My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

65. Greenwald's Prophecy (5 for subscription, flowers)

For Dunn, the answer doesn't have to be searched, because it's right there.

Transfiguration that can change essence does exist.

The blood curse is.

Normal polymorphism involves the transformation of a f*ck Guth into an animal, which loses the ability to use magic, because only the structure is changed, not the essence.

And after Nagini turned into a serpent, he could still use magic like a wizard, which means that the structure has not changed, but the essence has changed.

Originally, Dunn planned to start preparing for Af*ck Gus after a while. If he could solve the irreversible drawbacks of the Blood Curse, becoming a Melodyggs like Nagini seemed to be a good choice.

In the first class, Dumbledore gave everyone a very simple Transfiguration exercise, turning a match into a needle.

Whether they were attracted by Dumbledore's unique teaching method or the charm of Transfiguration, the first-year freshmen showed great interest in Transfiguration practice.

The results are also very impressive.

Before the get out of class bell rang, everyone ~ completed the transformation.

When they left the classroom, everyone was still talking about Transfiguration-related topics with great interest.

The only person who has no interest in the subject of Transfiguration is Angie Lika.

With the whitewashed Saint Boggart bloodline, Angelica doesn't have to do anything, she just needs to wait for the magic power to grow with age, and when she becomes an adult, she can automatically have the ability to deform at will like Dumbledore.

Be it human or animal.

The most difficult part of Transfiguration is precisely the transformation of the object itself.

Dunn stood at the door of the classroom, waiting for Ella to ask Dumbledore a few questions about Transfiguration, and was about to leave together when Dumbledore stopped him.

"Dunn, can you come to my office?"

Ella and Angelica glanced at each other and left early sensible.

Dunn and Dumbledore were the only two left in the Transfiguration classroom.

"Professor, if you have something to say, just say it here."

Dumbledore took out the suitcase from last night with a solemn expression.

"I thought about it all night and thought it was the best option to give Nagini to you, even if you couldn't remove the blood curse on her, you would still speak Parseltongue, I could feel Nagini trapped in The loneliness in the snake's body, she needs a partner like you."5

Dunn asks without hesitation:

"What about that boy?"


Dumbledore corrected.

"That's his name, if he's alive."

Dunn noticed the flash of sadness in Dumbledore's eyes.

"Do you think this friend of Nagini's may be dead?""

"I am also not certain.

Dumbledore wasn't lying.

There was more truth to the matter, which he wasn't going to tell Dunn.

At least not now.

And the reason Dunn is curious about this is precisely because he knows the truth.

Credence-Bairburn is a mute.

When a wizard is forced to suppress his magic at a young age due to physical or psychological abuse, they experience extreme emotional distress, creating a dark parasitic magical power called Silence.

The real content of Greenwald's prophecy was that either he or Dumbledore would be silently defeated.

Unfortunately, Dumbledore's sister, Ariana - Dumbledore is a mute.

When Ariana was a child, she was seen by three Muggle boys when she unwittingly performed magic.

Ariana loses control of her magic when three boys terribly bully Ariana, giving birth to Silence.

Their father, Percival-Dumbledore, killed the Muggle boys in revenge and was imprisoned in Azkaban, where he died.

Because Silence is extremely terrifying and uncontrollable, any Silence found will be put to death.

Killing the host is the only way to eliminate Silence.

In order to hide Ariana's identity as a silent one, her mother took the three brothers and sisters away from the Fertile Plain and came to Godric Valley, claiming that Ariana was ill and could not go to school.

Unfortunately, in the year Dumbledore graduated, the silence in Ariana's body got out of control for the first time and killed her mother Candela - Dumbledore.

Dumbledore could only take care of Ariana from his mother.

Then just a few weeks later, Dumbledore met Greenwald.

...... ask for flowers ......

The relationship between the two developed rapidly, and even signed a blood oath not to hurt each other.

Although the Blood Oath Token was kept by Greenwald, Greenwald was still worried and used his talent to make a prediction about the fate of himself and Dumbledore.

Although Ariana's death was publicly stated to be Dumbledore's younger brother, Aberforth, who was still at Hogwarts at the time, went home to visit his sister, but found that Dumbledore, who was supposed to take care of his sister, only talked to Greenwald, but put his sister set aside.

An angry Aberforth quarreled with Dumbledore, and Greenwald was involved in it, which eventually developed into a three-man brawl.

Ariana was accidentally wounded and died in the melee.

Dumbledore became the worst person.

After losing his sister, his only younger brother turned against him, and he had to part ways with his beloved lover Greenwald.

But Dunn felt that this was just a story made up to cover up Ariana's identity as a silent person.

In Ariana's situation at the time, even if Dumbledore and Greenwald got along again, it was impossible for Dumbledore to neglect to take care of his sister.

Not to be exact.

After all, their mother died not long ago of a silent outburst inside Ariana.

The real reason for the outbreak of the conflict is most likely because of Greenwald's prophecy.

Greenwald learns of Ariana's identity as a mute, and decides to kill Ariana for the safety of himself and Dumbledore.

Of course Dumbledore wanted to stop.

And this incident happened to be bumped into by Aberforth, who was returning home.

The three fought fiercely, injuring the innocent Ariana in the melee, causing the silence in Ariana's body to break out completely.

In the end, Dumbledore is likely to be forced to join forces with Greenwald and kill his sister Ariana, which completely eliminates Silent.

Only then would Aberforth hate Dumbledore so much that the two brothers turned against each other.

However, after more than two decades, Greenwald found another silent person.

That man is Credence Baierburn.

Nagini's companion in the circus.

The boy in Dumbledore's mouth was inches.

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