My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

62. Re-entering the Forbidden Forest (2 for subscription, flowers)

Watching Dunn take out two Silver Arrow 7s from the pockets where he had stretched without a trace, Dumbledore suddenly felt that he made the right decision not to confiscate the brooms after the attack on Sirius last flying lesson.

Dumbledore felt a little emotional when he took the broom.

He can't remember how many years he hasn't ridden a broom, twenty years or thirty years?

Looking at the exquisitely crafted Silver Arrow 7 in his hand, Dumbledore suddenly had the urge to collect it.

"Dunn, after returning from the Forbidden Forest, can you give me this broomstick as a souvenir?"

Dunn didn't expect such a sudden request from Dumbledore, and nodded naturally.

"Of course you can, one thousand gold Galleons, if you don't have enough money with you, professor, you can give it next time.

Dumbledore regretted it on the spot.

How can the Corleone family's gift be so easy to get?

Dunn didn't say anything else, before walking into the heavy rain, he cast an invulnerability spell on himself and his broom.

It's not like he's been drenched in soup back and forth. 26

Dumbledore did the same.

The two took off from the tower on broomsticks and flew over the wide high lawn between Hogwarts Castle and the Forbidden Forest under the cover of night and heavy rain. After entering the Forbidden Forest, they lowered their height and found a clearing to fall.

Dumbledore took out a ball of sage, and the centaurs would burn the sage, and by observing their smoke and flames, they would make predictions about the future.

Dumbledore also lit the sage, but not for divination, but used the smell of burning sage to attract Nagini.

This is a unique way of connecting Dumbledore and Nagini.

Snakes have a very sensitive sense of smell, but it was raining heavily today, which affected the smell of burning sage to a certain extent.

Dumbledore told Dunn to wait a moment, it might take a while for Nagini to come to him.

Just after saying this, I heard a rustling crawling sound from the bushes not far away.

Dumbledore shrugged at Dunn.

They were lucky today, and Nagini happened to be around here.

Soon a giant python emerged from the bushes. When he saw Dunn, he immediately raised the snake's head vigilantly.

Dumbledore stepped forward and stopped in front of Dunn.

"No no, Nagini, this is a friend! 35

The giant python was indifferent and endured a posture of being ready to attack at any time.

Then Dunn's voice came from behind Dumbledore.

"Professor, let me come."

A squeak came from Dunn's mouth.

The python Nagini shuddered and looked at Dunn with a pair of snake eyes. Even Dumbledore, who didn't understand Parseltongue, could feel the shock.

Dunn starts talking to Nagini in Parseltongue.

Nagini also reacted quite humanely.

Making sure that Dunn could communicate with Nagini without any problems, Dumbledore immediately asked Dunn to ask what had happened in the Forbidden Forest.

Dunn turned his head and looked at Dumbledore puzzled.

"Professor, why not just use Legilimency?"

"No no no Dunn, we can't do this, Nagini is a sober individual, and it would be a huge offense to directly take her Legilimency, after all, everyone has secrets they don't want to be known, trust you Same thing.

"Then why can Moody?"

"He was in a coma, and I did it with Professor Scamander's approval because we all wanted to find the attacker."

"So just knock her unconscious?"

Dumbledore was speechless for a moment.

Dunn further added: "Professor, if your high morals don't allow you to do this, I can do it for you, and of course I'll ask her for advice."35

"Dunn, I think you misunderstood me, since you can communicate with Nagini in Parseltongue, you can have her tell you what happened without having to use Legilimency, which is a kind of Acts of distrust of the other side.”

Dunn wanted to tell Dumbledore that what he wanted was truth, not trust.

But now Dumbledore strongly opposed it, and Dunn didn't insist any longer.

The big deal is to come back to Nagini tomorrow night to find out.

After speaking to Nagini through Parseltongue, Dunn has figured out the whole thing.

At least the superficial facts are clear.

Nagini said that a stranger had recently come to the Forbidden Forest, and the breath on him made her feel uneasy.

She has been trying to find the trace of the other party, but unfortunately it has not been successful, and then Sirius was attacked on a broomstick.

After the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic frequently entered the Forbidden Forest to search, Nagini could only temporarily stop his activities.

Because of the heavy rain tonight, Nagini thought that the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic were unlikely to enter the Forbidden Forest, so he prepared to go out and do some activities, but he did not expect to meet a sneaky guy on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Nagini attacked the opponent, and successfully restrained him with his body, and he was able to subdue this guy at a glance.

Unexpectedly, this guy shouted for help in a panic, and then attracted the hunting ground guard who was patrolling the edge of the forbidden forest.

In desperation, Nagini had to let the guy go and leave first.

While leaving, she met Moody.

Combined with Moody's memory, it's not hard to speculate about the whole thing.

After Nagini left, the gamekeeper arrived and fought the unidentified guy.

During the melee, Moody was accidentally injured.

Aurors from Division 863 arrive for reinforcements, and the unidentified assailants flee.

Dunn believed that Nagini was not lying, but the information provided by the other party was far from enough.

If Dunn can take Nagini's Legilimency, extract the other party's memory, and through the whitewashed omniscient insight, he can predict the general identity of the attacker, and even know where he fled.

Like Dunn, Dumbledore doesn't think things are that simple.

But now there is one more important thing waiting for him to do.

"Dunn, please help me ask Nagini if ​​she would like to come back to the castle with us, after all, the Forbidden Forest is no longer safe, whether it is the unidentified attacker, or the Auror of the Ministry of Magic, to Nagini Nepal is no small threat."

Dunn suspected that Dumbledore was not at all worried that Nagini would be in danger if he met those people, but that those people would be in danger if he met Nagini.

In Nagini, Dunn could feel a surging magic that far surpassed that of a grown-up wizard.

"Professor, even if Nagini agrees, how are you going to bring her back to the castle? Let her be wrapped around a broomstick?"

"Of course not, you know Newt Scamander, the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, used to be a student of mine, and he gave me the box that used to house Fantastic Beasts before he went on a trip, and now the box is empty , Nagini can stay very comfortable inside.

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