My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

39. Professors who know nothing about the truth (seeking collection, flowers)

On the long table of the four colleges, students of different grades were excitedly discussing the scene that just happened.

On the faculty bench, Principal Armando-Dippet stood up, waved his wand and exploded a few loud fireworks, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Prefect," he said in a low voice, "immediately bring students from various colleges to the dormitory!"

The prefects stood up at once from the long tables of their respective colleges.

"Gryffindor come with me, take the stairs to the right!"

"Hufflepuff come forward!"

"Ravenclaw, meet at the second tower."

"Slytherin, exit through the side door."

Moody turned back and followed the Gryffindor student team to leave. Before leaving, he asked a senior next to him: "What about our dinner?"

"Probably they'll send the house-elves straight to the dorm." The senior shrugged. "Although we've always wanted to have dinner in the dorm, this time I bet no one wants to leave now."

"What will they do with Dunn?"

The seniors were stunned.

"You know that Dunn?"

Moody muttered to himself.

More than knowing each other, they also beat Sirius together!

The seniors realized that Moody might have met Dunn on the train.

In turn, he started asking Moody about Dunn.

He was intrigued by the freshman who drew the Gryffindor sword from the Sorting Hat.

Normally, Moody would have been bragging long ago, but right now he wasn't in the mood.

The principal asked the prefect to take all the students, but Dunn was left alone.

God knows what they'll do to Dunn.

The Slytherin student procession stayed until the end before leaving the auditorium.

Looking at Tom, who refused to move for a long time, "Prince Elf" Abraxas sighed and comforted: "You can't help Dunn by staying here, maybe you can go back and talk to Professor Slugnes. Chat, maybe he can help."

Tom took one last look at Dunn, who was standing in the center of the auditorium with his sword, and turned to follow Slytherin's students.

On the faculty side, Principal Armando-Dippet was exchanging opinions with the three deans about the sudden appearance of the Gryffindor sword, and the voice of Vice-Principal Dwayne Gorshak rang out.

"Headmaster, we forgot one more thing."

Armando-Dippet looked at his vice-principal suspiciously.

"What's up?"

"Dunn wasn't the last student to be sorted, there is one student who is currently not sorted."

With Dawn-Gorsak's reminder, Dippet noticed that in the center of the auditorium, besides Dunn, there was another student who hadn't left.

That Rubeus-Hagrid, half-giant blood, looks like a hill.

Hagrid, who was forgotten by everyone, was looking at everyone blankly at this time.

He didn't know why all of a sudden everyone was gone, and the dinner he had promised was gone.

Dippet looked at Hagrid with a headache.

Normally it would just be to have Hagrid put on the Sorting Hat, make sure he's going to the house, and call the prefect to take the man away.

But the problem right now is that everyone is still not sure what the sorting hat is.

The existence of the Gryffindor sword was earth-shattering enough, and if Hagrid put on the Sorting Hat anything happened, it would be troublesome.

Turning to look at the three deans, it is clear that they have the same concerns.

"I don't think this student needs to be assigned through the Sorting Hat. Dawn, how many freshmen are there in each of the four colleges?"

Dwayne Goshak immediately reacted to what the principal wanted to do.

"Not counting Dunn, a total of 30 freshmen completed the division, including 11 from Hufflepuff, 8 from Slytherin, 6 from Ravenclaw and 5 from Gryffindor."

Dumbledore spoke immediately.

"Since the Sorting Hat assigned Dunn to the Gryffindor, he is a member of the Gryffindor, no doubt about that."

Dippet interrupted Dumbledore loudly.

"Okay, Albus, we're not talking about Dunn, but this freshman named Hagrid. I remember he was one of the five freshmen you were in charge of home visits, right?"

Dumbledore immediately guessed what the Headmaster intended.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Albus, I know that in the history of Hogwarts there has never been a precedent for determining the house without the Sorting Hat, but you must also be aware that this half-giant child can stand here, it is already our Hogwarts admissions tradition. An exceptional result."

Dumbledore really couldn't refute that.

Dippet turned to look at the deans of the other three colleges.

"Which college is willing to accept this student?"

Slugence was the first to shake his head.

What Slytherin values ​​most is pure blood, and Hagrid is obviously not suitable.

The second refusal was Vice-Chancellor Dawn Gorshak.

Hagrid doesn't look very smart, not to mention that he has half giant blood in him.

The giant family has nothing to do with the word wisdom.

Theseus Scamander and Dumbledore were left, and they looked at each other.

Theseus wanted Hagrid to come to Hufflepuff, but the problem is that this year Hufflepuff has eleven freshmen, twice as many as Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

Add one more student and the other three colleges will likely have an opinion.

Dumbledore glanced at the bewildered Hagrid and said, "Hagrid doesn't lack courage, let him join Gryffindor."

The other three deans have no opinion on this.

Hagrid's whereabouts were thus settled.

Just as they were about to inform Gryffindor's prefect to lead them, Sam, the janitor of Hogwarts Castle, rushed into the Great Hall.

The lame Sam has a bad reputation at Hogwarts, and often wears his hair loose and takes pleasure in intimidating students.

Most of the professors didn't like to see this man.

But Sam was loyal to the headmaster Dippet, and as a janitor, that was enough.

"Three daring first-year freshmen, all the students went back to the dormitory, but they sneaked out and got caught by me, come out, three little bastards."

Moody, Ella, and Angelica enter the auditorium under Sam's supervision.

Three students were arrested, and the expressions of the four deans were very subtle.

Principal Dippet secretly scolded Sam for his lack of eyesight. It is not good to catch anyone, but he caught the two most favored girls in this freshman class. This is not to beat the vice principals Dawn Gosack and Theseus Ska in public. Mander's face?

As for Fatty Moody, Dippet glanced at Dumbledore.

"Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff deduct 10 points each, notify the prefect to bring them back immediately!"*

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