ella and Angelica through the magic wall and disappeared.

Giant Hagrid blinked hard, wondering how the Dunn trio had disappeared.

For his son's sluggish response, the little man could only shake his head.

I wanted to save some trouble, but now I can only explain to Hagrid how to get into platform nine and three quarters.

At this time, the three Dunn and three had arrived at platform nine and three-quarters, and a dark red steam locomotive with thick smoke on the front was parked by the platform. The sign on it said Hogwarts Express.

Unlike the tense atmosphere at King's Cross station outside, the tense situation in the Muggle world has not affected the wizarding world yet, or the underage wizards who are Hogwarts students have not yet felt it.

There were many people on the platform, many of whom were pushing carts like the Dunn trio with owl cages on them.

Of course they are older than the three Dunn looks.

After all, this year's Hogwarts enrollment is at an all-time low.

Dunn pushes the trolley quietly toward the last few cars of the train, drawing little attention.

On the contrary, it was Ella and Angelica who were following behind him. The appearance of two beautiful girls attracted the attention of many platforms and even senior boys who had already boarded the train.

This is still the result of Dunn letting Angelica change her appearance, and slightly restraining the fatal attraction from the Veela blood.

Halfway through, a handsome blond boy stopped Dunn.

This guy is very smart. He saw that Dunn was with Ella and Angelica. In order to strike up a conversation successfully, he decided to start with Dunn first.

When Dunn looked up, the blond boy froze.

A face that gathered all the handsome men in the British Isles and the Apennine Peninsula appeared in front of him, which made the blond boy who usually thought he looked rather handsome began to doubt his appearance for the first time in his life.

Looking at the blond boy who was defeated in a single meeting, Dunn showed a gentleman's smile.

"What's up?"

At this time, the blond boy no longer had the courage to strike up a conversation with Ella and Angelica, and he made another mistake when he desperately needed to retreat.

He pinned his hopes of resolving the embarrassment on the smiling Dunn in front of him.

"Are you this year's freshman? There are very few freshmen this year. I have only seen the three of you until now. The freshmen have a lot of luggage. Do you need my help?"

Dunn turned to look at Ella and Angelica.

Ella shook her head and declined the other party's proposal.

Angelica was not so polite, looking at the blond boy with her arms folded.

"No, someone will take our luggage."

When the blond boy saw Angelica's face, he couldn't move his eyes any longer, and stammered, "The three of you will definitely not be able to carry the luggage alone, or—"

Angelica replied unceremoniously:

"Don't you have eyes? There is only one person's luggage here!"

The blond boy was stunned on the spot.

There are clearly three people's boxes on the cart.

Angelica took Ella and replied domineeringly: "We are both Dunn's luggage, you can't even see it, you can really disappear!"*

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